[00:00] LuckyMan: that won't make a difference here, neither wayland nor x is running that early in the boot process [00:00] I did try wayland a bit some time ago, but it doesn't work too well with kde 5 [00:01] trying to upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04. what is "shim" and why is it held back? [00:01] and ubuntu hasn't updated to 6 yet [00:01] ali1234: something used for secure boot [00:03] ali1234, I think held back just means it will be installed later at some point when the right version comes out. [00:05] the new version of shim depends on a version of shim-signed that doesn't exist in the repositories [00:06] wait, that's not quite right [00:06] there's a new version of shim, but shim-signed depends on the current version, and there is no new version of shim-signed. so shim cannot be updated [00:07] so therefore i cannot do-release-upgrade [00:08] can i force it to ignore the un-updated package? [00:08] worst case it trashes the install and i just wipe it and start again... if i can't upgrade it i'm going to have to do that anyway [00:12] ali1234, do you have a backup? [00:12] yes [00:12] so why not do a fresh install? [00:12] i don't have install media [00:13] that's what I did [00:13] oops [00:13] you should have anyway, if things go wrong... [00:14] i dont have any spare flash drives to put install media on [00:14] because who even uses those any more? everything is cloud now [00:14] you only have one computer? [00:15] they are as dead as cd-roms [00:15] no, i have loads of computers [00:15] if i want to copy files between them i use ssh [00:15] so copy your usb media files to another computer [00:15] what files? [00:16] the ones you have on the usb drive you "cannot" spare [00:16] the only USB drives i have is a stack of 4x4TB USB3 hard drives that i use for backups [00:17] omg... a usb stick costs 3€... [00:17] it's 1am [00:17] otherwise i'd go and buy one [00:17] just wait for tomorrow [00:18] one day is not the end of the worls [00:18] s/worls/world [00:19] one night in your case [00:38] Systemd is starting a copy of dbus, pipewire and pipewire-media session for every user on boot even if they are not logged in. How can I make it stop doing that? [00:39] okay i found the problem. i have a shim-signed package that starts with "1.41" when the latest version starts with "1.40" === Szadek4 is now known as Szadek [01:23] hello! [01:24] hi! [01:24] hello? [01:48] i'm doing a 23.10 ->24.04 upgrade, however it seems that os-prober (this is indeed a dual boot for now) seems to be hung up .... not sure what to do. https://termbin.com/8q9s [01:49] also, hello. [01:50] I can kill the os-prober and re-run manually, after the upgrade done. does that seem reasonable? [01:52] i don't understand why would it hang though [01:52] I wonder what it's doing? [01:52] state S, zero seconds consumed, it's not doing much :) [01:52] right [01:52] why'd it spend half an hour doing nothing? [01:53] I don't dual boot myself so I'm not sure how useful it is :( but I deleted it entirely from my systems because I hated waiting for it every update [01:54] i'm slowly moving that way, though occasional gaming gets me [01:54] I wonder what happens if you delete it -- will it leave your old working configuration alone? [01:54] delete which? flip the flag to false? [01:54] sorry, delete os-prober [01:55] one could just disable it in /etc/default/grub by setting #GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false [01:56] s/false/true/ [01:56] that might be less knee-jerk :) heh === mybalzit1h is now known as mybalzitch [01:59] can i abort this upgrade? [01:59] as-in safely [02:00] dmesg isn't showing anything interesting [02:00] ruser: if it were me I'd kill those specific processes, not the whole update [02:10] well.. it keeps re-running it [02:13] :( [02:13] maybe file a bug on the thing before it's gone? ubuntu-bug os-prober will probably do the right thing === octavio is now known as octavioggdl === octavioggdl is now known as octavio [02:15] there was another another issue before, it was finding windows boot twice, i wonder if this is connected [02:16] something i didn't quite get to sorting out [02:19] also not one but two os_probers in /etc/grub.d [02:20] 30_os-prober 31_os-prober [02:27] on top of it ... and then there is /usr/bin/os-prober [02:28] two configs? that's kinda busted-sounded [02:29] two configs are better than one [02:32] is it due to upgrade? maybe it's another version? idk [03:09] i should have tried to peek at it with lsof. hmm [03:32] ok, so looks like os-prober doesn't do well with zfs [03:44] how do I check if there are any kernel updates? [03:44] restarting, bbias [04:17] how do I update my kernel to 6.9? [04:18] there is a mainline