
user|77Foliate crashes each time I try to open an epub in Kubuntu 24.0200:22
pedahzurILikeHam: If you go in to Settings -> Display Configuration, there is a setting for "Global Scale."00:28
dreamhawkUbuntu (Gnome) has a built in rdp-server (right?) Is there none for Kubuntu? I've tried KRFB but the VNC is slow compared to RDP. At the moment i use NoMachine which does the job fine, but i'd prefer a built in solution. Is there none?06:46
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floown_kdeHi. I want to install a spellchecker for Quassel but I have that: https://ibb.co/9Nnh83Y08:44
floown_kdeI have done a: sudo apt-get install hunspell-fr hunspell-fr-revised hunspell08:45
floown_kdeand select it in systemsetting. I have restart the session too.08:45
floown_kdeLook at the sentence: "impossible bla bla bla"08:46
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Is in the kubuntu any error when I cange sddm kubuntu crash top bar not show hide10:03
dreamhawkScrolling youtube in Kubuntu 24.04 with firefox is a pain. The thumbnails gets torn and ... yeah its no fun :( . Intel builtin gpu .11:37
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> dreamhawk https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/enabling-accelerated-video-decoding-in-firefox-on-ubuntu-21-04/22081 might help you out11:44
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> some sites like youtube and apparently facebook work much better with gpu acceleration enabled11:47
BluesKajHi all12:15
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cbreakoerheks: I've had 66.7% success with -d upgrade :D19:06
cbreakstrangely enough, all three systems are clones of each other, so I'd have expected all to work of fail. Haven't figured out yet what caused the failure either.19:07
bpromptcbreak: what are you upgrading from?19:10
valoriedreamhawk: I use rustdesk19:21
cbreakI have 23.1019:30
cbreakas said, two clones worked, the third failed so I had to roll back.19:30
cbreakprimary difference is that the third has an nvidia gpu19:30
snowcrashhow do i reset a password19:31
bprompthmm nutin19:38
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:38
bpromptsnowcrash: in essence, you boot to a "recovery root session", and from there mount the system with -rw, then use the "passwd" command to re-set the password on the username, so say you know the username is bill_clinton, so you use -> passwd bill_clinton <- it'll prompt you for a new password, twice, and you're done19:42
user|87hey, I have huge problem, please help me. Im trying different distros, was using ubuntu gnome, everything was working really good except I don't like gnome... I was trying even fedora with KDE but there is no drivers for my nvidia gpu... and finally my problem is: I can't run AppImage such as Lychee Slicer or orca slicer, as with lychee I can21:13
user|87instal deb package but not with orca. It was working for me on ubuntu or even fedora but not with Kubuntu. Im not too pro with linux but I was thinking AppImages should just work everywhere21:13
bpromptuser|87: what's AppImages?21:14
bpromptI mean, I'v never heard of it21:14
bpromptuser|87: and what are you trying to do, or what do you need the OS for?   I'd like to point out that nvidia issues Linux drivers, however ubuntu already comes with one that decently works21:16
user|87bprompt you can download it if youre on kubuntu atm by typing Lychee Slicer in google for example (from mango3d) there is linux .deb and appimg21:16
bpromptuser|87: what does it do?21:16
user|87its slicer for 3dprinters21:16
oerheksa slicer is related to3d printing, i see a solution for orca https://github.com/SoftFever/OrcaSlicer/issues/311321:16
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Issue 3113 in SoftFever/OrcaSlicer "appImage not working on Kubuntu" [Closed]21:16
user|87oerheksexactly my issue and Yeah I followed this guide then I met another issue but it was usable with annoying popups about some sort of missing certificates, anyway its not working for lychee21:18
oerheksbing certificates error ubuntu lychee something? those apps are not in our repositories21:19
user|87unfortunetly, they are best slicers for resin and fdm 3dprinters21:20
user|87I need to install again kubuntu to be more precise about my issue then I can paste exactly the error Im getting21:23
cbreaka .deb is what I'd normally use. App Images are supposed to be somewhat self-contained, but they unfortunately can depend on your system unpredictably21:27
cbreakif you want to control the environment of software tightly, which can be useful for shoddy software / software compiled for different distros or versions, I'd use an lxc container or something similar. There you can install which ever weird dependency required, even older or different distros, without affecting your main OS21:28
user|87Here is the error Im getting: [3545:0521/235847.009644:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(158)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_LycheeyxgkMe/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.22:01
user|87its fresh installation of Kubuntu22:02
user|87I can ruun it like that:./LycheeSlicer-6.0.2.AppImage --no-sandbox but I guess its not a good option? :)22:08
KarenTheDorfuser | 87: What's the output of `sudo sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone` ? (This is presumably an issue the author of the AppImage needs to fix, but if it's trying to use the electron suid sandbox, it might be because the userns sandbox failed)23:25
KarenTheDorfIt should be 1 for userns sandbox to work.23:35
user|87I was trying that too, nothing change, Im compiling sources myself so mabe Im gonna get deb working from orca and will use also deb from lychee23:54

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