
=== Son_Goku_ is now known as Son_Goku
=== meena3 is now known as meena
=== toolz is now known as Daniel
norrlandinteresting. With cloud-init-devel ( 23.4.319 ) on freebsd it's not recognizing my ipv6 addresses. with metadata: https://termbin.com/45ie and getting this in the logs: https://termbin.com/s3ma11:20
cjp256the daily ppa build numbers are a bit out of sorts https://launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+archive/ubuntu/daily.  24.04 builds are 99.daily* and 20.04/22.04 are 23.4.daily*11:59
falcojrcjp256: thanks for raising that. We had moved devel (when noble was devel) to 99 to ensure it was always sorting above release, and we botched our 24.1 tag in main, so that's not getting sourced correctly either. We'll move all dailies to 99- for consistency and ensure they sort above anything released14:56
cjp256thanks falcojr!19:15

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