kernel ppa [04:19] rbox, is this not recommended? I thought dist-upgrade would automatically update my kernel [04:19] dist-upgrade iwll update to whatever is in the repos [04:19] so if its not in the repos, its not going to magically get it [04:20] okay but why don't the repos include the mainline kernel? [04:21] because they dont [04:22] that what the ppa is for [04:22] I just have some weird UI bugs, and I'm wondering if updating the kernel or Gnome might solve them === industrialhyena_ is now known as industrialhyena === industrialhyena is now known as industrialhyena_ === industrialhyena_ is now known as industrialhyena === octavio is now known as OctavioGGDL === octavio is now known as ZoomGay [07:17] If I want to use OpenSSL version of the squid, should I rebuild it? Or can get it from a repo somehow? [07:27] I also liked to ask if anyone knows why the squid in ubuntu repos is not build with OpenSSL? [07:33] https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/squid-openssl === ubuntu is now known as uberx === deepSleep is now known as Guest6832 === deepSleep is now known as Guest7603 === Biapy4 is now known as biapy [08:24] Hi! This bug still Undecided / Unassigned ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2064935 [08:25] bad url shinjuku ? [08:29] lotuspsychje: this correct url, you can see is here https://pasteboard.co/cK6Ch9L4KyLx.png [08:30] shinjuku: you filed a private crash bug, those are only visible for developers due security reasons [08:31] shinjuku: what you could try, is browsing the bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 and see if you can find a similar bug to yours thats public [08:32] shinjuku: but if others have a crash too, its also gonna be private [08:34] lotuspsychje: looking at it superficially I don’t see anything similar, but thanks [08:35] shinjuku: ok, surely the devs will handle your crash bug internaly, thanks for filing your bug and make Ubuntu better! [08:49] lotuspsychje: are there developers online in this chat who have access to private bug reports? Should I wait for a response to a closed bug report, or can I not wait a year? [08:56] <|N3on21|> hello world I'm having a problem with audio on my Ubuntu pc [08:56] <|N3on21|> when tasking between programs the audio cuts out for 3 sec [09:05] shinjuku: this support channel has developers, volunteers and operators, but usualy the developers will work behind the scenes [09:19] lotuspsychje: Okay. I see that a response to a private bug report may not be expected in the near future, in general. Thanx [09:20] shinjuku: no response, does not mean its not being taking care of, every bug report counts in the community === attah_ is now known as attah [10:36] I have an xps13 9300 (the 10th gen one) where the display cable is gone and I leave it plugged into a usb-c monitor. I vaguely recall that was a little to setup correctly, but it has been working for years. I am mostly running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS because it still works. Until today, after running the pending upgrades. [10:38] Comparing Xorg logs, it does look like it no longer detects the screen I am using. Given how stable this has been, and how inconvenient it is now hat the display cable has died on the laptop, I thought I should interact and not just sulk on my own! [10:40] The relevant section of that comparison if you are interested: https://bpa.st/QSHQ [10:49] Hello there, maybe someone here can help me. My computer, that runs in Linux, won't boot :-( [10:51] And I know nothing about computers but are desperate for it to work [10:58] Guest36, how far does it go. bootup grup or a kernel panic? [10:59] A kernel panic, I think [10:59] is it advisable to upgrade to 24.04 after installing 23.10? [10:59] I have tried to follow some videos on youtube, but mine asks for a password so it does not follow the same staeps as the video [11:00] I know absolutely nothing about computers [11:00] Is it advisable to upgrade to 24.04 after installing 23.10? [11:05] jaco, I believe that 23.10 was an interim release and is only scheduled to be maintained for 9 months. [11:06] okay so i can go ahead n upgrade to 24.04? [11:09] I was a debian a user until I got this laptop, and I have been running 20.04 on it all that time. I actually haven't a clue about what upgrade pathways work in Ubuntu. I do have a separate install of 22.04 on here and the long term plan was to move into that, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. [11:12] jaco, but unless you have a good reason to stay on an unmaintained release, then the sensible advice would be to move to a release that is maintained. If you have to ask, then I would suggest an LTS release will buy you a lot more time. [11:14] Can