=== Son_Goku_ is now known as Son_Goku [10:02] Hi! I have an /e/n/i file which has IP aliases defined in it (interfaces in the form of `eth0:1`, for instance). `netplan migrate` seems to generate separate `ethernets` from it with colons in the name, which makes NM throw up... Is there any way to make `netplan migrate` handle these (add separate `addresses` instead), or is it not supported? Or [10:02] maybe it is, and we just have a too old netplan version? [10:09] Hi, yeah netplan doesn't support interface aliases. You need to add multiple IPs to the same interface. And I'm afraid "netplan migrate" is kinda experimental... [10:26] Is it possible to add multiple IPs to one interface in /e/n/i? [10:28] The problem is we have to incrementally update our fleet from ifupdown2 to netplan/NM... [10:31] I think you can defined the "address" setting multiple times in ifupdown [12:38] Okay, so you can't have multiple `address`es, but you can have multiple `iface eth0` definitions, with different addresses, netmasks etc. However, `netplan migrate` still doesn't convert that to multiple `address`es on one interface, it just keeps the last one defined [12:40] there is one example with 2 addresses in the man page https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/ifupdown2/interfaces.5.en.html [12:41] I know it's for 1 ipv4 and 1 ipv6 but I'd expect it to work with multiple addresses from the same family... [12:43] See this example https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown2/tree/docs/examples/interfaces [12:43] But still, I don't know if "netplan migrate" understands it... [12:51] Well, it doesn't: `ifup: duplicate option "address"` [12:51] At least not with BusyBox v1.35.0, which is what the old firmware uses... [12:52] Full log: [12:52] root@mymachine:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces [12:52] # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8) [12:52] # The loopback interface [12:52] auto lo [12:52] iface lo inet loopback [12:52] auto eth0 [12:52] iface eth0 inet static [12:52] address [12:52] netmask [12:52] address [12:52] netmask [12:52] root@mymachine:~# ifup eth0 [12:52] ifup: duplicate option "address" [12:52] root@mymachine:~# vi /etc/network/interfaces [12:52] root@mymachine:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces [12:52] # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8) [12:52] # The loopback interface [12:52] auto lo [13:06] And FYI even `netplan migrate` doesn't seem to handle multiple addresses in one `iface` stanza...