[05:59] Unit193, did you check out the new github repository already? [06:00] Is it this private one right here? [06:00] yes [06:02] let me push my latest stuff [06:02] there we go [06:02] Also how did you know I was looking at (different) website stuff right now?! [06:02] i have no idea [06:02] (: [06:03] but... there we go [06:04] whenever i get the feeling, i'll rewrite the pages [06:06] but if you have comments or want to help with something, please go ahead! :) [06:09] I am absolutely terrible with websites. [06:09] Is there a demo? :P [06:13] bundle install [06:13] bundle exec jekyll serve [06:14] Bah, I'll spin up an lxc sometime to check it out then. [06:14] because the repo is private, can't autobuild it [06:20] oh well, it's public [06:20] here's the demo: https://xubuntu.github.io/xubuntu-website-next/ [06:21] Dang, that's a nasty trick, make people think they've got stigmatism! [06:21] Those buttons are weeeird. :3 [06:21] they're so niiiiice [06:22] hover over artworked sections for surpises [06:22] Someone is dang good at static websites... [06:23] i've done a few over years [06:23] Like the bug flying off? Yeah noticed. [06:23] yes and frontpage too [06:23] Mhmm. [06:23] some things seem to be missing [06:23] like there is supposed to be an icon in the footer [06:24] Noticed not all icons were there yet, yeah. Wow, this kinda underlines how terrible my sites are. :D [06:24] now, you got to remember this is also what i get paid to do professionally [06:25] so it's not a fair comparison if you don't :P [06:28] i mean, none of my clients have requested a static website running on jekyll yet, but... it's ultimately the same thing [07:42] note to self: https://blog.volgar.name/en/2022/06/07/domain-and-subdomain-jekyll/ [07:52] knome: Did you make an oops on domain verification? [07:53] no, i did it how they told me to do it, but it just fails [07:53] i did it with ghp.knome.fi the same way and it works [07:54] or should i verify the domain for the xubuntu org? [07:54] i don't even knoooow [07:54] but [07:55] it works [07:55] guess the other way would be to give up and change the config values to temporary ones ;)