[00:00] in the Settings → Screen Display [00:00] JanC: I'll install the ubuntu desktop then and try it [00:00] you might have to enable "Fractional Scaling" in 22.04 to be able to do 125% [00:01] JanC: these aren't avalable in KDE? [00:01] oh, for KDE you'll have to ask someone who uses that [00:01] JanC: I'll just swap over [00:01] maybe also try in #kubuntu [00:01] JanC: I'm just installing to see what fits and if I can fully make a Windows 10 -> linux jump [00:02] or if I'm gonna be forced to pay for a new machine by Oct 2025 [00:02] so yeah I'll change to ubuntu desktop if I can see it [00:02] :p [00:05] I gotta restart to change desktops [00:06] JanC: Ok where did I go to now? [00:09] JanC: accessibility large text helped quiet a bit. [00:12] I didn't mean accessibility, but if it works for you then that's fine too, I guess [00:12] JanC: where do you recommend me go to? [00:12] in the Settings → Screen Display [00:13] JanC: how do you get to settings on this bouncy GUI? [00:14] in the top right there is a menu for audio/networking/restarting/etc. and there is also a Settings menu option there [00:17] JanC: the scale seems to show up 100 or 200% [00:17] no 125% [00:17] or any inbetweens [00:17] you might have to enable "Fractional Scaling" in 22.04 to be able to do 125% [00:17] maybe in 24.04 too, I can't check that right now [00:18] JanC: Ok that worked [00:19] JanC: part of me wonders if I should bother downloading the Ubuntu ISO so I don't have KDE stuff "laying around" now on this almost fresh install then? [00:19] JanC: since I changed desktops [00:19] or just uninstall the kubuntu-desktop ? [00:19] probably better to re-install if you want it to be a clean install [00:20] Yeah might as well since I aint but about 15 mins in it [00:20] or maybe ask the people in #kubuntu if it has a similar option first & then see what version you prefer :) [00:20] JanC: I am not real sure if I like this bongy bongie stuff [00:20] I mean I'm used to clicking a start button and things showing up :/ [00:21] I have no idea what you mean by that :) [00:21] oh [00:21] Yeah I don't even know where you go to see the apps , etc [00:21] since there is no start menu [00:22] or sliding around menu [00:22] Super+A will allow you to search for apps (Super is the key that often has the Windows logo) [00:23] let me go on and download the ubuntu ISO so I don't have a lot of junk around [00:23] specially since I can't see the other GUIs [00:24] or you can add a more "normal" application menu as a Shell extension [00:24] JanC: how so? [00:31] run the "Extension Manager" application from the screen you get when you press Super+A and search for "Apps Menu" there === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [04:15] Has anyone here noticed that Noble's single-core performance is substantially worse than Jammy's single-core performance? My workplace is seeing massive performance drops in single-core speed with the 6.8 kernel, but not with the 6.5 kernel. Symptoms are suspiciously similar to https://forum.manjaro.org/t/linux-kernel-6-6-lts-cpu-regression-on-i7-alderlake/157474. This is happening on a Meteor Lake [04:15] machine. [04:15] try turning mitigations off [04:16] s/Meteor Lake/Raptor Lake/ [04:16] rbox: not really an option [04:16] the issue is that the scheduler is sticking single-core processes on E-cores rather than P-cores it appears. [04:16] because it'll explode if you try something? [04:16] rbox: because these are machines we sell and we're not about to deliver a machine to a customer that has a ton of security vulns open. [04:17] I mean it might be worth a shot [04:17] at what point did i saay turn it off and forget about it? [04:17] but there are other Raptor Lake machines we've tried on that have no issue at all. [04:17] i said TRY it === yuckey2d5 is now known as yuckey2d [04:57] anyone here running 24.04 in production? [05:08] yuckey2d: for production use, we always reccomend to await until .1 release === jgowdy_ is now known as jgowdy [06:07] I noticed in ubuntu 22.04 in the recovery grub entry there is a parameter "recovery" which I think is passed to the linux kernel is this a kernel parameter which shows that menu or is this a grub2 parameter? [06:20] !kernelparm | aiena [06:20] aiena: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters [06:31] How to solve an Ubuntu kernel bug ? I mean my microphone does not work and I opened a bug report on Launchpad but no one take the responsibility [06:32] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe-6.5/+bug/2054266 [06:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2054266 in linux-signed-hwe-6.5 (Ubuntu) "microphone and headset does not work" [Undecided, New] [06:32] be patient hwpplayer1 until the developers contact you, meanwhile you can do some testing yourself too [06:33] hwpplayer1: trying a higher !mainline kernel for example could be a good test for your case bug [06:33] Okay I will wait because I tested the configuration [06:33] I tested with Fedora's kernel with Fedora 40 Live ISO headset is detected but sound not. I guess this is a generic kernel bug [06:34] lotuspsychje ^ [06:34] Thanks [06:34] hwpplayer1: try kernel 6.8 mainline for example [06:34] I tried it I guess with Fedora 40's Live ISO [06:35] I run Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with Ubuntu Pro [06:35] And I am somehow conservative at this point [06:35] sorry [06:35] I should wait [06:35] hwpplayer1: ok, if you want wait there's no real point bringing your bug in here right? [06:36] I just wanted to know how Canonical and Ubuntu community works [06:36] That was my first reason to ask here [06:36] Thanks [07:37] Hi, my Ubuntu no longer boots. So, I have used DiskInternal's Linux Reader on Windows to copy some files