anyone help me? [11:16] Guest36, have you tried booting a LIVE image? (is that the same thing on ubuntu?!) [11:16] ixdap, how do I do that? I know NOTHING about computers :-( [11:16] oh, I see. It was booting into linus, but now it is not? [11:17] ixdap, When I start the computer it just stops at the Linux logo and doesn't go any further [11:19] So, if I had a computer that didn't boot up properly, I would look for a rescue boot on the system, or boot from external media (or in the extreme case, if it is a headless server thousands of away in a colo, get a reload!) [11:21] Guest36, Is it an ubuntu system? Was there any change that might have caused the problem? [11:21] ixdap, I just don't understand anything about computers. Can you give advice for like an idiot? [11:21] ixdap, I downloaded chrome [11:22] Guest36, I can ask questions like an idiot :-) [11:22] ixdap, A friend installed Linux and I think he encrypted everything [11:25] Guest36, yeah, somewhere in the last 30 years it all got really crazy with the crypto. Used to be that the internet was a like a village and technical folk would just shell in an out of all kinds of boxes. It was very friendly. [11:26] ixdap, I just don't know what to do :-( [11:26] Guest36, if you have a chromebook, there is a recovery thing you can do even if you are locked out (I suppose because the data is in the cloud) [11:27] ixdap, it is a Sony Vaio [11:28] Guest36, https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/try-ubuntu-before-you-install#1-getting-started this tells how how to install a live usb. [11:29] daft, I will try to follow the instructions. Thank you so much :-) [11:32] If that boots is a software problem if it fails a hardware problem. (normally) [11:32] Best in your case it dont try to repair it but recover your data and do a fresh install. [11:35] daft, how do I download the ubuntu to a usb? I don't understand the tutorial and this computer I use now is not mine [11:35] Guest36: which tutorial? [11:35] ohh, nevermind [11:37] is your current pc windows? [11:37] daft, yes, I think so [11:38] if you press the windows key and type cmd do you get a command prompt then your on windows i think [11:38] can you install software? [11:38] daft, it is windows. I have a usb key [11:40] this page will download the iso. https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop [11:41] daft, then how do I get it from the desktop to the usb - and thank you so much for your time [11:42] this is a tool to put isos on usb https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_latest.exe it is written for raspberry pi but you can select any iso image. Its just works [11:42] with out any hard questions [11:42] daft, what is isos? [11:43] iso is a format for cdroms usbdrives and dvds [11:43] it its a binary file containing the image that should be put on the usb. [11:43] daft, so I download Ubuntu to the computer and then? [11:43] "burn" it using the tool i gave you on the usb [11:44] daft, I'm sorry for being so ignorant :-) [11:45] np. totally toast from my cyber training need some thing else for a bit [11:46] anyway when i got the iso "printed" on the usb using the tool put it in your linux laptop and make sure it boots from the usb stick. I hope that is set. or else your in trouble its diffrent on every system [11:53] Hi [11:54] hi [11:55] there's someone? [11:55] hello [11:56] ask! : iydheko [11:58] iydheko please ask your questions [11:58] nothing, just saying hi :) [12:00] Hi! [12:00] I have a question: [12:00] recap: my laptop has no screen, but it worked with a usb screen under 20.04 until the latest upgrade. I have posted before and after xorg log comparison to https://bpa.st/QSHQ [12:01] I've upgraded to Kubuntu 24.04 yesterday and since then, my mouse and keyboard are not working reliably any more [12:01] Mouse problem: Every half hour or so when I try to scroll down, it scrolls back up by itself [12:01] Keyboard: When I Alt-Tab between window, in the new window half the keys on the keyboard don't work anymore [12:02] When I swicth windows a couple more times, they usually work again [12:02] does anyone know what might cause this? [12:02] I would open a ticket, but I have no idea which package could be responsible [12:03] webchat30, dunno where to start with debugging directly, but I wonder if the same problems would occur under a different desktop environment? [12:05] Sounds like quite an obvious problem. Is there some way to check to see if someone already posted such a bug? apart from irc that is :-) [12:07] Is twm still a thing? [12:09] my time machine has arrived ... [12:12] ixdap_ I suppose I could try to install Gnome or something, but 'im kind of afraid that will mess the system up even more.. [12:13] I