
guivercBashing-om, mini ubucon malaysia 2024.. did the "&" irk you?  it does me a little today (I see it in my original mousepad copy, so it was me)01:26
guiverc(is of no importance either way.. just stopped when I saw it just now)01:27
guivercsomething maybe amiss in the kubuqa (hub first) too.. extra spacing & "`" appears on this screen01:28
guivercmaybe change tense in other.comm.news   s/Jack will explore/Jack explores/  on 5 KDE Plasma article01:31
guivercI just added a space in meetings.events (right-click direct edit..) sorry, petty 01:33
Bashing-omguiverc: the "&" I thought a nice departture from the norm. --- on the kubuqa . // Seen that and looked - did not see an obvious reason ., maybe when I clean up tomorow will be taken care of.01:34
guivercI didn't note & yesterday read (but I mostly concentrate on comments & unfinished stuff) ... yeah I think I opened doc yesterday to look for flaw with ` but didn't see it either.. 01:35
guivercall I saw ^  , looks good01:37
Bashing-omguiverc: I will look at that false period further if clean up does not resolve.01:37
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Ubuntu 24.04 is Now Available for the Nintendo Switch (Unofficially, Obvs) @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/ubuntu-24-04-nintendo-switch01:37
Bashing-omguiverc: Fixing the ups tense.01:38
guivercme just edited.. found the issue with `01:38
guivercit would have disappeared when you cleaned up anyway  (sorry.. opened to edit to view & saw it.. expected I'd only cancel edit001:39
Bashing-omguiverc: Gooid mnan that you are :D01:42
Bashing-omopening 840 for the single edit.01:45
Bashing-omsaved and out.01:49
guivercthanks Bashing-om   (quick recheck)02:03
guiverc^ I did a quick recheck.. given my bracketed detail is vague02:04
Eickmeyerguiverc, Bashing-om: Not a fan of that Ubuntu Studio article that came across from Planet earlier. It's *extremely* outdated in its information (still shows we use Xfce).03:27
guiverchttps://hamradio.my/2024/05/unleash-your-musical-creativity-creating-songs-with-ubuntu-studio/ i take it... saw that earlier today..   not in current issue.03:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Keep Losing OneDrive File Access in Ubuntu 24.04? Here’s a Fix @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/fix-ubuntu-onedrive-account-error18:26
Bashing-omUWN: Shortly to pull WIP/Comments/WIKI  set the news tag. Then will proceed to start the publish.20:27
Bashing-omUWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next.21:16
Bashing-omUWN: Forums posting completed - next up is a Mastodon blog.21:34
Bashing-omUWN: Blogged Mastodon - Next is to make up 841's page.22:11
Bashing-omUWN: 841 set up.22:16
Bashing-om^ :D22:47
guiverctweeted, posted telegram (mewe) uwn 84022:48
guiverc& deleted more spam than usual posted to fridge (comments)... double the average maybe22:49
guivercposted uwn 840 to fb too (finally..)23:34
Bashing-om^ \o/ ... We now do 841 :D23:39

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