
patdk-lapI only bind it to it's own bridge00:20
patdk-lapand dont external any of it, then let my firewall rules forward to the bridge00:20
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
kenyonleftyfb: I think the problem is that you have two storage sections05:24
kenyonleftyfb: also you have both layout and config, but "If the layout feature is used to configure the disks, the config section is not used."05:26
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=== nightstrike_ is now known as nightstrike
=== Avago_Broadqual8 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
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=== patrick is now known as Guest6340
=== cpete is now known as cpete_
leftyfbkenyon: that worked. But I still get https://imgur.com/a/c5VmGGO19:18
=== baldpope_ is now known as baldpope
leftyfbI've exhausted chatGPT's abilities. None of their early-commands curtin suggestions nor   partman-auto/method: regular or anything else has worked to pre-answer the above prompt22:22
leftyfbis it just not possible?22:22
kenyonleftyfb: it's possible, my autoinstall has no prompts. can you pastebin your current autoinstall yaml file?23:45
leftyfbkenyon: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ywhdhc5QTv/23:46
kenyonleftyfb: maybe you need a nonempty name for that first config entry, the ptable? mine is named "main". otherwise, I don't see anything obvious, but didn't look in detail at each item in the config list. it is definitely possible to have a completely automatic install, mine works like that.23:55
leftyfbnonempty name?23:56

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