=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [07:58] hello, is anybody trying or working to update openssl? [07:59] nodejs needs openssl 3.2 [07:59] schopin, ^^ [08:00] LocutusOfBorg: do they need >= 3.2 or == 3.2 ? [08:02] also, you want adrien now. These days he's the lead on all things crypto for Foundations, I'm just the backup singer. [08:05] is adrien somewhere on irc? [08:05] well, I don't know, probably <= 3.2 is good [08:05] >= [08:06] I'm disabling some openssl test that are failing, and I have some guess that they won't fail with newer openssl === fauxpride- is now known as fauxpride [17:48] LocutusOfBorg: You've probably got it by now, but adrien is available in -release and -devel. [18:41] yep thanks