out. Would it also be possible to delete some files as I believe this could be the cause of the non-booting. Is there a Linux FileDeleter exe? [07:41] BrassPin88: if ubuntu no longer boots, you could try to still get in your system with grub/recoverymode [07:43] BrassPin88: once inside recoverymode, you can enable networking and fall back to a rootshell, to do some admin tasks to solve your issue === magnec is now known as Umit [09:35] Scam apps in recent months has gotten me concerned about using snaps. Anything I can do to mitigate their damage to a linux system? === coreycb1 is now known as coreycb [10:43] hello [10:44] hello [10:44] how to find why live cd have working touchpad and installed not [10:47] im using lubutu ( old asus k50ab) [10:50] hi [10:51] hi [10:52] hi [10:52] uhhh how to check what packages are need to install program from .deb file [10:53] i have lubntu not working touchpad, and need install dropbox [10:53] cmd base or GUI? [10:55] czerwonaroza: just install the deb with apt and apt will pull in the necessary dependencies for you. sudo apt install ./package.deb [10:56] ok from command line is installing. [10:57] now how to repair touchpad. on live cd work. === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3467 [12:14] Hey, does anyone know when the upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 will be officially released? do-release-upgrade says that here is no new version and i dont know if -d is safe yet [12:15] Hi all [12:15] no date set yet S0me1 [12:16] We do not recommend the -d option, but if you do, prepare a fresh usb with 24.04 first [12:16] heya BluesKaj [12:16] ok thanks :) [12:16] hey oerheks [12:53] whats up [12:53] hihihihi [12:54] hello zZzZzZ [12:54] zZzZzZ [12:54] zZzZzZ [12:54] zZzZzZ [12:54] zZzZzZ [12:54] zZzZzZ [13:13] hi === tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich === ahh_ is now known as marido_mad_ [13:46] pagios> i have another QUESTION, when i open a PDF in libreoffice, some fonts get corrupt, the spacing mainly why is this and how can i fix [13:49] you can find it out by crossposting to #programming [13:49] ah you already did that === graeme is now known as e === e is now known as Guest4629 [14:16] slv [14:22] Why aren't debug sumbols available for the most recent KDE packages? I had a core dump that I couldn't report because I couldn't install the -dbgsym package for plasma-desktop [14:32] can anyone recommend an app or something that allows me to test my v4l2loopback device (OBS virtual camera)? ideally, both on the sending and the receiving end [15:04] garrettkajmowicz: you should always be able to report? [15:06] what's this? [15:24] hey folks, I noticed a small problem with the azure repositories, this is what I have for the 22.04 repos using the azure repos: https://bpa.st/H3FQ [15:24] and this, on the same machine, using the "us" repos: https://bpa.st/JRKQ [15:25] it does not affect me as I don't run anything of importance, but thought you would like to take a look [15:27] Good morning folks...I find the new release of Ubuntu very exciting, your thoughts? [15:30] It's an OS. I've been disatisfied with the team slowly eroding the platform in an effort to turn it into something "simplistic", I hope that the kde version does continue to impress and integration with wayland get's better [15:31] GeekDad: this is a support channel. Please feel free to file bugs if you come across them or voice your concerns on the forums or in #ubuntu-offtopic [15:34] any idea why when I download a program -i.e. Discord, I'm not able to open from GUI and always have to open via dpkg in Terminal? [15:34] I don't mind using terminal and quite like it...just curious why I can't do it via GUI [15:34] When I try, it just opens another folder which leads to word text [15:34] noob9: sudo snap install discord [15:35] leftyfb ah okay, if I download the Snap, I'll be able to open via GUI? [15:35] FYI, I downloaded the .deb file via Discord site first [15:36] noob9: you don't need to "download" anything. Just install it with the command I gave you. Or open the software center and search for discord and install it through the GUI [15:36] delete the file you downloaded [15:37] Gotcha leftyfb thanks. I was just curious if it was because of the snap updates that Ubuntu introduced a while ago is why I coudln't do it the way I was trying to originally [15:37] @leftyb [15:38] noob9: the .deb you download from them is unsupported here and more than likely will not keep up to date on it's own. Installing from the software center or the command I gave you will. They are both currently on the same version [15:38] leftyfb Also, what's the best command to delete all associated files from what I already downloaded? [15:38] noob9: I don't know. We have no way of knowing what the 3rd party .deb file does when you install it [15:39] leftyfb Interesting re: not being supported. Why is that? is the .deb file from their site just an outdated version that is updated infrequently? [15:39] noob9: to install it, try: sudo apt remove --purge discord [15:39] noob9: the .deb file from their site has nothing to do with ubuntu other than the fact that it will install on it [15:40] @leftyb thanks so much [15:40] I love the Ubuntu / Linux community [15:41] noob9, if you have to time to read : https://github.com/ubuntu/app-center/issues/1407 [15:41] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1407 in ubuntu/app-center "Support installing local deb packages" [Open] [15:41] Thank you ioria - will do! [15:41] Yeah Ubuntu came a long way from its initial deployment attracting and creating many enthusiasts. Most recently, I have read that it experienced a setback far as as its popularity is concerned due probably to a declining vision