
=== swanson is now known as MaX_Power
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fakezalemBoa noite02:24
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linuxersup guys04:04
linuxiangood linuxer04:05
luna_3It used to be that if your caps lock was on for a failed password, ubuntuwould remind you. ... I FINALLY WOKE UP.06:00
luna_3OH oope, the System did that, not terminal. Never mind.06:01
aienaHi I noticed in the grub.cfg for ubuntu there is a command line parameter called "recovery" put after the kernel parameter is this a flag of grub or a flag of the kernel?06:25
=== ch0ps3y is now known as Guest9992
vbotkaHi! In 24.04 I found out that *udev* is no longer among the services. What's the idea? There is no single word about *udev* in the 24.04 release notes.07:23
loswedsededit's the second time I reinstall an old dos to run it with dosbox. I can only play with it as long as I dont exit dosbox. If I do and want to play again, dosbox returns error: sc2000.cfg file not found, please reinstall to correct the problem. Why does this happen?08:56
lotuspsychjevbotka: i see a udisks2 service here on 24.04 desktop09:34
vbotkalotuspsychje, yes, I see udisks2.service too. There is also systemd-udevd.service09:39
vbotkaBut, this is not the problem. The problem is missing /etc/init.d/udev09:40
vbotkaThe package *udevd* doesn't install /etc/init.d/udev ?!09:41
vbotkaIn 23.10 there is /etc/init.d/udev installed from the pacakge *udev*. You can test it by `dpkg -L udev | grep init.d`09:43
vbotkaErrata: In 24.04 The package *udev* doesn't install /etc/init.d/udev09:45
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
cbreakis init.d even used with systemd replacing the old init?09:55
loswedsededIM trying to install sc3000 for linux on my ubuntu 23.04. After executing sh setup.sh terminal returns: This installation doesn't support unknown on Linux / x86_64. What do I do now?10:24
loswedsededand what is this installation: the iso or my OS?10:24
cbreakno idea what sc3000 is, but 23.04 is way outdated, you should update to 23.10 if that's even still possible, and later 24.0410:40
=== floown_ is now known as floown_kde
vbotkacbreak, 23.10 `service udev` says `Usage: /etc/init.d/udev {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status}`11:12
vbotka24.04 `service udev` says `udev: unrecognized service`11:12
vbotkacbreak, to answer your question, yes init.d was used in 23.10, but not in 24.04. This was the reason of my question: What's the idea behind this?11:14
vbotkaAnd again, no single word about *udev* in 24.04 release notes.11:14
BrassPin88Guys, today my Ubuntu didn't start. It worked till the grub loader and clearing inodes part but the desktop and cursor didn't show. It was just cli that self cleared. I pressed ctrl+shift+esc and it booted to windows.11:22
tomreynBrassPin88: "clearing inodes" suggests that the system had not shut down properly, which can involve data loss (and/or, worst case only, can be a result of physically broken storage media).11:31
tomreynBrassPin88: when ubuntu did not boot to desktop properly, i'd just try booting it again normally. if this doesn't work, then i'd select, from grub menu, Advanced and then the topmost "(recovery)" kernel. this should bring up a text menu where you can do some maintenance tasks and also access a "root" shell. i'd start with "fsck" (again from there, because it is different than the one you got automatically before), then "mount all file systems"11:35
tomreynand start the "root" shell to examine it further. to access the root shell you'd need to press enter at the prompt given.11:35
tomreynvbotka: use command "systemctl", not "service", to examine systmed unit states.11:36
JanCand running scripts in /etc/init.d has long been deprecated...11:38
tomreynvbotka: did you carry out an unsupported upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04, such as using the -d option on do-release-upgrade or update-manager?11:38
tomreyni'd be surprised if udev was replaced, but it's possible that systemd-udevd now (24.04) manages it. i would not know, have not tried 24.04, yet.11:40
tomreyn(an unsupported release upgrade could result in core services such as udev bening removed by the dependency resolver)11:41
JanCsystemd-udevd.service & that file were in the same package in 22.04, it's no longer in there in 24.0411:45
