
oerheksI want KDE 6 , please.00:27
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IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> we all do😂 (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> I want KDE 6 , please.)06:31
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> u need to wait till it's stable enough06:31
IrcsomeBot<Omarvx211> im sure we will get it in backports06:32
IrcsomeBot<arangaran> im sure i might not get an answer but anyways i will ask, i just upgraded to kubuntu 24.04 from 23.10 and my appimage apps wont work i keep getting an error about sandbox, and the only answer i found out online is to allow unprivileged ns cloning which is dangerous so anyone knows what is going on?07:00
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> today the upgrade path from 23.10 opened for me07:23
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> and I survived07:23
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> 💪07:23
valorieI have very good luck with upgrading07:51
IrcsomeBot<ParabolicW> Plasma 6.05 released that is many bugs corrected. Wait also to appear in kubuntu backports. (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> I want KDE 6 , please.)09:13
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tuxinatorHi all, anybody else not seeing his Kubuntu Package sources in KDE/Plasma Discover?11:05
paulb|60Hi - I was invited to upgrade to 24.04 today. I have tried it using do-release-upgrade -m desktop and the through the apply full upgrade app. Both failed miserably. The upgrade app got further the the do-release-upgrade but in both cases I have ended up going back to a btrfs snapshot taken before I started.12:32
paulb|60There seem to be multiple but  different problems with both methods.12:32
paulb|60Anybody else having difficulties?12:32
tomreynpaulb|60: my personal experience is that release upgrades *may* not succeed if third party apt repositories or packages (or package versions) are installed. it's untested terrain, of course, because the possible combinations are endless.12:37
paulb|60Shouldn't the upgrade process disable those repositories at the start of the upgrade though?14:07
BluesKajHi all14:27
KarenTheDorfpaulb | 60: It does, but it doesn't purge the packages from those repositories, so you can end up with dependency hell.15:09
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KangaroooWhere this menu i got from? How did i got this on? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/206618121:45
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2066181 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "How did i got this HTML document popup when copyin url in any app? From where i can turn it on?" [Undecided, New]21:45
oerhekslikely there is no browser set standard?21:47
nuxilanyone else having issues with Gwenview viewing svg files ?22:58
Kangarooo@nuxil i had problem with jpg or png current version https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwenview/+bug/206474723:22
nuxilim talking in #kde. its a bug.. it can be reproduced.23:23
nuxil https://bpa.st/NW3A save that as svg and see for yourself.23:23
nuxilbut i am to lazy making an anccount for bug reporting.. so meh.. i'll use firefox as a viewer for the tiem being.23:25
Kangarooo@nuxil yes kde23:26
Kangarooo@nuxil i hope bug fixing would be possible without registration but its made as much as easy as possible to contact back for follow-up in case needed or informing in email that bug is fixed23:28
nuxilim too lazy for all that. i dont even know what the packet is called.23:33
nuxilfeel free to report it and take credit :p23:33
nuxili have confirmed its a bug. nothing more i can do to fix it.  i posted the bug here and in #kde, now its up to others to report it futher :P23:35
nuxiljust accept that people are lazy as f :p23:35
Kangarooo@nuxil in terminal ubuntu-bug gwen(tab button) will autosuggest pakcage gwenview23:37
Kangarooo@nuxil you need to report with that command and when free time then will be checked and solved.23:38
Kangarooo@nuxil also in report you can add images attachment23:38
nuxilyeah. nah that wants me to create an account after i press Send report.23:42

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