from the developers but it certainly remains fundamentally an OS left to desire. I am currently using the latest version it certainly pleases the eyes, very polished. I think it uses gnome but as you said, [15:41] more can be done and Kde is probably better. [15:41] ok [15:42] josh_: please feel free to discuss your opinions about ubuntu in #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel should be used for support issues [15:42] I love the learning process of being on Linux [15:45] ioria thanks for the reference - certainly seems like a common problem amongst noobs! [15:46] noob9, well, just note the 'WONTFIX this' [15:46] ioria seems like one can use gdebi as a buffer if .deb doesnt work [15:47] yep... but i repeat , note the 'WONTFIX this' [15:47] ioria how do you mean 'WONTFIX this'? You mean this issue won't be fixed? [15:47] noob9, probably not [15:48] leftyfb: I was asked a question regarding feedback and answered, thank-you for clarifying. [15:48] ioria gotcha. Not familiar with the jargon, but cheers. [15:48] any knows how to solve typing issues on Ubuntu? touchpad is not properly behaving [15:49] I replaced mine [15:49] josh_: likely need more context to that statement, hardware? version? what have you tried? [15:49] @JanC: I was able to install all the other packages, but the auto-reporting tool decided that since I couldn't get the symbols for that one it wouldn't allow me to submit. [15:49] josh_: please give more detail to your issue [16:01] leftyfb I downloaded and purged old .deb discord - how can I start new discord from terminal [16:02] noob9: why not just start it from the GUI? [16:02] Help says just "discord" but it says bin/bash/ folder doesn't exist [16:02] it's a GUI application [16:02] leftyfb trynna be cool and keep using Terminal [16:02] noob9: did you install it from snap? [16:03] leftyfb yes ir [16:03] noob9: log out and back in [16:03] leftyfb gotcha - thanks [16:03] leftyfb thanks again for all the help [16:49] buonasera [16:58] hey hackers! When launching Ghost of Tsushima it says to use newer nvidia driver or else things will not render right and that's true - characters look transparent, samurai sitting on air-horses etc, nothing renders right. However newest nvidia driver is not in repos. I see 550.78 on nvidia site. Should I try to install that? [16:59] or will it break something? it has .run format === Madatnek- is now known as Madatnek === tds0 is now known as tds [17:08] nvm, installed it from site, hopefully it works great [17:11] puuh... another not so serious problem, can anyone help me installing the hardware info tool i-nex? the ppa isn't there anymore and the old .deb packet doesn't find the dependencies. [17:22] babula: looks like that software is very outdated by now? [17:26] JanC: i don't mind that, probably still does the job that it's supposed to. [17:28] I got several new laptops with high res screens now everything is too small how do I make it all bigger in xubuntu? [17:29] there seem to be PPAs for old Ubuntu versions only; if those packages don't work you'll probably have to build a new package yourself [17:29] JoeLlama: I don't know if XFCE supports that, maybe ask in #xubuntu ? [17:29] k [17:36] babula: there probably are other tools that show the info you need? [17:41] 2nd result on bing; https://github.com/i-nex/I-Nex [17:46] oerheks: which is the thing that is too old :) [17:48] if we know what info they need, maybe we can find something else [18:05] oerheks: yes, but ppa:i-nex-development-team/stable doesn't work anymore. [18:05] JanC: true, if you know a good one tell me! i have tried a few hmm. i like the user interface of i-nex :-). [18:06] well, what information do you need? [18:07] JanC: all the possible information of hardware! no kde apps please. [18:07] most likely 'lshw' in a terminal is not what you are looking for, although that probably _does_ have all the info... :) [18:07] certainly I-nex can't have all the hardware info [18:07] it's too old for that [18:08] why not top [18:08] ? [18:08] top doesn't show hardware info [18:08] ok, i'll try cpu-x! [18:09] ahh, glances would work, hardinfo, or inxi [18:10] well, then babula has a couple more to try & see which one they like the most :) [18:10] absolutely, or get them to go really complex and install snmp with a separate grafana stack :o [18:15] babula, this should work ( at least on 20.04) : https://mxrepo.com/mx/repo/pool/main/i/i-nex/ (but i don't recommend it) [18:16] ioria: i have the .deb packet, but it complains about dependecies it needs. [18:16] babula, what is the missing dep ? [18:16] cpu-x doesn't show all the information, like of ram chips. an all-around tool with also temperatures would be nice! [18:17] ioria: probably many packages, i'm not to install them all by hand, never succeeded with that. [18:19] babula, just run a simulation: apt -s install ./i-nex-blah and paste the poutput; note that the link above is 2019 and the official is 2016 ; they are not the same [18:20] sorry, did you try simple like sensors? or lmsensors to begin with? [18:22] ioria: here's the output: https://bpa.st/UUYQ [18:23] babula, yes, i know; run the same command with the deb i pointed out above [18:24] babula, https://mxrepo.com/mx/repo/pool/main/i/i-nex/i-nex_7.6.0-0.1~mx19+1_amd64.deb [18:24] ioria: what is that mx19+1? [18:25] mxlinux , another distro [18:25] ioria: but i use ubuntu! [18:25] a deb is a deb [18:26] ok, i'll try that out, assuming it's safe! [18:27] ioria: here's the output: https://bpa.st/J3JA [18:29] babula, ah,ok... never mind [18:30] babula, libcpuid14 is still available on focal but not above; sy === BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK [18:45] I got several new laptops with high res screens now everything