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ginggs@pilot in10:58
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: ginggs
parideahasenack, fyi https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/-/merge_requests/508/diffs should fix autopkgtest CI (after image regenation), which should allow the LP: #2066290 fix to land14:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2066290 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "Attempts to fetch wrong version for package" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206629014:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 508 in salsa-ci-team/pipeline "autopkgtest image: fix default-release and pinning" [Opened]14:22
parideahasenack, then we can cherry-pick that to the autopkgtest prod branch14:22
ahasenackparide: when can we expect new images and new runs when them?14:25
parideahasenack, I don't know, I don't commit rights to that repo14:26
parideI tried to ping the right people earlier today, let's see.14:27
ginggs@pilot out15:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Noble | Patch Pilots: N/A
ginggsthank you for choosing Ubuntu Air, see you next time!15:01
bdmurrayahasenack paride: is it not possible to construct a url with the right triggers to solve the immediate issue with software-properties?16:04
paridebdmurray, I think testing software-properties from noble-proposed may work16:09
=== cpete is now known as cpete_
ahasenackparide: bdmurray: I ran the software-properties test in noble with a trigger for the version in proposed, and it passed20:00
ahasenackdoing the same to the other arches now (I tried amd64 first)20:01
ahasenacksee the green result on top https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/software-properties/noble/amd6420:01
john-cabajDid the arm64 builder go down?20:48
john-cabajGot a build failure, but there's no log20:50
john-cabajNot sure I've seen that before20:50
ahasenackit's not uncommon (having no log)20:51
ahasenackin such cases, you should retry it via the web ui20:51
john-cabajOof. These builds sometimes get queued for a day, then build for a day.20:52
john-cabajahasenack: Will try that - thanks20:53
sudipcan anyone please click on this link: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=oracular&package=matplotlib&arch=amd64&trigger=matplotlib%2F3.6.3-2ubuntu1&ppa=sudipmuk%2Ftest-ppa20:53
ahasenacksudip: test submitted20:54
sudipthanks ahasenack20:54

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