JanCand I really doubt you were supposed to run that script yourself ever since systemd is in use   :)11:47
JanCI'm pretty sure it was ignored even11:47
vbotkatomreyn, 1) no upgrade from 23.10. This was new installation of 24.04. 2) I know i can use systemctl.11:52
vbotkatomreyn, still the same, I wonder what's the idea behind *udev* packaged not providing /etc/init.d/udev anymore?11:53
tomreynad 2: i think it's more of a 'should', maybe 'must', rather than 'can'11:53
JanCAFAIK it's only useful/used if you don't use systemd, and this hasn't been supported by Ubuntu for many years...?11:54
tomreynvbotka: as JanC mentioned /etc/init.d/ has been deprecated for some LTS releases, it was just maintained for backwards compatibility.11:54
vbotkaOK, just to rephrase, why "shuld" I or "must" use systemctl?11:55
JanCor maybe it was just there because Debian still has/had non-systemd support  :)11:55
tomreynsystemctl is the CLI for systemd service management. ubuntu uses systemd for service management for some years now. you need to adapt to major changes.11:56
tomreynhttps://linuxtldr.com/init-vs-systemd/ provides a good overview on systemd vs (system-v) init12:00
vbotkatomreyn, this doesn't make sense: "need to adapt ot major changes". There are still 50 services running in init.d. Why do I have to adapt to *udev*? Which service will I have to adapt next?12:00
JanCvbotka: no they are not "running", unless you are not using systemd12:01
tomreynyou need to get used to systmed managing the system-v init compatibility leftovers in /etc/init.d and not insist on using the "services" command or running scripts in /etc/init.d/ directly.12:01
JanCwhen you run the 'service' script on a systemd system it will just call systemctl really12:02
tomreynokay, so that may still work12:03
JanCat least on 22.04  :)12:03
JanCand e.g. 'udev' is not a running service on 22.04 either...12:03
vbotkatomreyn, JanC, OK thank you very much. Still, I'd expect a word about it in the release notes. This breaks back-ward compatibility of system management.12:05
tomreyni think you'd read that in the release notes of when systemd was introduced in, according to the article linked above, 201512:05
JanCI'm pretty sure there were release notes about systemd back when it was introduced...12:05
JanCIIRC systemd can run scripts in /etc/init.d/ but only does so when the metadata in the script does not refer to a systemd unit12:07
vbotkaJanC, there is /etc/init.d/udev in 23.10. It's missing in 24.04 without single word about *udev* in 24.04 release notes.12:07
vbotkaJanC, which release notes are talking about?12:07
DiagonHaswell+Nvidia: boot fail@ "Job gpu-manager.service/ start running...".12:07
DiagonWith nomodeset, boot freezes@:12:07
Diagonsnd_hda_intel 0000:00:03.0: HSW/BDW HD-audio HDMI/DP requires binding with gfx driver12:07
DiagonRemove 'gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode' & add nomodeset, it boots12:07
DiagonHow to use iGPU? Depending, I'll also want to try NVIDIA/nouveau12:07
JanCvbotka: replacing init scripts with systemd services would have been discussed in the release notes of the versions that introduced systemd12:09
tomreynvbotka: IMO it's not necessary to announce that the last remainders of some long ago announced migration are now also gone.12:10
JanCa "remainder" that was already no longer used since at least (and likely way before) 22.0412:11
JanCpossibly since 2015 or 201612:12
vbotkaJanC, tomreyn, Just to clarify. I expect the 24.04 release notes to tell me changes with respect to the previous release, 23.10 in this case. Is this true or not?12:12
tomreynDiagon: which ubuntu release is this? is it full yupdated?12:13
tomreynwhich kernel version?12:13
Diagon23.10.  Fully updated.12:13
JanCnot changes to every single file that hasn't been used for many years probably12:13
DiagonMint works out of the box on an identical machine.12:14
tomreynvbotka: i'm not an ubuntu delevoper, hardly an ubuntu user. i explained my perspective, but i don't think i can add more to this topic.12:15
tomreynDiagon: which nvidia driver version is this?12:15
tomreynseries, i mean, such as 5xx12:16
DiagonNo nvidia driver. Want to use iGPU, but would like to try nouveau with nvidia later (depending).12:16
vbotkaJanC, tomreyn: Well, I want to find out how reliable are the release notes.12:16
