
mmikowskiping, just a reminder we are meeting to review Kubuntu 24.04 LTS OEM image in 8 minutes. https://meet.google.com/hqf-cijs-bwa?authuser=017:56
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Mm in the middle of my lunch.17:57
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Is there a list of things to review?17:58
mmikowskiHey Aaron, we have an itinerary for the review. There was a meeting invitation.17:58
mmikowskiwith that in it. I can send it to you.17:58
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yea that would be neat if I can't meet up17:59
mmikowskino worries, we have notes, and I'll send them along.18:04
arraybolt3Follow up on the GRUB timeout issue - the reason it's happening is because we use BTRFS as our boot filesystem on KFocus Suite 24.04. GRUB uses a special file called an "environment block" for storing data between boots, and Ubuntu has a mechanism that is supposed to show the GRUB menu if a boot fails (this mechanism is called `recordfail`).19:42
arraybolt3The trouble is that recodfail depends on the GRUB env block being writable, and GRUB *intentionally* cannot write to BTRFS filesystems.19:42
arraybolt3As a result, the menu would *never* show up. Because that can cause problems for people with broken systems, Ubuntu decided to reverse it and make it so that if the environment block cannot be written to, the menu *always* is displayed.19:42
arraybolt3There was an attempt I made to fix this which was to move the environment block to the EFI system partition on these kinds of systems (or for all systems), but it was too late to actually be accepted and that patch would need redone. So the best we can do now is to simply shorten the timeout (which is easy and doable).19:43
arraybolt3This is info I got from discussing the issue with either juliank or vorlon or both (can't remember for sure now).19:44
arraybolt3(I think it was both)19:44
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Wait BTRFS for boot? What?20:24
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> It should be FAT32 no?20:24
arraybolt3ahoneybun: FAT32 is for /boot/efi.21:06
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Oh right Ubuntu does it weird21:10
valoriesorry I missed the meeting; I had a conflict21:55
valoriejust got back from the local library21:55
valoriey'all are talking about issues I know little about so I'm sure my presence was not missed!21:55
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I have the grub menu appear no matter what so it doesn't effect me lol21:56

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