
cmax71I am on 22.04. I cannot open "additional drivers" in settings menu. It has a lock in the icon. I never had this before. Does somebody know what is going on and/or how to fix this?11:13
JoeLlamaI got several new laptops with high res screens now everything is too small how do I make it all bigger in xubuntu?17:30
JoeLlamaI got several new laptops with high res screens now everything is too small how do I make it all bigger in xubuntu?18:44
JoeLlamawake up channel please :)22:16
JoeLlamaI got several new laptops with high res screens now everything is too small how do I make it all bigger in xubuntu?22:16
Unit193You can scale in `xfce4-display-settings`22:18
JoeLlamaUnit193 I don't want to cut my resolution though... this is not the same thing right? :)22:26
JoeLlamathis is just scaling? (:22:26
JoeLlamasure glad I didn22:26
JoeLlamat have to google :P22:26
JoeLlamayes I wanna keep the resolution Unit193...22:26
JoeLlamaI wanna keep the 2560 x 160022:27
JoeLlamaUnit193 (:22:27
* JoeLlama must go afk but will be bok hopefully22:27

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