
kenyonleftyfb: also I would switch to another console when it stops for confirmation and look at the subiquity logs, maybe that'll help figure out why it's prompting00:00
leftyfbit starts to tell the reason then cuts off00:10
leftyfb"subiquity/Meta/status_GET: SUCCESS: 200 {"state:": "NEEDS_CONFIRMATION", "confirming_tty": "", "error": null, "cloudi...00:11
leftyfbthe client log is equally useless https://i.imgur.com/i95DQwZ.png00:13
leftyfbthis is giving the name: a name00:13
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leftyfbkenyon: ok, just did a quick test. I copied the autoinstall-user-data file from a server, removed the serial# matching and kicked off the install. It went fine with no prompts at all. The problem is, if I set the network to interactive as I need, then it will still prompt with the "confirm destructive actions"15:21
leftyfbI think no matter what, if you have anything that is interactive, it's going to prompt you for that15:22
MTecknologyDoes anyone know anything about breaking changes between the installer for ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04? I can use the exact same autoinstall for either, but 22.04 seems to bomb on a python KeyError.20:47
MTecknologyI'm hoping it's as simple as some new key being required, but I can't find any documentation for what that would be.20:50
sarnoldMTecknology: I *think* I heard that incorrect configs that might have been silently accepted are now noisier, but I can't recall details :(21:12

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