tried the search function on launchpad and also Google, but couldn't find anything among the many many results === cxl_ is now known as cxl [12:54] webchat30: maybe you might have more luck at #kubuntu asking for known bugs came out recently? [12:59] Hi all [13:03] lotuspsychje I tried that, but that channel seems pretty dead [13:03] webchat30: ok, maybe you can !paste your full dmesg and share the url here with the volunteers, they can have a look for you [13:39] lotuspsychje alright, I've pasted the output here: https://bpa.st/PHCA [13:46] Hello. My laptop just dies without a warning when it runs out of battery. There's no notification, and it doesn't go to sleep. I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This seems like a bug to me. And a quite severe one, given that loss of data is likely. Where can I report it? [13:48] just noticed that the keyboard problem is even weirder than I thought: Just now, I could not move the cursor with the arrow up/down keys, but Alt+Arrow down/up works.. [13:49] Nevermind. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/d-conf/+bug/1492174 [13:49] Nobody seems to give a s**t. [13:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1492174 in d-conf (Ubuntu) "Notebook does not shutdown when battery is critically low" [Medium, Confirmed] [14:06] Hello.... i've disabled os-prober in /etc/default/grub by setting Check GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER documentation entry. [14:06] sorry [14:10] Hello.... i've disabled os-prober in /etc/default/grub by setting GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true however when the new kernel is getting installed for some reason it still runs os-prober and the process overwrites my config file in /etc/default/grub. This is 23.10->24.04 upgrade gone wrong, on ZFS. on top of it for some reason there are /two/ os-probers in /etc/grub.d/ 30_os-prober and 31_os-prober. [14:10] Previously i killed the os-prober processes when it hung repeatedly while trying to mount grub-mount in Sleep state. [14:10] How do make apt upgrade respect my /etc/default/grub settings and not run os-prober? [14:11] Uninstall os-prober [14:12] https://nopaste.net/bdT32lhb8S [14:14] well, which script and why is overwriting my defaults? [14:14] what's the point of the config if it's not respected. [14:19] ravage: looks like removing it does solve my problem [14:20] though now i need to figure out how to add back windows into the chain [14:21] i guess /etc/grub.d/xx_custom [14:25] apparently apt remove os-prober didn't clean up the scripts in /etc/grub.d/. Would it be safe to remove them? I guess i should have run purge. What's the best way to clean the junk left by it? [14:29] Ubuntu 24.04 have following versions of python3-requests, python3-urllib3 and python3-docker packages: [14:29] $ apt list --installed | grep python3-urllib3 [14:29] python3-urllib3/noble,now 2.0.7-1 all [installed,automatic] [14:29] $ apt list --installed | grep python3-requests [14:29] python3-requests/noble,now 2.31.0+dfsg-1ubuntu1 all [installed,automatic] [14:29] intel@gramine2404:~/docker-7.0.0$ apt list --installed | grep python3-docker [14:29] python3-docker/noble,now 5.0.3-1ubuntu1 all [installed] [14:29] `python3-docker=5.0.3-1ubuntu1` seem to have a bug described [here](https://github.com/docker/docker-py/issues/3113) and fixed in version [6.1.0](https://github.com/docker/docker-py/releases/tag/6.1.0) with PR [3116](https://github.com/docker/docker-py/pull/3116). [14:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 3113 in docker/docker-py "urllib3 v2 incompatibility" [Closed] [14:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Pull 3116 in docker/docker-py "Make compatible with requests 2.29.0 and urllib3 2.0" [Merged] [14:30] Hence Ubuntu 24.04 must upgrade `python3-docker` package to `>=6.1.0` [14:33] Is this the right channel t report or could someone point me to the correct channel for reporting it? [14:33] !bug | Jeetu [14:33] Jeetu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [14:34] ravage: ty [14:35] Thanks trying ` ubuntu-bug python3-docker` [14:42] Also, sorry some dumb questions, i forgot how to do some things, can I safely remove wpa_supplicant from a desktop system without a wifi card onboard, but with bluetooth? How do i know which pacakge provides it? [14:56] hi [14:56] i changed network connection from wifi to lan and firefox doesnt open now [14:57] when i try to open firefox on command line, i get below message [14:57]  /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-3.scope is not a snap cgroup [14:57] when i check internet connection via curl, it is successful [14:59] Could you try below code lines on Ubuntu 24.04 terminal: [14:59] $ python3 [14:59] >>> import