[03:51] morning [08:18] Can you shop at ASDA with a Swedish Debit card (x) yes [09:29] wouldn't the easiest place to check be the swedish site of the debit card provider? does it work overseas in their faq? [10:48] can we have the warmth back? [11:08] monkey's paw finger curls up [11:37] pardon? [11:50] zxmpi: then you can't get crisps and beer at the same time :p [12:21] penguin42: be careful what you wish for. https://tenor.com/view/monkey-paw-simpsons-wish-gif-22682473 [12:22] an odd day with all the search engines throwing a hissy fit as bing is down [12:47] oooh new shiny https://udm14.com/ [13:02] oh, I saw someone saying DDG was down, so that's... [13:18] been up AND down all morning, some searches worked, others not so much [13:18] it [13:18] it's amazing how many folk tried anything other than google