is too small how do I make it all bigger in xubuntu? [18:51] JoeLlama: I'd like to point out there's an #xubuntu channel :), hmmm however, you can always "drop down" the display resolution and that may do it, however there may not be any need for that, you can simply blow up parts you need independently, like menus by simply changing or modifying themes used by the desktop/window managers [18:53] JoeLlama: however when changing display resolutions, keep in mind that some elements may end up too big for your liking and you may not be able to downsize them, reason why the high resolution may work better, because lots of the small elements, you can upsize them without changing the high resolution [18:56] bprompt ain't gunna sacrifice resolutions however I will note the other very useful info you posted :) as far as #xubuntu goes mostly people just go there to sleep (: [18:57] JoeLlama: well, not sleeping so much as "lurking" per se [18:59] We all 'lurk' here.. [18:59] * JoeLlama lurks [19:00] * JoeLlama wanders off to #xubuntu to sleep (ok ok done no more off topic) [19:03] JoeLlama: reason why I said that on the resolution, because I did change it, a good while back, to a lower one for the same reason, some elements were too small, well, it turns out that everything got bigger, fine, but some things were too big, and when trying to downsize them, there were no options for that, whilst all the elements I needed upsized in the higher resolution, had an upsize option [19:04] yes good point bprompt [19:04] JoeLlama: now, I've done screen scaling for someone who asked me for it, in windows64 btw, and everything got bigger, only thing is some dialog windows and full windows get truncated, you can't click the OK button or Cancel because is way below the screen or above it [19:05] in kubuntu / kde, there's the option to scale the UI to 150%, 200% or some other factors in between, it works quite well [19:05] at least in kde / qt applications [19:17] Modern Gnome uses SVG for it's icons which unlike PNG based ones scale up and down just fine [19:17] SVG becomes the new true type fonts [19:20] younder: png is "rasterized", svg is "vectorized", thus the difference, however raster images have the advantage of performance, whilst svgs can get expensive on your cpu, so is a mix of both what works, however fonts have gone SVG for long while now, it has to be ohhhh hmmm 14 years at least [19:21] we knowses [19:28] harfbuz, true type in Iranian, has made it's way into Browsers and even Emacs. PanGO, GO is japanese for language, is still the basic setup for Gnome, It is abit limiting, but should suffice for basic widgets, if you are designing editor widgets consider harfbuz. === coreycb1 is now known as coreycb [19:33] First time using IRC. Is there anyone active on this channel? Is this the official ubuntu support chat? I tried to find Ubuntu global groups on Telegram without any luck. Does anyone know which is the most widely used group about Ubuntu? [19:34] honeyComb96: w0t? what are you specifically looking for? help with the desktop? help with some app or configuration? or just a quick rant? [19:34] !ask | honeyComb96 [19:34] honeyComb96: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:37] !patience [19:37] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [19:38] !ask [19:38] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:39] I try to answer questions I know the answer to. My principle is 'don't make thinks worse by guessing.'' [19:40] I have a server with Ubuntu 20.04 and a NVIDIA card, and the command "nvidia-smi" is failing with "Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch". Here are some logs to show more information: https://bpa.st/E7JQ . Any help? [19:40] Clearly all the time people run into problems so weird that no-one here has seen themill [19:41] Like now my emacs wants to substitute 'them' for 'themill'. [19:43] bprompt: I'm just looking to find a place where there's a ubuntu community chat not for a specifical problem. Just in case I need help or I can help someone else [19:43] honeyComb96: well, ok you can check #ubuntu-offtopic , we're all rambling there [19:44] honeyComb96: simply type here -> /join #ubuntu-offtopic [19:44] ianliu, is your kernel 5.15.0-97-generic ? if so, you need to update it [19:44] bprompt: thank you, I'll join and look around [19:45] honeyComb96: you can always use -> https://netsplit.de/channels/?net=Libera.Chat <--- to search for channels and topics, then here simply type -> /join CHANNELNAME [19:46] ioria: is the kernel version causing the nvidia problem? [19:46] wtf [19:46] 72 gui no longer working in ubuntu 24.04 ?! [19:47] 7z* [19:47] any solution to this yet lmao and why!? [19:47] why would they do this [19:47] ianliu, might be; sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgarde [19:48] TuxDavis: hmmm what do you mean 7z not working? the format itself? there are many unpackers like Ark or Peazip that do .7z [19:48] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1512066/how-do-i-use-7zip-gui-on-ubuntu-24-04 [19:48] "AFAIK, Ubuntu 24.04 no longer supports the 7-zip GUI." [19:49] I am usingf Engrampa with p7zip and p7zip-full [19:49] ioria: there are no kernel updates available, it seems [19:49] and in 24.04 it just doesnt work anymore O_O [19:50] ianliu, apt-cache policy linux-generic-hwe-20.04 [19:50] There are Ubuntu distributions that are NOT maintained by Ubuntu. The Jetson series from NVIDIA come to mind. Ubuntu does not do kernel update on those systems. [19:52] Expect trouble.. NVIDIA is always behind. You have been warned. [19:52] TuxDavis: does it work from the terminal? [19:53] ioria: https://bpa.st/3FIQ [19:54] ianliu, ok, you have installed; but why you are on 5.15.0-97 ? [19:54] ioria: