[01:04] good morning [06:00] Hi, my Ubuntu no longer boots. So, I have used DiskInternal's Linux Reader on Windows to copy some files out. Would it also be possible to delete some files as I believe this could be the cause of the non-booting [06:00] Is there a Linux FileDeleter exe? [07:31] BrassPin88: ubuntu's support channel is #ubuntu this channel here is the discuss channel [07:36] lotuspsychje hi lotus, doesn't this channel just discuss ubuntu or is this a backroom where you discuss the events f the channel, i'm confused. [07:37] BrassPin88: your question sounds like a support question right? [07:37] ubuntu doesnt boot anymore? [07:37] yes and yes [07:37] this channel discusses ubuntu topics indeed [07:38] #ubuntu-offtopic other non-ubuntu topics too [07:38] okay, nice separation of concerns here [07:38] we try to BrassPin88 [07:38] but sometimes its a thin red line === tds0 is now known as tds