docker; [14:59] >>> docker_socket = docker.from_env() [14:59] last line report the issue [15:04] I was here earlier. I have a laptop with a dead display and a connection to a usb screen that stopped working after an upgrade. Went down a rabbit hole of dkms, evdi, readme, eatme ... Turns out I had filled my disk, doh! [15:16] <_jak> hey y'all; If I'm making systemd units for my user only, I place them in `~/.config/systemd/user`, yeah? I'm confused that the services I define there aren't visible to systemctl, even after `systemctl daemon-reload --user` [15:16] <_jak> Also, when I look at `systemd-analyze --user unit-paths` and `systemctl --user show -p UnitPath --value` they both say ~/.config/systemd/user.control rather than ~/.config/systemd/user [15:17] <_jak> but mv-ing ~/.config/systemd/user to ~/.config/systemd/user.control didn't have any effect. What am I missing? === ___vtx___ is now known as vtx === vtx is now known as ___vtx___ [15:20] _jak: you need to enable the service file. Give it the full path [15:24] <_jak> leftyfb: d'oh! Thanks, its still early over here [15:32] cixx, is that via VNC ? [16:06] webchat30: in your dmesg i see logitech devices loading at 1260 [16:06] webchat30: are you using hubs or other usb ports of some kind? [16:08] webchat30: Kernel is locked down from EFI Secure Boot mode; see man kernel_lockdown.7 [16:09] webchat30: maybe try disabling secureboot as a test, that can influence some hardware [16:10] lotuspsychje there's no hub, the mouse and keyboard are directly plugged into the box [16:11] allrighty [16:11] there are some usb chargers connected on top of that, but I don't suppose they would make a difference? [16:12] webchat30: i would try secureboot first, see if that fixes or not === LanDi1 is now known as LanDi [16:12] I'll try the secureboot thing. Now that you mention it, there was some message during update, it wanted to reset a file called something like fwupd. I said yes, because it sounded like it was only related to firmware updates, but well, that was just a guess [16:14] webchat30: dont think its related to fwupd [16:22] webchat30: any luck? [16:24] lotuspsychje: not 100% sure yet, but I think that may have done the trick [16:25] that keyboard thing is a bit sporadic, so I'd have to try for a bit and see if it crops up again, but I also had some wonky behavior in firefox and that is gone now [16:26] webchat30: there are some other noble bugs out there, that might influence your desktop too, let me know if something else happens [16:26] alright, will do. [16:26] webchat30: are you on xorg or wayland? [16:26] Thanks for the help so far, this was really driving me crazy :-) [16:27] Good question [16:27] welcome webchat30 [16:27] webchat30: default you would boot into wayland [16:28] I'm running Kubuntu/KDE, I don't think they default to wayland yet [16:28] yeah, it says X11 in KDe info center [16:29] ok webchat30 [16:30] im testing gnome mostly myself, so cant advice much on kubuntu's desktop bugs [16:31] yeah no worries, I'll go bug the kde people if I can find something I can pin to kde sppecifically :-) === wdb3 is now known as wdb [18:00] I tried upgrading 23.10 to 24.04 and got 2 broken packages: Libpulsemainloop and libfreerdp2-2. If I mark em for deletion a gazilliion of packages I need will be deleted as well. lsb_release -a shows the distro as 23.10, not 24.04, what do I do now? [18:00] cannot upgrade repos either [18:10] hi! I installed tor browser via tor launcher (installed with apt) and I can't keyboard doesn't work in it [18:18] hello [18:18] i get this when starting wine: 0090:fixme:wineusb:query_id Unhandled ID query type 0x5. [18:18] Segmentation fault [18:18] any ideas ? [18:30] Hi All. Has anyone else tried to install the ubuntu-desktop packages on an arm64 server yet? [18:36] Ubuntu 24.04 uses Clang 18.. Any idea why it reports file not found? [18:37] Latest build of Odin [18:53] can anyone help me delete libfreerdp2-2? it's not in /var/lib/dpkg/info/, but the terminal means it is? [18:53] this happened upgrading from 23.10 to 24.04 [18:54] I've tried every way here https://phoenixnap.com/kb/fix-sub-process-usr-bin-dpkg-returned-error-code-1 [18:56] hi. [18:58] i am trying to use ssh tunnel over a virtual machine which is running ubuntu. in fact, it was working before. port is open. data sent and received. but somehow it stops before receiving all data. i installed another machine which is running fedora and ssh tunnel works over it. what could be the reason ubuntu prevent ssh tunnel? i checked ufw and it [18:58] is disabled === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [19:43] <_jak> hey y'all, another systemd question. Let's say I have a unit that I only want enabled when I'm using