hmm, maybe the server needs a reboot? [19:54] ianliu, maybe [19:57] ioria: will try a reboot, brb [20:14] ioria: a reboot worked D: [20:14] thanks! [20:21] yes but terminal is no good for me lol [20:29] i'm having difficulty normalising audio in this mp3 file https://fileport.io/dQEL9m7rgf31 one guy has a quite croaky voice that's too quiet, the other guy has a clear voice but too loud.. I tried mp3gain but it didn't work [20:35] I have libplist3 installed [20:35] TuxDavis: file-roller handles 7z just fine. As do other archive GUIs... Will that do? [20:35] But when i run autogen from a package it tells me it can't find libplist>=2.0 [20:39] barg: You could try something like: sox -S -C 256 --norm oldfile.mp3 newfile.mp3 (and change the value for C depending on the bitrate you wanted) [20:40] ah solved by installing the libplist-dev package [20:40] ah nice ill try file roller [20:41] ok file-roller failed [20:41] what other guis can i try? [20:43] probs just going to install debain [20:43] debian [20:43] this is insane [20:47] Infrared_: thanks i'll try that [20:47] hola [20:47] !ask | ael-haib [20:47] ael-haib: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:49] hola [20:49] !es | ael-haib [20:49] ael-haib: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [20:52] lol ubuntu 24.04 is trash i cant even right click thunar anymore and open a console window at that location [20:57] how can i edit right click menu options [20:57] oh my god ive wasted my time on this broken release [20:57] two hours ill never get back [21:05] bagagaga it GETS WORSE [21:06] ITS IGNOREING MY DARK PREFERENCE IN GNOME [21:06] OMFG [21:06] GNOME IS ALL WHITE WHEM IM RUNNING DARK MODE [21:06] canonical did this dumb shit before [21:06] i've had it [21:06] imagine releasing a piece of shit like this [21:06] snapcraftr is fucking shit too [21:07] fuck sake [21:07] what is going on [21:07] they must have bad drug addictions or something [21:07] this is not a stable release this is A JOKE [21:12] file a bugreport, ranting here does not help [21:17] use older software if you want less bugs in general [21:17] Hello [21:17] !lazarus [21:18] 22.04 lts stable [21:18] tmroland: lets stick to giving good advice here [21:18] I was wondering if I could get some help with an install that isn't working [21:18] theres nothing wrong with using older software [21:18] switch to kde if you want lots of options, stick with gnome if you want easy [21:18] as in previous LTS 22.04 [21:19] it obviously is more stable and reliable and with less bugs than the latest release [21:19] I installed Ubuntu Studio 22.04 on a new machine, but the machine won't boot [21:19] yeah 22.04 was fine im going back tto that or debian [21:20] there's a reason why business and professional environments dont hit the upgrade button as soon as something is released [21:20] so previous LTS release is a good recommendation for someone having bugs and glitches on latest LTS [21:21] upgrade path to 24.04 is not out yet [21:21] and that dark mode / white mode issue has been going on since 23.10 or something [21:21] We do not recommend the -d option, but if you do, prepare a fresh usb with 24.04 first [21:21] tmroland: agree, is a matter of choice, an usually from my understanding, waiting till the .1 version is released, namely 24.04.1, may be better since is far more stable [21:22] tmroland: that said, 24.04.1 may be just till August, but is cool [21:22] sure [21:23] I got someone that tried to help me on Reddit, but I did what they said, and it didn't change anything [21:23] the previous example of white/dark mode glitch is one example where its best to stay on proven, time-tested releases [21:23] sdragon: hello. are there any error messages? where do you seem to get stuck? what was it that was suggested that you already tried? [21:24] tomreyn: pretty much all that info is here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1crw8s3/fresh_ubuntu_studio_install_wont_boot/ [21:24] The error message is "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key." [21:26] This isn't my first install, but I guess I'm old school, because I don't really understand UEFI, and I've never heard of GPT [21:27] sdragon: how old is the computer you're installing on? [21:27] does it support both uefi and (old) bios booting [21:29] I don't know, exactly. The video card that came with it is apparently from '17, and the bios says (c) 2011, so I guess somewhere in that window [21:30] sdragon: generally, on amd64 / x86_64, if you really want to custom partition, you need to make two choices, which are also impacted by which hardware/mainboard firmware (bios) you have there: (1) partition table format (old MBR or current GPT), (2) boot method (old bios booting or current UEFI booting). and then you need to set up partitions accordingly. [21:31] Hold on a sec, I took a pic of the firmware/bios screen, lemme see if I can find that, maybe that might help [21:31] you could check which hardware you have while running a live / installer system. i assume a mainboard from 2011 is already uefi boot capable. [21:33] If it helps, I could probably find the machine on Amazon. It's just a cheap "gaming" (not really) machine assembled by some no-name company [21:34] you can just run hwinfo or lshw on the live / installer system [21:34] or, for the mainboard, just journalctl -b | grep DMI: [21:34] https://pic.infini.fr/dBG5fxde/0Qu4wzEX.jpg [21:35] This is the machine: https://www.amazon.com/SAAV-Vortex-Gaming-Desktop-Computer/dp/B0CQD92629/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1U10H4M2XHV4N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.SMoxKeZAXDLLJ6YPryPZ_329d6ojEdyt_3qG3v2tjARf-Q4zCZtqqgd9fXM5Sby3d6SFSw9WJdt5fhEyDvDJ39OHJ2BASE1YNbePDIlWWPhzAig7s6Cs9OO9k1yvkv7p.msl9qt_KwoHDxKavLMqU480kC52w6lhIhzc7jXUJ8nc&dib_tag=se&keywords=saav+t101+gaming+pc&qid=1716327306&sprefix=saav+g%2Caps%2C550&sr=8-3 [21:36] the screenshot you posted shows an uefi booting capable 'aptio' bios, which is setup to boot in bios mode from an internal 1 TB disk. [21:37] Right, the internal 1tb ssd is the disk I installed to [21:38] the ubuntu (and flavors) installer needs to be booted in the same (bios or uefi) mode you want to be booting ubuntu like once it's installed. [21:38] Wait, you say it's setup to boot in bios mode? Is that what the "BIOS Write Protection" thing means? [21:38] tomreyn: remember not all boards can 64 bit UEFI boot... some can only 32 bit UEFI boot [21:38] i'm guessing you booted the installer in uefi mode but then tried to boot the installation in bios mode [21:38] I've left that alone because I don't know what it does [21:39] delsol_laptop: good point, thanks [21:39] shouldn't be a problem on most 2011 boards... but some of the embedded stuff was good and borked for generations [21:39] also, assuming you're using 2011 as the year, and not the socket 2011.... [21:39] 'bios write protection enabled' ? maybe because you are in the bios now, it can boot as it now has been changed? [21:40] sdragon: "BIOS Write Protection" does not mean this. it is a setting which prevents overwriting the MBR. I can tell that the default boot is in bios (not uefi) mode because the first boot target (the 1 TB disk) does not say "uefi: ..." [21:41] Ah, okay [21:41] there were a couple different socket 2011's... some going back to just after 1366... others more recent (DDR4 era) [21:41] but I think the last gen of CPU's for 2011 was likely 2015/2016 era? [21:42] delsol_laptop: this is certainly about the year 2011 as you can see on the screenshot posted [21:42] "(c) 2011" [21:43] those specs are clearly bullshit though [21:43] processor is 3.4 GHz apple_ci5 [21:44] DDR3 at 6000 MHz? [21:44] i don't think this really matters now [21:44] I'm not especially concerned with specs, anyway [21:45] Pretty much any budget prebuilt tower on the market is enough to cover my needs [21:45] are you in the US? [21:45] Yes [21:46] because that sucker is ivy bridge... [21:46] thats ooooolllllllddddd [21:46] Okay [21:46] prehistoric desktop grade hardware? [21:46] you could likely get some Xeon workstation from a couple generations after that off ebay for less money. [21:48] Now I'm sitting here wondering where I would put the divide between compsci history and compsci prehistory [21:48] hehehe [21:49] well, processor prehistory is split into periods [21:49] sdragon: Ivy bridge aren't that old per se, we're talking hmmm 12 years or so, I mean is not new, but bear in mind that in computers, anything is old in 3months pretty much [21:50] bprompt: ivy bridge is so low IPC compared to modern stuff, I bet its slower than my previous-previous-iphone [21:50] bprompt: yeah, I know, but for me, part of the beauty of Linux is giving new life to older hardware. I want to escape the churn of planned obsolescence [21:50] delsol_laptop: lets focus on providing support. Not belittling the hardware people have available to them [21:50] delsol_laptop: agree, but computer hardware wise, anything is old in 3months [21:51] I've got PLENTY of old hardware still in service [21:51] sdragon: so 24.04 is not installing? and you want it running? is that all? [21:51] delsol_laptop: same here [21:51] including a decent amount of nehalem/westmere stuff in active duty still. [21:52] delsol_laptop: feel free to continue your hardware discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:52] bprompt: tried 24.04, the installer got buggy and wouldn't let me get to the partitioning, so I'm trying 22.04 now. The installer works fine, but it's not booting [21:52] sdragon: define not booting. What are you seeing after POST? [21:52] sdragon: what does the bios have for booting options? [21:53] sdragon: hmmm what installation choice did you do? I mean, I usually do manual [21:53] he posted specs and boot screenshot ages ago [21:54] lemme scrollback [21:54] https://pic.infini.fr/dBG5fxde/0Qu4wzEX.jpg << boot screenshot [21:54] What I've tried so far: https://old.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1crw8s3/fresh_ubuntu_studio_install_wont_boot/ [21:54] i could not find any SAAV T101 Vortex manual [21:55] My gut tells me there probably isn't one [21:55] Ahh... also, the other gotcha is that a lot of boards don't like non-default UEFI boot location [21:55] my tells be nbit [21:55] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF is nbit [21:56] sry wrong certif [21:56] which means your efi bootloader should reside at /boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi [21:57] (EFI bootloader installation is supposed to inform the bios of any other EFI boot paths, but it doesn't work reliably on a whole lot of different mobos) [21:58] did you let the installer use whole ssd? [21:58] sdragon: what HDD are you using in that machine? is it hmm some WD, or Seagate? I assume you're not using SDD [21:58] or SSD for that matter [21:58] bprompt: it is ssd [21:58] looks like a M.2 2280 [21:59] sdragon: as oerheks suggested, what installation choice did you use? [21:59] sdragon: like I said, I usually do manual [21:59] bprompt: manual. I like to have separate partitions for /, /tmp, /var, /usr and /home [22:00] sdragon: hmmm and the SSD is formatted as a GPT storage? or MBR? [22:02] GPT. I don't know what that is or anything about it, but it's what the installer recommended [22:02] can we get picture of partition table according to gparted? [22:02] yes [22:02] send your email to commandment1349@grail.com [22:02] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: please stop [22:03] I