
xu-irc49wDoes Xubuntu have a server one?03:45
Unit193Server based install?  No, that'd be without a desktop so that's just Ubuntu server.03:45
xu-irc49wOkay is xUbuntu the same company as Ubuntu03:46
Unit193Xubuntu is actually hosted on Canonical infra, but the devs are community members.  It's the same repos and everything as Ubuntu though.03:47
xu-irc49wOkay thanks for your kind help03:48
Unit193Sure thing.03:48
=== ken is now known as Guest1527
Guest1527Hi all, been looking around for a good tutorial on how to upgrade my 22.04 to 24.04 but cannot find one. And does anyone know why it does not show in the Software updater?07:13
rfmGuest1527, LTS to LTS upgrades aren't offered until about the time of the first dot release, that should be around August...07:21
rud0lfhello... how do i set environment to preferably launch applications on the screen with mouse cursor (i have dual monitor)... i remember there was a setting somewhere but can't find it anywhere now07:49
rud0lfi think i've found it in custom app... compiz settings manager07:55
rud0lfit doesn't seem to work... maybe after reboot07:55
ruenoakrud0lf, it's under setting manager - Window Manager Tweaks - Placement and check 'Under the Mouse Pointer'08:04
ruenoakrud0lf, some non native applications do follow the mouse, Appimages for instance 08:10
rud0lfruenoak: hah completely missed that, thank you :)08:17
rud0lfit works now, kudos for you08:18
ruenoakcool !08:19
ruenoakJust saw my typo, I meant to say some non-native apps Don't follow the mouse.  08:21
=== lbeaufils51 is now known as lbeaufils5
cmax71I am on 22.04. I cannot open "additional drivers" in settings menu. It has a lock in the icon. I never had this before. Does somebody know what is going on and/or how to fix this?13:10
tomreyncmax71: some settings menus you need to "unlock" by clicking a button or lock icon and entering your password to apply change which require root access.15:09
tomreynbut maybe i'm thinking of something else entirely. a screenshot (post to imgur.com or similar) might help.15:12
jwashstart the gui package manager with sudo?15:13
tomreyngui applications should not be started with sudo, those fine grained permissions is what policykit is for.15:46
xu-help39wwhen 24.04.1 ?19:53
xu-help39wanybody know ?19:55

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