tomreynah sorry12:17
JanCvbotka: the only thing in that file that was still used is the line 'NAME="systemd-udevd"' telling systemd that it should use 'systemd-udevd.service' instead12:17
DiagonBIOS doesn't give a way to turn off dGPU.12:17
vbotkaJanC, I'm very specific about missing /etc/init.d/udev from the *udev* package.12:18
tomreynDiagon: nor to prefer initialization of igpu vs dgpu?12:18
tomreynas in "primary"12:18
DiagonOnly need to use the dock, no gaming.  So igpu might be enough.  If not, if need more screens to work, then would want to try dgpu.12:19
tomreynDiagon: i'm asking: does your bios provide an option to prefer initialization of igpu vs dgpu, or to set one of these to be the primary?12:20
DiagonRather not use proprietary drivers.12:20
DiagonO.I.C.  No, no option.12:20
DiagonThinkpad W54112:20
tomreyndo you have a dummy display configured? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1439458/updated-to-22-04-lts-%E2%86%92-boot-now-stuck-on-hdmi-dp-requires-binding-with-gf12:23
DiagonNo dummy display.  I've been at that link.  This is basically pure vanilla 23.10.12:24
tomreyndoes xorg work rather than wayland?12:24
DiagonI've tried: "intel_iommu=on,igfx_off"12:24
DiagonI've also tried: snd_intel_dspcfg.dsp_driver=112:25
tomreyni think you should file a bug report12:25
JanCvbotka: the 'udev' package contains systemd-udevd, and that specific file hasn't been used in Ubuntu for many years (except it was slowing down boot a little, as systemd has to read it to know it should ignored it)12:25
vbotkaJanC, you said: "no longer used since at least (and likely way before) 22.04". This is not true. Take a look at the file list of *udev* in 22.0412:25
DiagonWhen I boot and log in (which I do with gfxmode off and modeset) there's no choice regarding DE.12:25
JanCfiles can exist but not be used...12:26
DiagonO.I.C... bug report.  First, how can I try X given no choice at login?12:26
vbotka24.04 is the first release of *udev* without /etc/init.d/udev12:27
tomreynDiagon: makes sense, the issue actually occurs before the graphics server initializes, so this won't be an xorg / wayland issue12:27
tomreyn!bug | Diagon12:28
ubottuDiagon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:28
DiagonYou think there's any hope of do-dist-upgrade getting me closer?  Or should I fix this first?12:28
vbotkaStill, the same, the change happened between 23.10 and 24.04 without notice in the release notes.12:29
spinningCatubuntu cannot recieve my headphone when i plugged in12:29
spinningCatit is fucking stupid12:29
JanCvbotka: there are millions of changes between releases, they only list the relevant ones12:29
tomreynDiagon: once release upgrades from 23.10 to 24.04 are enabled, there's a good chance that doing that may help (newer kernel version, higher developer attention to bugs on LTS releases)12:29
tomreynDiagon: but i think release upgrades aren't supported, yet12:30
spinningCati start hating ubuntu12:30
tomreynspinningCat: your feelings are fine, please mind the language here, though.12:30
DiagonI think there's a way to force it, even before-hand; but maybe that's a bad idea.12:30
DiagonBug report it is.  Thanks for the input.12:31
vbotkaJanC, do you decide what's relevant, or is it Ubuntu standpoint?12:31
DiagonHere, by the way is my stackexchange question: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1514550/graphics-sound-problems-nomodeset-the-snd-hda-intel-driver12:31
Diagontomreyn ^^^12:31
tomreynDiagon: unsupported release upgrades are usually a bad idea, and especially so in this case, from what i've seen so far.12:31
tomreynDiagon: thanks, seen that12:31
tomreynDiagon: i have a hope that seeing the full kernel log that'll be in your bug report may suggest additional approaches to fixing this. i assume you also considered a bios upgrade?12:33
DiagonI did.  I've got the newest BIOS.12:33
DiagonWhole thing is odd.  W530 had the choice:12:33
JanCvbotka: I don't decide nor is it an official standpoint, but if they would include irrelevant stuff like this, it would be impossible to find the things that are actually important12:33
Diagondiscreet, integrated, optimus12:33
DiagonW540 (same as W541), it's gone.12:34
tomreyni'm not that much into thnkpad models to be able to comment on this12:35
