
LocutusOfBorghello, can anybody add libsub-prototype-perl to i386? wanted by newer libsub-override-perl07:36
=== Guest2287 is now known as amikhalitsyn
amikhalitsynDear colleagues, I have a question regarding CRIU package in Noble. It was reported in upstream project that Ubuntu Noble lacks of CRIU package. After some investigation I found this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+source/criu/+builds It looks like precisely the same version of CRIU which was in Mantic (3.17.1-3), failed to built on Noble. I'm ready to make a patches and request to07:54
amikhalitsynsponsor them. But I'm curious if it's possible to fix this build failure in already released distro and get package in the archive?07:54
amikhalitsynupstream discussion link: https://github.com/checkpoint-restore/criu/issues/240407:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Issue 2404 in checkpoint-restore/criu "Removed from Ubuntu 24 apt" [Open]07:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2066148 in criu (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Noble lacks of CRIU package" [Undecided, New]07:58
arraybolt3amikhalitsyn: It is indeed doable. Probably #ubuntu-devel would be a more appropriate channel to discuss this in.08:15
arraybolt3Basically you'll need to prepare a patch for the bug, make it into a debdiff that complies with Ubuntu's and Debian's packaging policies, and then submit it for sponsorship. You can learn about how a lot of it works by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess08:16
arraybolt3(if the packaging part of things is hard, you might be able to get an Ubuntu dev with enough free time to take your code changes and package them for you.)08:17
amikhalitsynarraybolt3: thanks!09:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: fail2ban (noble-proposed/universe) [1.0.2-3 => 1.0.2-3ubuntu1.22.04.1] (no packageset)14:18
bdrung_ubuntu-archive, please build libsub-prototype-perl on i386 as well. It's a new dependency for libsub-override-perl and libsub-override-perl is needed by initramfs-tools.15:47
LocutusOfBorgsadly looks like no ubuntu-archive today?16:05
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
EickmeyerAnd no ubuntu-sru. I have SRUs waiting for processing past their 7-day waiting period and one that needs acceptance. Screams to the case as to why we need volunteers (Read: non-Canonical) on ubuntu-release, ubuntu-archive, and ubuntu-sru. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:10
arraybolt3ginggs: Please stop autopkgtest retrying beads (https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/b/beads/oracular/amd64). It requires all-proposed=1 to pass and every time you retry it, it causes it to fail again and hold up the qt6-base transition.17:48
arraybolt3I'm going to retry it again with the right flag, but it *needs* to not keep getting retried.17:49
ginggsarraybolt3: sounds like something misses breaks or versioned dependencies17:50
arraybolt3I don't think so, though I could be wrong.17:51
arraybolt3(beads uses qt5-base but is pulling in qt6 instead which uses qt6-5compat so that it works. That's pulling in the wrong version of qt6-5compat when -proposed isn't being used.17:51
arraybolt3so if it is a missing dependency, it's not in beads.17:52
arraybolt3er, I should say, beads Depends: on qt5-base, which is pulling in qt6 with qt6-5compat instead. Not quite sure how that magic works but it does.17:52
ginggsftr, i'm not retrying beads specifically17:53
arraybolt3I figured as much. Just if there's some way to exclude it from the things that are retried, that would be cool.17:54
arraybolt3also I'll see if I can figure out what component is working wrong so that the system isn't just pulling in the right version.17:54
ginggsarraybolt3: try triggering a test with all the triggers; beads, libodsstream, qt6-base17:57
arraybolt3it also needs qt6-5compat.17:58
arraybolt3that's the library that's tripping it up.17:58
arraybolt3(also I just did another all-proposed retry... I can try doing the test locally though I think.)17:58
arraybolt3ubuntu-sru: Vanguard around? Hoping for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/2055044 to move to -release.19:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2055044 in gimp (Ubuntu Oracular) "GIMP crash at closure on systems with GLib 2.80.0 (and 2.79.x)" [High, Fix Committed]19:22
ginggsarraybolt3: btw, what are you looking at, that makes you think my retries are causing beads to be considered a regression?19:45
jbichaubuntu-archive: please build libsub-prototype-perl on i386 , required after https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsub-override-perl/0.11-1 and debhelper indirectly depends on libsub-override-perl20:03
arraybolt3ginggs: The link I pasted earlier, https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/b/beads/oracular/amd64 You can see my all-proposed=1 tried pass, yours fail, and update-excuses shows beads as having regressed.20:27
ginggsarraybolt3: that page only shows the last result, it has nothing to do with migration20:28
arraybolt3well it doesn't change that update-excuses has shown beads as being in "Regression" for all arches and has for the last few days (possibly a week).20:29
ginggsarraybolt3:  you want to look here:20:29
arraybolt3Despite multiple all-proposed=1 retries on my end.20:29
arraybolt3yes that's what I'm looking at.20:29
arraybolt3(highlight mine)20:29
ginggsand here:20:30
ginggsif beads' autopkgtests were not regressed, my script would not have triggered them20:30
arraybolt3your script must be looking at the wrong info then, every retry I do passes. I figure your retries come to quickly on the tails of mine and so Britney sees your failed result rather than my passed result.20:31
ginggsarraybolt3: no20:31
arraybolt3well then how the heck are passed retries being considered regressions?!20:31
ginggsbeads passing will only be considered for qt6-base's migration if it includes qt6-base/6.6.2+dfsg-7 as one of the triggers20:32
arraybolt3well that explains a lot20:33
ginggsarraybolt3: so you need to trigger beads with beads, libodsstream, qt6-base and whatever else is needed to get it to pass20:35
arraybolt3kk, that makes sense. TIL that's how Britney works.20:37
arraybolt3ginggs: just retried with your triggers plus qt6-5compat, without all-proposed=1. Let's see if that does the trick.20:38
arraybolt3Thanks for filling me in on how that worked!20:41
ginggsde nada!20:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libexcel-valuereader-xlsx-perl [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [1.14-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgetopt-ex-hashed-perl [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [1.0601-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.005-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libgeohash-perl [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.04-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libstatistics-zscore-perl [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.00002-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: haskell-elm-bridge [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.8.3-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl [ppc64el] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.005-1] (no packageset)23:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: haskell-elm-bridge [ppc64el] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.8.3-1] (no packageset)23:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mkcal [ppc64el] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.7.26+dfsg-2] (no packageset)23:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mkcal [amd64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.7.26+dfsg-2] (no packageset)23:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mkcal [arm64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.7.26+dfsg-2] (no packageset)23:36
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl [arm64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.005-1] (no packageset)23:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: mkcal [armhf] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.7.26+dfsg-2] (no packageset)23:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl [armhf] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.005-1] (no packageset)23:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: haskell-elm-bridge [arm64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.8.3-1] (no packageset)23:44
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: haskell-elm-bridge [armhf] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.8.3-1] (no packageset)23:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libsyntax-infix-smartmatch-perl [riscv64] (oracular-proposed/none) [0.005-1] (no packageset)23:54

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