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paride@pilot in12:26
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amikhalitsynDear colleagues, can someone help with sponsoring upload for Noble https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/criu/+bug/2066148 ?15:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2066148 in criu (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Noble lacks of CRIU package" [Undecided, New]15:02
ahasenackdoes anybody know what is wrong with software-properties' DEP8 tests in noble?15:18
ahasenack318s autopkgtest [06:54:20]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ apt-source software-properties15:18
ahasenack324s autopkgtest [06:54:26]: ERROR: erroneous package: rules extract failed with exit code 115:18
ahasenack324s blame: software-properties15:18
ahasenack324s badpkg: rules extract failed with exit code 115:18
ahasenackbetween that and infra failures, it's been a bad week...15:19
paride@pilot out15:48
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parideahasenack, did that happen more than once?15:53
parideahasenack, not that once is ok15:53
ahasenackyes, in multiple architectures15:53
ahasenackhttps://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/software-properties/noble/amd64 for example15:54
parideahasenack, I just reproduced it locally15:54
ahasenack0.99.48 extracted fine with apt-get source here, noble15:56
parideit tries to download a different version:\15:56
parideapt-get source -d -q --only-source software-properties=
parideand this fails: E: Can not find version '' of package 'software-properties'15:57
ahasenackwhere is coming from?15:57
ahasenacknoble has 0.99.48, and noble-proposed has 0.99.4915:57
parideahasenack, checking15:58
ahasenackjuliank: do you know something abouv this? I vaguely remember a comment from you in an SRU that mfo was checking15:59
juliankparide, ahasenack So it gets confused by software-properties-qt temporarily existing in its own source package in a
juliankWell I say temporarily but that is in the release pocket16:01
juliankand it seems to use that to determine the version of software-properties source package to download16:01
dbungert1@pilot in16:01
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=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert
parideI wonder if some changes I introduced locally to the "find source package to download" algorithm would work better16:01
ahasenackwhy would a different source package interfere here?16:02
ahasenackjust because it's a substring match?16:02
juliankahasenack: autopkgtest tries to find out the source version to download but it looks at the wrong binary package16:02
parideahasenack, it is not that simple16:02
julianksomething like that16:02
parideahasenack, let me test from master, i.e. with https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/-/merge_requests/324 merged in16:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 324 in ci-team/autopkgtest "Truly honor pinning when looking for the source package to download" [Merged]16:03
ahasenackparide: ok16:03
parideahasenack, still fail, same failure mode16:04
ahasenackparide: looks like we need an autopkgtest bug, were you about to file one? If not, I can, with the info we have so far16:11
parideahasenack, that's indeed a bug in autopkgtest and not an obvious one16:12
parideahasenack, file against the autopkgtest ubuntu package or debian, as you prefer.16:13
krytarikdbungert: Btw, with that nick change after piloting in, I don't think ubottu is going to handle your piloting out later on. >_<16:15
ahasenackparide: where did you see it trying to download the wrong version? Only locally, or also in the logs on the server?16:16
parideahasenack, only locally16:16
ahasenackparide: what was the command, just run the tests from software-properties, nothing else?16:16
parideautopkgtest --debug -U software-properties -- qemu ~/path/to/autopkgtest-noble-amd64.img16:17
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dbungert1@pilot out16:17
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dbungert@pilot in16:17
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dbungertkrytarik: thanks!16:17
parideahasenack, I believe the fundamental inconsistency that tricks autopkgtes is that `apt-cache showsrc software-properties` has Package-List: software-properties-qt, but no bin:software-properties-qt package *from that source* is actually available16:21
ahasenackd/control has it16:22
paridefine, but autopkgtest looks at what apt knows16:22
ahasenackand something built on amd64: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties-qt/
parideso if on Noble you: `apt install software-properties-qt=0.99.48` it will error out: E: Version '0.99.48' for 'software-properties-qt' was not found16:23
ahasenackwell, yes, it only exists at .116:23
parideahasenack, I have half of an idea on how to fix it16:27
ahasenackand I haven't finished filing the bug yet even :)16:27
ahasenackparide: here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopkgtest/+bug/206629016:28
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2066290 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "Attempts to fetch wrong version for package" [Undecided, New]16:28
parideahasenack, thanks16:28
ahasenackso wait a second, src:software-properties in noble still builds bin:software-properties-qt, and noble also has a src:software-properties-qt that ALSO builds bin:software-properties-qt?16:30
ahasenacktwo different source packages building a binary package each with the same name16:31
parideahasenack, yes, and apparently the one with the highest version makes the other disappear16:36
ahasenackbrb, reboot16:43
parideahasenack, upstream ci is still partially broken :( see https://salsa.debian.org/paride/autopkgtest/-/pipelines/68053216:59
ahasenackparide: is that debian/sid or what?17:00
parideahasenack, what is broken is the image used in the CI jobs. Then the jobs themselves test autopkgtest in different scenarios. for example test-lxc-old-testbed test on a trusty testbed17:01
parideas trusty is the oldest thing around17:01
parideahasenack, I already pinged around about the broken ci images, but got no reply17:02
ahasenackwould an apt -f install fix that, temporariluy?17:02
paridehmm, I don't think so17:03
parideahasenack, you can try yourself by running: docker run -it registry.salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/autopkgtest17:03
parideand then apt-get update && apt-get install libc6-dev17:03
ahasenackhah, I just uninstalled docker17:03
ahasenackwill get a vm17:03
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=== coreycb1 is now known as coreycb
arraybolt3juliank: random question for you if you're around and have time - do you have any idea what generates the file /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg? Is this something that an installer generates or is it something that a package has control over and creates via a postinst script or something?19:44
juliankarraybolt3: update-grub / grub-mkconfig creates thst19:45
arraybolt3not /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg.19:45
arraybolt3It's a weird three-or-four line file that points GRUB to the real grub.cfg.19:45
arraybolt3and it does not seem to be updated when I run update-grub.19:46
arraybolt3just confirmed, I can move it to grub.cfg.bak and then run update-grub, and it is **not** regenerated.19:47
juliankAh sorry19:53
juliankGrub-install creates that I believe when installing grub to the esp19:53
arraybolt3juliank: ah ok. Nothing ever updates it right?19:54
arraybolt3Asking because I'm designing a tool at my workplace that modifies that file for reasons, and I'm wanting to confirm that my changes won't be clobbered later19:54
arraybolt3though it sounds like a GRUB update might clobber it19:54
arraybolt3ah, `grub-install` does update it BUT it also regenerates it correctly. Fantastic. Thank you!19:55
dbungert@pilot out21:41
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