DiagonIt's just that was the next one in the workstation series.  So it's odd they dropped it.12:36
vbotkaJanC, how can you tell the difference between "not important" vs. "forget to mention"12:36
tomreynvbotka: can we agree to give this topic some rest now? this is outside of ubuntu support, just a discussion now.12:37
cbreakI don't see how removing init.d stuff matters12:37
JanC"removal of leftover file that was still occasionally used in Debian but not in Ubuntu" = "not important"12:37
DiagonYou think trying to start with nvidia/nouveau might give a path through?12:38
vbotkaOk, let's close it with the statement that: "Missing /etc/init.d/udev is irrelevant." Good to know.12:38
JanCit's not missing12:38
vbotkaFor the record: https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/amd64/udev/filelist12:39
tomreynDiagon: i don't feel qualified to answer this.12:39
JanC"missing" means it is supposed to be there, which it isn't12:40
DiagonK.  TY!  :)12:40
vbotkaFor the record: "missing" here means that /etc/init.d/udev was in *udev* for all releases since at least 20.04 and is not in 24.0412:45
tomreynJanC: please also don'T drive this further now12:46
Diagontomreyn / perhaps the system has changed.  I've done a bug report:13:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2066168 in Ubuntu "Boot failure: Haswell+NVIDIA on ThinkPad W541" [Undecided, New]13:11
DiagonI'm trying apport-collect 2066168, but it's not collecting any more infos...13:12
tomreynDiagon: you should file it against a certain package. i'm guessing its either linux or xserver-xorg-video-intel13:16
tomreynor libdrm-intel113:18
Diagon"no packages found matching linux"?  It did post some info tho.13:19
tomreyni'll reassign it to the kernel, then you can do another    apport-collect 206616813:20
tomreynoh you did13:20
DiagonK, we'll leave it there.  If someone asks for more, I'm happy to do it.13:20
tomreynCurrentDmesg.txt is in comment 213:21
tomreynDiagon: if you can post a log from trying to boot without nomodeset, and without igfx_off (after rebooting to something where you can gather the log from) this may be useful13:23
DiagonI can't boot without those two.13:23
tomreynyou can, you just can't reach a temrinal then, right?13:23
DiagonI could do journalctl -b -1 or somesuch and post that.13:24
tomreynyou'll end up with that message on screen, but something may have been logged to disk by then13:24
tomreynthat's what i meant13:24
DiagonSo wait.  If I boot without those two, then I freeze at "job gpu-manager.service/start running ... "13:24
DiagonWhat should I do from there?13:24
tomreynctrl-alt-delete or magic !sysrq, then boot so you can work on the system and gather the logs using   journalctl -kb-113:25
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key13:25
DiagonOh ya, ok, and then just post the output of journalctl.  I can do that.13:26
tomreynit's possible that nothing was logged to disk until this message is printed on screen, though, so make sure (note down times, check timestamp on logs) you're actually looking at the right log period13:28
tomreyni.e. the failed boot might be logless13:28
chris_hi there , i have a question. i recently installed ubuntu cinnamon. after installation all is english, eccept keyboard. i cannot find settings to change my system layout in to german13:34
chris_pls hlp13:34
tomreynchris_: so you'Re saying you could successfully change the keyboard layout, but not the user interface language, right?13:35
chris_yes. in installation i could set german. also timezone and keyboard. after booting into freshly installed os, everything is english13:37
chris_but only the systemlanguage13:37
chris_menu, settings , the only thing in german is the calendar date: Montag13:38
Diagontomreyn / will do.13:38
tomreynchris_: have you asked about this in the ubuntu cinnamon support channel, yet?13:40
chris_no, not now13:41
chris_this here is the first i joined13:41
BluesKajHi all13:41
chris_i came here from lmde6 and searched some familiar help :D13:41
tomreynchris_: so are you running ubuntu cinnamon or linux mint?13:42
chris_ubuntu cinnamon13:43
leftyfbchris_: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ) | nc termbin.com 999913:43
chris_@leftyfb ?13:45
leftyfbchris_: please run that and post the resulting URL here13:46