xmonad as my window manager. How would I do that? [19:45] <_jak> I thought I could just figure out which scope xmonad was started in and set After=session-N.scope but I didn't realize the N was dynamically generated so it's not the same every time [19:51] _jak: have you tried the PartOf= thing described here: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/latest/systemd.unit.html ? [19:54] <_jak> cbreak: The tricky thing is is that the unit that starts xmonad is a transient scope, so I can't write down what unit its PartOf in the service file [19:55] I use kde, I'd try to bind it to plasma-kwin_x11.service [19:55] one of the services that's started in my session [19:56] does it not work if you pick one of those listed in systemctl status? [19:58] After=xmonad.service ? [19:59] <_jak> cbreak: the other tricky thing is that I *don't* want these units to start if xmonad isn't started, so anything that would start when I use another window manager is out [19:59] <_jak> sixwheeledbeast: as far as I can tell, there isn't an xmonad.service. I did systemctl status $pid_of_xmonad and found out that the unit that started xmonad was session-2.scope; last reboot it was session-4.scope [20:00] <_jak> I'm not against making an xmonad service, I just don't want to make something that will conflict with how ubuntu starts it normally [20:03] I haven't a KDE system to look. [20:03] <_jak> I'm not using KDE anyhow [20:03] <_jak> I do appreciate the help in any case! [20:04] After=xmonad.service looks reasonable? [20:06] <_jak> oerheks: That would certainly work if there were an xmonad.service, but there doesn't seem to be one [20:07] _jak: in my system, I have a session.slice, which has a bunch of services under it, among them plasma-kded.service, which has a bunch of processes associated. The slice doesn't have any processes directly [20:07] is this different for xmonad? [20:07] do you use a display manager to start it like ssdm? [20:09] (sddm) [20:09] <_jak> cbreak: I'm using whatever the default display manager is I guess? I haven't attempted to customize it [20:09] <_jak> cbreak: I also have session.slice, but xmonad isn't part of it [20:10] <_jak> if I look at the output of systemctl status, xmonad is started in session-2.scope [20:11] <_jak> there seems to be a session-N.scope for each login session that's started, i.e. there's one for each console session I started, etc. etc. [20:14] and there's no target file for xmonad in your /usr/lib/systemd ? [20:21] <_jak> cbreak: I think that's the missing piece of context that I needed! There's no xmonad.target but there is a gnome-session-x11.target that references xmonad. So I guess I'm using gdm to start everything [20:22] <_jak> I'm gonna go check to see if this will work as expected; thanks for all your help! [20:22] weird... I thought gnome used some other wm [20:23] there's no xmonad in apt, maybe you installed it in a weird way [20:24] hmm... no, the update to 24.04 just broke something in my apt, it shows up if I search as root... [20:25] So it's an option in the DM? I have never used it [20:26] when installing a new window manager / desktop environment, it should show up in your display manager (on the login screen) as additional selectable option [20:28] https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/amd64/xmonad/filelist lists two in /usr/share/xsessions/ [20:54] could anyone tell me how to manually install this package? https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/mantic/freerdp2 [20:54] downloaded, terminal open, now what? [21:04] loswedseded: sudo apt install freerdp2-x11 or freerdp2-wayland , depending on which you are running === chalcedny is now known as Sunrise [21:34] help [21:35] irc works better with more specific questions :) [21:35] a half baked upgrade to 24.10 broke my system. Now if I let it log in it directs me to a tty1 and im asked to enter a login and a password [21:35] 24.04 from 23.10 [21:36] ugh [21:36] I dont know what to type [21:37] I suggest logging in, sudo -i to get a root shell, then: apt update ; apt install -f ; dpkg --configure -a [21:37] run those last two commands until they seem to make no changes [21:38] then try a reboot, and then if things aren't more or less back to normal, then it'll take more effort to troubleshoot [21:39] sarnold: I cannot log in to any tty, my username and password dont work [21:39] carter: oh nooo, that's not good [21:40] carter: if you hold down the left shift key when booting, you shuold be able to get to a grub menu, and there is probably a rescue mode of some sort that will help you bypass that [21:40] sarnold: does every ubuntu user have a regulr username and password and a tty username and password? [21:41] carter: