[10:44] on 22.04 pi image, when you do an apt upgrade, certain upgrades, such as kernel upgrades, prompt a ncurse screen to select services to be restarted, or warn about kernel version that needs a human 'enter' to continue [10:44] any idea what's driving this and how to mitigate it being used [10:44] (even with apt upgrade -y) [10:45] I've tried to walk backwards to see what/how this is being trigged (I assumed some sort of systemd hook) but couldn't find it [10:46] eg: after a kernel update, there is a newer kenrel available popup informing you to reboot, with an 'ok' button [10:46] or if you update a core library like SSL ,you get a service list to restart of daemons using out of date libraries with check boxes of services and an ok/cancel menu [11:25] ikonia, that's "needrestart" which runs in "interactive" mode by default. You can change this in /etc/needrestart/needrestart.conf by changing the $nrconf{restart} setting to "l" (just list the things that need restarting) or "a" (automatically restart the things that need restarting) [11:26] (and, for the record, yes it annoys me too -- though mostly due to the fact it's dog slow, and has an obscure Perl-based configuration) [11:31] waveform: ahhh that's nice [11:31] I'd not noticed it before and couldn't work it backwards [11:31] (and yes, dog slow too) [11:32] thank you for shortcutting me though [11:32] no prob :) [11:32] I'll remove that from my build ;) [13:45] wow - purged needrestart packages, the upgrade process is actually quicker, I thought it did nothing but get called/check at the end of an update, so why is it quicker with it gone === bahama- is now known as bahamat