chris_Linux Zenmeister 6.8.0-31-generic #31-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sat Apr 20 00:40:06 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:48
chris_PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.04 LTS"13:48
chris_VERSION="24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)"13:48
leftyfbchris_: next time, please run the command as given13:49
tomreynchris_: i have no experience with ubuntu cinnamon, but assume this might help you: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=15663113:51
chris_thank you very much =) iĺl try13:52
Diagontomreyn / ok, done.  Unless you have other thoughts on what to add, I'll put this on the back burner until someone gets back.13:52
chris_no it does not help... the setting for language is just not there13:57
tomreynDiagon: no other ideas, but i might get some after reading the log you posted (which will take me about 10-15 miuntes)13:58
chris_maybe the last thing he wrote: changeable in the log screen?13:58
tomreynchris_: you're using ubuntu cinnamon, a young ubuntu flavor which not many volunteers are using, yet. it's thus difficult to get volunteer support for all the flavor specific configurations software and behavior at this time. if it turns out that the documentation (if any) available on the flavor website and documented support channels (if any) are insufficient to get you started, then i would recommend moving to a more commonly used flavor, such14:00
tomreynas original ubuntu.14:00
chris_maybe iĺl give kubunutu a try.. i just switched from lmde6 to ubuntu because i have a ryzen 5600h with nvidia graphics in my notebook. i thoughtmaybe ubunutu have some positive effects on gaming because of the sponsoring. or do you think if the driver is installed it does not have further effects if i am using lmde or ubuntu?14:02
chris_thx tomreyn , there is a telegram channell, i could ask there, i was fine with gdebi, lutris, and gaming performance in lmde6 . never change a running system, it is said. but i heared about the good combination of amd processors and ubuntu. so i wanted to give it a atry, and i like kde or cinnamon14:05
tomreynDiagon: is this system connected to a docking station? if so, can you boot it while it's not connected to that?14:05
DiagonIt's not connected now, no.14:05
tomreynchris_: trying things is good, i just want to make sure you know what to expect int terms of volunteer support.14:07
chris_@tomreyn also i like mullvad browser and vpn very much, it was more stable in lmde6 over flatpak, than over terminal in ubuntu.. so what do you think honestly? should i give ubuntu a try or stick with lmde6 on debian, when it worked good for me? stability was a reason to choose the debian base, but because of cononcal it is also said that ubuntu is very stable aswell14:07
chris_thanks tomreyn i keep it in mind ^^14:08
tomreynchris_: i can't make this decision or even make a recommendation there, i'm afraid14:08
chris_afraid? why14:11
chris_thanks , i just give it a try ^^14:13
DiagonIt's a figure of speech in english, Chris_14:14
chris_ok, get it :D thx^^14:14
tomreynDiagon: did you notice this on your log?   UBSAN: shift-out-of-bounds in /build/linux-8Fj7hN/linux-6.5.0/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvkm/engine/disp/udisp.c:103:2514:15
DiagonI didn't.  What do you make of it?14:15
tomreynthat's linux running into undefined behaviour - a sanity check implemented in the kernel14:16
tomreynso the nouveau kernel module gets into a state it should not be in14:16
tomreynand then further down it runsinto a nullpointer deref, another unhandled situation triggered by nouveau14:18
tomreynbut this may just be a follow-up14:18
chris_i have a friend , he likes nouvou more, i am the other opinion.. for me nvidia driver works better in sharpness and rtx... but thats just my thoughts reading the chat ^^14:18
tomreynDiagon: so what yu could try there is to disable nouveau entirely, or to try improving the situation by passing some options to the nouveau module.14:19
DiagonSo maybe this should be reported against ... nouveau?14:19
DiagonI see.  IOMMU, maybe?14:19
tomreynnouveau is a module that's linked into the kernel, not a separate package (although the 2d X driver is separate)14:20
DiagonGood time for a tangential question - I see some kernel parameters not listed on kernel.org.  Like "recover" for instance.  Where to find those listed?14:20
