[08:17] bluca: hey! I saw your ping yday. I'm looking into it now === PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U [10:50] bluca: Hey, I meticulously checked our logs, as your report was quite concerning, but I couldn't find anything out of place - the tests were retrying because of testbed failures [10:50] I was worried we had fallen back into our "permanent looping problem", but that is definitely not the case. [10:55] ah ok - I was confused by the start time being the same, and I remember the loop issues [10:55] but if that's not the case, then that's great, thank you for confirming [10:55] I wasn't aware of auto retries on testbed failure, how does that work? [10:55] ie, in which cases does it happen? [11:15] for testbed failures we retry three times [11:15] three consecutive testbed failures we ack the test request and place the latest run is the result [11:15] as* the result [11:16] This is to alleviate infrastructure issues and make it less of a pain for devs [11:16] submit-time and running for almost never line up :) [11:22] that makes sense, thanks