
Bertplot thickens: ufw seems to be applied to my 172.16 VPN network but not to the 10.0 IP that's magically being transformed into my public IP by my cloud provider. Now whatever magic the cloud provider might be doing, I would expect things to still block once they get into my VM00:30
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
PeGaSuSI doubt UFW blocks internal traffic and seems to be a private/internal network?01:56
patdk-lapthat is a interesting definition of internal01:57
patdk-lapby your definition 172.16 is also internal/private01:57
znfpretty sure it does block, I've had that happen when using ZeroTier (and a 10.x IP range)04:12
BertPeGaSuS patdk-lap znf: yeah I'm seriously confused where things are going wrong08:00
=== coreycb1 is now known as coreycb
BertI found it! Apparently it's docker inserting a free pass for its own stuff, which I'm not on board with but I guess that's "normal"11:31
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=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert
znfBert, yes, docker will bypass ufw16:09
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=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert
Bertznf: yeah, did not know that, I tend to not use docker on production stuff, but sadly that's becoming really difficult16:46
znfBert, you want https://github.com/chaifeng/ufw-docker16:49
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=== BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK
leftyfbI'm using the following user-data file for ubuntu 22.04 server autoinstall. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rm8rsJPTnd/   It works great up until the point it wants me to confirm the storage setup with "Confirm destructive action". How do I force it to continue at that point using the user-data settings? The other issue is it's only creating the root partition as 100GB instead of taking up the entire volume19:06
fastidiousleftyfb: on the root partion, set "sizing-policy: all" maybe?19:08
dbungertleftyfb: also have a look at https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/explanation/zero-touch-autoinstall.html19:10
leftyfb    linux   /casper/vmlinuz quiet autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/cdrom/server/  ---19:11
leftyfbit's already there19:12
=== coreycb1 is now known as coreycb
leftyfband adding sizing-policy: all to the lvm0-root partition section didn't make a difference. 20:12
leftyfbI swear user-data is just a "guessing and trial and error game" and you're lucky if it works at all20:13
Bertznf: I'm actually already proxying what's on docker, so I just set docker-compose to bind to localhost23:35
znfYeah, that's what I usually do too 23:39

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