Diagoncheck on nouveau/kernel14:21
DiagonDisabling nouveau would mean ... blacklisting?14:22
chris_other question.. do you know if kubuntu is stable using wayland on plasma?14:22
tomreynDiagon: yes, blacklisting the module or the hardware, or even removing the hardware physically. this said, the kernel log does continue beyond this point, you 'just' don't get to see what else is happening, probably because graphical output is not owkring properly. but, at least from the log, it does seem like the system should be responsive and network connectivity may be present, too (although the NIC is only brought up on the very last line of14:25
tomreynyour log, so it won't be configured, yet).14:25
tomreynDiagon: sudo modinfo -p nouveau   should tell you what options there are you could pass to nouveau via the kernel command line, as in   nouveau.optionname(=value)14:26
tomreynchris_: there's #kubuntu, they may have more clues14:27
BluesKajthere are still some mising options with wayland on plasma, but it does work to some degree14:28
DiagonOk, I found more complete descriptions, here: https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/KernelModuleParameters.html14:28
DiagonThat'll take some work.14:28
tomreynDiagon: linux xommand lineoptions not understood by the kernl itself are passe don to user space, which is actually initrd, then user space. see this line on your log "Unknown kernel command line parameters "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-6.5.0-35-generic", will be passed to user space." - that's another option the kernel doesn'T understand and passes on14:29
DiagonIf the logs were cut off, maybe I should just let it run for some more minutes?  Might something happen?14:29
DiagonAh, thanks for the clarificatino on the kernel parameters.14:30
tomreynDiagon: you could try leeting it run for longer, and also connecting to it via ssh from aonther computer. it *might* get more log output. on the other hand, those ubsan and module oopses could have impacted the overall kernel state so much that it can no longer boot up the system properly. you also have some acpi bugs there, caused by bios bugs, but since you're on the latest bios... not much you can do there other than try to tweak around it.14:31
tomreynonce of those acpi bugs refers to the PEG, the pci graphics card, i.e. the nvidia one.14:32
DiagonThis is the last thinkpad you can do coreboot on.  That's why I've got a second - it's my next project.  :)14:32
tomreynmaybe you'll have more luck booting there ;)14:32
DiagonOk, I'll add an ssh server and see what happens.14:32
DiagonOk, right now I've got to take a break.  Maybe I'll check in tomorrow AM or something.  You're always a great help.  I appreciate your support, tomreyn!14:35
tomreynand then there are resource / memory allocation conflicts with acpi, too14:35
tomreynyou're welcome, Diagon.14:35
tomreyni'm still learning in this area, take what i said with a grain of salt14:36
tomreyn!bootlog | Diagon14:37
ubottuDiagon: To show errors during boot and shutdown, edit the kernel command line: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters and replace "quiet splash" by "debug systemd.log_level=info". Disable "Full screen logo" and "Fastboot" options in your BIOS setup, or hit 'Esc' when the logo shows on power up.14:37
tomreynthis might be useful to get more info on what's actually failing on your boot, too14:38
iconoclast_herosomething just happened that caused my desktop session to be killed....well, i'm fairly sure that GNOME was killed and then I was at the GUI login screen again.14:39
iconoclast_heroSo somewhere along the way from/back to the graphical.target (or whatever systemd calls it) /dev/shm/cache was deleted except for something that was owned by root...14:39
iconoclast_herowhen does /dev/shm/ get reset in the login process and/or how would i find out where this is occurring?14:39
tomreynthe first noouveau kernel cmdline option i would try is   nouveau.modeset=0    (but not "nomodeset"), which would disable kernel mode setting just for nouveau, not entirely (the intel video driver does need to do kernel mode setting (KMS)).14:40
tomreynDiagon: ^14:40
tomreyniconoclast_hero: do you need/want to find out when the shared (between processes, via the kernel) memory cache is reset/deleted, or why your gnome-shell crashed?14:43
