
Skiabluca: I see you re-enabled systemd-upstream testing and it's fine. Just to let you know that we managed to improve the throughput of amd64/i386 jobs, and our current focus really is on improving the reliability and performance of the infra, so we hope to deliver tests results faster.10:04
blucanice, thanks! yes I noticed the queues had drained and were all empty again, so re-enabled it10:05
blucain terms of queue management and performance, for our queue if the job management sees a request for a given UPSTREAM_PULL_REQUEST= it could just cancel all queued/running jobs with the same id, and it would be fine for us10:23
blucashould save you quite some resources, as once a PR is updated, the previous job results are not needed anymore10:23
Skiabluca: thanks, that's good to know, I'll put that information in our appropriate task10:26

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