don't have one right at this moment and that machine isn't on, but I can get a picture of that later on tonight [22:03] sdragon: well, you see, based on your screen there, that's not the boot screen per se, that the BIOS or CMOS screen, doesn't look like UEFI but it could be, and if your system is using UEFI, then the storage must be in GPT format, namely the SSD must be formatted as GPT in order to work with it [22:04] sdragon: here is an example from a machine that works fine. [22:04] https://pastebin.com/W6wiRQ9c [22:04] if you don't have boot, esp flags set.... that could be the issue [22:04] sdragon: however, it also possible your BIOS/CMOS is not in UEFI and just MBR [22:05] hey [22:05] I didn't see anything about esp in the flags [22:05] their motherboard supports UEFI [22:05] stop thиs [22:05] ohm [22:05] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: stop [22:05] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF stopping ... [22:05] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF stopped [22:06] Go back to the boot screenshot... https://pic.infini.fr/dBG5fxde/0Qu4wzEX.jpg [22:06] notice it doesn't say UEFI: in front of the boot option 1 path? [22:07] Yeah [22:07] thats likely a problem. [22:07] that only means that's what was detects on that storage device. The fact that the network supports UEFI boot means UEFI firmware booting is supported [22:07] detects/detected [22:07] picture geenerated (by r&q): https://postimg.cc/xN1C8jZS [22:07] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: stop [22:07] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF stopping ... [22:08] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF stopped [22:08] sdragon: from what I can guess, is that "grub" is not loaded, and you may be running the system in MBR, not UEFI, so hmm you may only be missing "grub" to boot from, which can be fixed from a LiveUSB session [22:08] leftyfb: just because a board can UEFI netboot, doesn't mean it sees the UEFI partition on the drive... you can often have a drive in there twice... once to boot UEFI, once to boot the drive MBR. [22:08] so I would look there, and see what hard drive boot options are listed... and see if UEFI: GV-1TB-2280 is listed [22:08] cohesion, [22:08] delsol_laptop: just because the drive wasn't installed with an UEFI partition doesn't mean the motherboard doesn't support UEFI booting [22:08] cohersion [22:09] !op | xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF [22:09] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [22:09] sdragon: is the SSD empty? as in new? as in, can you afford to just reformat it? for a reinstall [22:09] leftyfb: the drive may have a perfectly good bootable UEFI partition that will work... IF the mobo decides to actually UEFI boot it. [22:09] It has a fresh install on it, nothing I can't wipe and start fresh [22:09] kjoint strive detecte d [22:10] the fact that "Boot Option #1" doesn't list UEFI: before the drivename....... tells me its likely trying to MBR boot it [22:10] sdragon: I would suggest reinstalling ubuntu, making sure to boot the ubuntu iso usb to UEFI [22:10] delsol_laptop: none of that means the motherboard doesn't support UEFI booting [22:10] leftyfb: I never said it doesn't support UEFI! [22:11] sdragon: well, my assumption since your machine is hmmm 12 years or so old, it may not have UEFI, so, reformat the SSD to MBR-DOS format, then retry the installation [22:11] JUST because the drive shows up.... AND doesn't say UEFI in front of it.... does not mean the drive isn't configured correctly. It could be that BIOS is trying to MBR boot it, instead of UEFI booting it. [22:12] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF Clearing orphaned ilibera ... [22:12] bprompt: that assumption is disproven wrong by the fact that their screenshot shows network UEFI booting [22:12] go to Hard Drive BBS Priorities menu, and see if "UEFI: GV-1TB-2280" is listed [22:12] and set that. [22:12] what [22:12] brb [22:12] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF used key use case [22:12] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: leave [22:12] open arrived [22:12] * xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF leaving ... [22:12] xFCFFDFFFFEFFFAF: /part [22:13] \prat [22:13] leftyfb: I know some Ivy bridge machines had UEFI, just don't know on this one [22:13] y'all are barking up the wrong tree. [22:13] bprompt: again, the fact that their screenshot shows network UEFI boot support means it supports UEFI, which includes mass storage devicesd [22:14] leftyfb: not always [22:14] yes, always [22:14] leftyfb: I would agree. The fact that it has UEFI Netboot listed.... means it CAN UEFI boot in at least some situations. 32 bit only? 64 bit only? Only on some devices? who knows..... [22:14] But the fact that its NOT saying its trying to UEFI boot the SSD.... is an issue. [22:14] if the machine was 32bit, they wouldn't have installed 22.04 nor 24.04 on it [22:14] leftyfb: you can have 64 bit processors on motherboards that will only 32 bit EFI boot [22:15] remember, the bootloader wasn't expected to be 64 bits until far later. [22:15] sdragon: did we confuse you enough yet? or you want some more :), we're still busy having a swordbattle UEFI or not =) [22:15] Just checked the Hard Drive BBS Priorities menu. The ssd was listed, but not with uefi: [22:15] sdragon: reinstall [22:15] sdragon: then it likely doesn't see the EFI partition. [22:15] bprompt: I'm trying my best to keep up! [22:16] you're assuming there IS an EFI partition [22:16] reinstall, and install the EFI boot partition so that the bootloader is at /boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi [22:16] you do not need to manually setup EFI partitions, the