iconoclast_herotomreyn: the former.  figuring out why gnome crashed on 22.04 when i'll not be on it for much longer doesn't seem particularly fruitful long-term.  thanks!14:44
tomreynunfortunately i don't know that answer14:44
iconoclast_herologind? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58911494/why-may-dev-shm-folder-be-periodically-cleaned-in-ubuntu-18-0414:48
iconoclast_heroMay 20 09:57:15 latitude systemd-logind[955]: Failed to remove POSIX shared memory directory cache/gigabyte: Device or resource busy14:50
iconoclast_heroMay 20 09:57:15 latitude systemd-logind[955]: Failed to remove POSIX shared memory directory /dev/shm/cache: Directory not empty14:50
tomreynsystemd-logind does start a new user session when gnome-shell fails, i think.14:51
iconoclast_herothat removelpc=no is probably not going to cause a ton of problems since I never actually log off my user, that only happens when the system takes a dump.14:52
tomreynthat's "RemoveIPC" as in inter process communication, not "RemoveLPC"14:52
iconoclast_heroyeah... i see that now.  my user should never be logged out so it should never be a problem.  what I am unclear about is whether this will cause persistence across reboots which I don't want (obviously the ram cache can't persist regardless of root creating stuff or not)14:55
tomreyni don't think anything in the system makes an attempt to back up what's stored there to persistent storage to restore it after reboot14:57
tomreynit also wouldn't make a lot of sense since the state of these processes would certainly have changed since14:57
loswedsededIM trying to install sc3000 for linux on my ubuntu 23.04. After executing sh setup.sh terminal returns: This installation doesn't support unknown on Linux / x86_64. What do I do now?15:03
leftyfbloswedseded: contact the vendor for support with their 3rd party application and custom installer script15:04
loswedsededleftyfb, I don't get what installation means: the iso or my OS?15:09
leftyfbloswedseded: you need to contact whoever made the setup.sh for support. It's not part of any supported ubuntu package15:10
cbreakso, I tried three pre-release 24.04 upgrades of my systems, two worked. One failed, somehow the system didn't boot anymore (or appeared to, at least). Since all my systems are very similar, I suspect the problem is nvidia related, since the machine that didn't work has an nvidia gpu15:16
iconoclast_hero@tomreyn yeah, that's what chatgpt said.... they're not persistent across logins.  so that's fine, if there's a problem, logging out and in won't solve it in the future, a reboot will be required.  otherwise I should be fine.15:40
iconoclast_herosince that removeipc leaves system user files alone, i wonder what happens if /dev/shm/cache is created by e.g., root.  does the directory still get emptied of non-system-user files?  probably not running the experiment.15:40
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cbreakhah, chatgpt...16:13
* babula waves after just installing ubuntu 24.04!16:22
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inactiveyo guys16:53
inactivei just deleted my /home folder16:53
leftyfbinactive: restore from backup16:53
inactivei didnt make any16:54
leftyfboh good, that means the data wasn't important16:54
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inactiveim gonna rm -rf16:54
leftyfbinactive: just create a new /home/username, chown in appropriately and login with a fresh profile16:54
inactivemy /bin folder got deleted16:55
leftyfbinactive: ok, a fresh install is the next step then. Good luck. Feel free to continue trolling in #ubuntu-offtopic16:55
inactiveguys i just deleted my entire system16:57
leftyfbinactive: please stop16:57
inactiveim not joking16:57
inactiveif this was a discord server i would send screenie16:57
leftyfbinactive: https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop download the latest Ubuntu 24.04 desktop and reinstall. Good luck16:58
oerheksthe only reason to delete your entire system, is to reinstall16:58
inactiveim in a vm16:58
leftyfbinactive: this is a support channel. Unless you have a legitimate issue you need help resolving, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic16:59
inactiveok bye16:59
=== bahama- is now known as bahamat
