[17:09] Just an update. I lost my brother 2 days ago. I am still working, but I will need a day here and there for the service and a quick trip to SF with my mom. She isn't taking it well as expected. Thanks for understanding. [19:26] @sgmoore I'm very sorry to hear that, my condolences [20:02] Thank you, not a good year for our family [20:53] Oh @sgmoore I am very sorry to hear this news 🥺, 🙏 praying for you and your family 💖 [21:17] Thank you [22:43] @sgmoore Oh my goodness, what a year for grief for you! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} [22:43] the year 2000 and a few years after seemed like that for me [22:43] it was so painful [22:53] Thank you, it is.