installer will do that for you as long as you boot the iso in UEFI mode [22:16] because if the "inform the bios about the EFI bootpath" part isn't work..... THAT is the default EFI boot path. [22:16] I did make a partition for /boot and installed the bootloader there [22:17] you do not need to do that [22:17] in fact, I suggest not messing with manual partitioning at all [22:17] sdragon: boot your usb as UEFI, do a standard default install [22:17] delsol_laptop: look man! my dog can bite your dog in the ear with UEFI like a mad Mike Tyson! [22:18] sdragon: all installatioins have a /boot in root, UEFI or not [22:19] bprompt: I know, and normally I don't make a separate partition for that, just leave it in root, but I'm lost with all this UEFI shit and that's what I was told to do [22:19] sdragon: boot your usb as UEFI, do a standard default install [22:19] that's it [22:20] you don't have to worry about partitioning at all [22:20] sdragon: well, what leftyfb said, just add to that, formatting the SSD as GPT, not sure if the installation will do it [22:21] you do not need to do any manual partitioning or formatting [22:21] leftyfb: you missed the part where I want to worry about partitioning. I like having separate partitions [22:21] just pick the defaults and let it do what it's supposed to do [22:21] sdragon: don't [22:21] I don't want a full disk install [22:21] sdragon: why? [22:22] sdragon: I would highly suggest you get a working system before worrying about customizing for the sake of customizing [22:22] sdragon: quick nosing of mine, why different partitiions for /var and /home and so on? I mean, I have all in the same spot :) [22:22] ^^^^^ 100% [22:22] there is no benefit to separate partitioning for your OS [22:22] Organization preference [22:22] in fact, separating anything other than boot and home is decades outdated and can lead to problems [22:23] sdragon: it's an outdated mindset that only leads to problems [22:23] sdragon: well, hmmm, file managers can provide that organization just the same, no? [22:23] there is no "organization" being provided by separating things into separate partitions [22:23] sdragon: hmmm be mindful of "snake oil salesman", saying this or that may work better === five618480339 is now known as five61848033 [22:24] leftyfb: outdated, maybe, but it hasn't caused me any problems. Unless you're saying that I can't boot because I have a partition for /usr? [22:24] sdragon: would you like snake oil? j/k =) [22:24] sdragon: yeah, your system is working great at the moment [22:24] Right, exactly [22:25] Are you saying I can't boot because I have a /usr partition? [22:25] sdragon: do a default install the way that's been suggested. If it works, then you can go back and "customize" your partitionis on a new install and at that point, if things don't work, you know it has nothing to do with the OS and everything to do with your misunderstanding of the partition layouts and can spend time experimenting [22:26] step #1 prove you can do a default install [22:26] > and everything to do with your misunderstanding of partition layouts [22:26] That's what I'm trying to ask about [22:26] step #1 prove you can do a default install [22:27] let us know if you run into issues [22:27] good luck [22:27] sdragon: first off, I don't think there's great optimization to your partitioning setup, you won't be gaining any performance, you have used that before, just because you thought it was somehow better, that said, if you want like that, I'd suggest to do the partition before the installation, all in GPT partitions and SSD, then do the install [22:29] sdragon: I do a manual install, and do my partitioning before any installs, and I have 5 partitions, an EFI, two NTFS, one ext4 and one swap, all running in an SSD with a GPT partition table in UEFI [22:30] leftyfb: will do. I don't have the time right at the moment to do that, though. I still need to get dinner. But when I do that, I'll come back with an update [22:31] sdragon: forget dinner dude!! just get pizza!! well, maybe not :) [22:31] Oh hell, I had the worst pizza ever earlier this week [22:34] bprompt: that's how I did it, too. Manual install, do all the partitioning before the install. Like I said, I made the drive GPT [22:35] sdragon: ohh and my /var /home /usr and so on are all in the same partition, machine runs blazing fast, and my my $HOME folder holds most of my configurations, many of them I've gotten them as far back as 12.04 or some from 16.04, so I regularly backup my $HOME folder, and after an installation, I have to configure not that much [22:35] sdragon: well, for all we know, you're only missing "grub", and that's fixable from a LiveUSB session [22:37] sdragon: but leftyfb's suggestion, is good, sometimes the fix may take you 4 hours, whilst a new install on a negligible system, can do the whole thing in 45minutes [22:37] I gotta go for now, but I'll be back later. Are you guys regular lurkers? [22:38] sdragon: kinda, yes, also "peepers" and "stalkers" [22:38] Sounds kinky, where do I sign up? [22:40] sdragon: long line at the bottom of paper, make sure is in pencil =) [22:40] If any of you are still on later, I'll try to catch you when I come back [22:40] ok [23:08] how may I execute the "Startup Disk Creator" mentioned in the docs from the command line? /usr/bin/?? [23:11] which gives the details [23:11] but why .. [23:12] which "Startup Disk Creator" returns exit code 1 [23:12] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/addremove-creator.html [23:13] I would like to run that GUI utility but I am using i3wm [23:14] which usb [23:14] usb-creator-gtk [23:15] ty that name is not obvious from the gui name [23:15] have fun, don't close the terminal === Rat is now known as Guest4221