tomreynDiagon: i forgot to mention there's also this line on your log: 'ThinkPad-W541 kernel: PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug' - I'm not sure it would help here but due to the ACPI + resource allocation issues, maybe pci=nocrs worth a try18:56
luna_3how to find the path of an an image found in gimp search - now in open image window. ??19:02
bpromptluna_3: I'd think the path will show there in GIMP, no?19:03
luna_3it was found in "Recently used" - I used chrome to save image19:04
bpromptluna_3:    File > Copy Image Location  <----- will put it in the clipboard, then you can paste it anywhere19:04
luna_3I do not see it. Maybe after I openit. I will try that.19:04
bpromptluna_3: hmmm chrome will save I think to ~/Download19:05
luna_3I dont see it bprompt19:06
luna_3i then tried Save As. Chrome saves it in Downloads.  Thanks bprompt19:07
luna_3its the wrong program anyway. someone here tol me that I could keep an image on my deskto with imagemagic and I did it. - Today i looked in activities and typed graphi and saw GNU image Ma.. and thought I'd ound it. Nope. Anyway I would have to open imagemagic (iir) and place it on the desktop every time I reboot. In The Past Versions on my computer... I have had images (icons?) that sat on my desktop.19:11
luna_3I'm just a user not a system person like the people I am so grateful to here.19:11
bpromptluna_3: hmmm why do you want images sitting on the desktop?   I mean, you just want hmm a desktop album?19:14
bpromptluna_3: there are apps that specialize on only image manipulations or viewing, like Gwenview19:16
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jp__hey guys, i'm trying to log into a sophos protected network20:31
jp__can someone help me?20:31
jp__also what is the best ubuntu vpn service20:32
oerheksthey have their own setup.sh https://docs.sophos.com/central/customer/help/en-us/PeopleAndDevices/ProtectDevices/ServerProtection/SophosProtectionLinux/ServerProtectionAgentCommandLineOptions/index.html20:33
oerheksalso there is no single best VPN service. free services are questionable.20:33
jp__oerheksL that is for running a server i think20:36
jp__I'm looking for a client, to join a network protected by sophos20:36
leftyfbjp__: contact the sophos administrator(s)20:36
jp__leftyb: yeah, that is a good one, but since oerheks seems to know a bit20:37
jp__i might be done today instead of next week20:37
jp__oerheks: do you know if vpn's use .scx files or would that be proprietary?20:38
oerheksi don't know about your sophos, all i read is that they have their own setup thingy20:38
jp__ah ok, thnx anyway oerheks20:41
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jp__anyone can help setting up ipsec vpn21:50
leftyfbjp__: https://github.com/hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn/blob/master/docs/clients.md#linux21:50
jp__was following that guide thnx; leftyfb21:51
ILikeHamwhere do you set your screen saver?22:46
ILikeHamAnd lock ?22:46
ILikeHamI don't want to wait for the monitor power off.22:51
EriC^^you could try pressing ctrl+alt+l to activate the lock22:53
EriC^^to see it22:53
ILikeHamEriC^^: I guess they don't have that in KDE22:54
ILikeHamEriC^^: oh they do but with Winkey22:54
ILikeHamEriC^^: Well that's the lock screen, but where's the screen savers o.O22:55
EriC^^i think there isnt a screensaver, you'd have to install it yourself22:56
ILikeHamWhat the 199522:57
EriC^^they're not really useful anymore i guess cause screens changed with time22:57
EriC^^they used to help screens i guess not get damaged from same picture, but these days it doesnt matter22:58
ILikeHamEriC^^: I installed Screensaver and will time 5 mins and see if it works.23:01
EriC^^xscreensaver package?23:01
ILikeHamEriC^^: yes, it successfully put it in a blank screen but it didn't lock.23:08
ILikeHamlet me check the settings again23:08
ILikeHamEriC^^: Odd it is set to lock after 5 mins too23:11
Marzisn't there ubuntu desktop for ARM devices?23:11
JanCMarz: only for Raspberry Pi currently23:55
JanCbut it might be possible to get other hardware working too...23:55
ILikeHamIs there a way to adjust all the screen fonts like you would Windows 10 with "zoom" ?23:58
ILikeHamIE: 125% zoom in23:58
JanCdo you mean just the fonts or everything?23:59
ILikeHamJanC: everything, everything too small23:59

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