=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U [13:59] Hello! I don't know if many people are already using Ubuntu Oracular (I have been using 'devel' in my sources.list files for years), but is there anybody else who has issues to type special characters (e.g. ~^` or éèà) with the latest version? [13:59] It looks like it only affects apps with native Wayland support, e.g. Gnome Terminal, but not Thunderbird. Of course, I had this issues after having upgraded many packages, and it is not clear to me which one is causing the issue. Any hints? :) [14:03] Note that if I start the session with xorg, I still have issues with the Gnome Terminal, and others [15:22] you can check APT logs to see what upgrades you did recently to narrow it down [15:24] one thing you can look into is what GUI toolkit is being used by the apps that are broken, vs. those that aren't, and then see if that was upgraded [16:51] JanC: thank you for your reply! I already tried to narrow it down, but quite a few core components have been updated :-/ [16:51] Here is the full list: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FJmW6g3Ys8/ [16:51] I don't see anything obvious. With Qt apps, I don't have the issues (I tried with VLC (Xwayland) and QtPass (Wayland)). I don't have the issue with apps installed from snap, e.g. Thunderbird Beta (snap, Xwayland) and Chromium (snap, Xwayland and Wayland). But I do have the issue with other apps, e.g. Firefox, Gnome apps, LibreOffice, FileZilla [16:51] (deb, Wayland), and also Gimp (deb, Xwayland). [16:51] Any idea where that could come from? :) [16:53] libxkb* or ibus maybe? [16:53] as it's related to keyboard input & special characters... [16:55] JanC: thank you, I will try. ibus has not been updated recently (I thought it was only used for non latin characters, but I didn't check) [16:55] is libxkb not only used for X? Not for Wayland? [16:56] it's used by pretty much everyone & everything that does keyboard input [16:57] yes, that's a shame :) [16:57] only when it breaks [16:57] otherwise it means that things are consistent & work the same everywhere [16:58] :) OK, I can try to downgrade libxcb* [16:58] you probably don't want 3 or 4 different ways to enter accented keys depending on what GUI toolkit an application uses :) [17:01] snaps probably still use the libxkb from 22.04 (or some other older version), which is why they behave differently [17:04] I don't see xkb in your list [17:05] JanC: oh my bad, I thought you were talking about libxcb :-) (libxcb-xkb1, libxcb-input0, etc.) [17:06] that one would only be used on X11, I think (but I'm not 100% sure) [17:06] yes, that's also what I thought [17:07] unless it broke in an update from before that list (such breakage might not show up until you restart applications...)