I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "regular username and password" [21:41] sarnold: I assumed that my username and password to log in to ubuntu are the sames to log in to tty [21:41] my 'normal' username and password dont work [21:42] carter: do they require a specific keyboard configuration to type? [21:43] no, plain american keyboard, if you mean that [21:50] Im now root from grub. every command you suggested sarnold returns sub process returned an error code 1 [21:51] terminal suggested fix broken install, same result [21:52] carter: yikes .. the apt update might fail if there's no networking up, that kind of makes sense [21:52] carter: but the others should *do* stuff, unless things are fine .. did they actually do things and eventually fail? or was it immediate failure? [21:53] I'm currently on 22.04, and when I do a do-release-upgrade, it says there is no development version of an LTS available- has something changed on how to updgrade? /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to lts. [21:53] sarnold: when I tried it with the gui, they did stuff and eventually failed [21:54] Geo: we don't usually advertise the next LTS release until the .1 version, in a few months [21:54] Geo: you can try do-release-upgrade -d if you want to do it now [21:54] Ah, got it. thanks! [21:54] any reason I should or should not do it now? [21:54] other than getting the initial bugs out I guess [21:55] sarnold: sudo apt update returns> failed to fetch http..... could not connect to>9120 connection refused [21:55] Geo: not that I know of, but carter seems to have hit something unpleasant :( [21:55] so, im behind a proxy? [21:55] Geo: when I updated my 22.04 it first updated to 23.10, and then to 24.04 [21:56] I’m moving from Debian to Ubuntu (Kubuntu) for my daily driver. I’m very familiar with Debian. Is there anything I need to know about Ubuntu that behaves vastly differently? I assume not. [21:56] carter: yeah that's what that sounds like -- maybe squid-deb-proxy, maybe apt-cacher-ng (but both use different default ports) -- i'm not sure what would be on that port [21:56] how did I upgrade till then? I was always behind a proxy [21:57] it probably worked before and is busted now :/ [21:58] sarnold: should I install apt-cacher-ng? [21:58] carter: no :) [21:58] carter: apt-cacher-ng tends to give people hash-sum mismatches :( [21:59] carter: maybe grep -r 9120 /etc/apt and see if you can find a line to comment out? [22:01] that command returns nothing sarnold [22:01] hrmph. I wonder where that came from then? [22:02] sarnold: thats tor I remember now [22:02] aha! [22:02] I don't know how to disable the tor socksifier thing [22:03] sarnold: do you mean I could open geany from here and comment my etc out? [22:03] no, geany wont work here, right? [22:03] sarnold: well, good luck with it :) [22:03] Geo: thanks :) [22:04] carter: yeah, better to not try to get graphics working just yet :) [22:04] carter: try nano? I think that's the new 'friendly' terminal editor [22:04] sudo nano? [22:04] if you're already in a root shell there's no need for the 'sudo' part [22:05] nano /etc/whatever/foo will open the file for editing, and give you a tiny menu at the bottom with the keyboard shortcuts for saving and quitting [22:07] help me with my English: write out = save? [22:07] yes [22:08] jesus, is that an O or a Q? [22:09] sarnold: I pressed ctrl + O and then enter, then enter again. did I save? [22:10] carter: maybe? I never actually used nano :( [22:12] wt...? same results, failed to fetch... [22:13] what file did you edit, what change did you make? [22:19] privoxy, the only one I ever changed [22:19] everything else is default afaik [22:20] how do applications know that they need to use privoxy? [22:20] I have no idea [22:20] do I have to reboot the system so changes take effect? [22:21] well, somethning somewhere has to tell programs to try the proxy [22:21] it could be http_proxy environment variable [22:21] or per-program configuration [22:22] ... [22:23] sarnold: what command could I use to check if internet is working? [22:23] carter: well, that's challenging to answer. 'ping [22:23] carter: .. will tell you if your packets are getting off your network to reaching a google dns server [22:24] carter: if that works, 'ping google.com' will tell you if your dns seems to be working [22:24] it could be... [22:25] I like changing macs, which means I configured the wireless app not to start on booting [22:25] if I need to rewrite the whole command, im effed [22:25] can I get a list of commands as root? maybe the last 100? [22:26] not root commands, regular user ones [22:28] you can check your ~/.bash_history file [22:28] it's not perfect :/ depending upon when you closed your terminals, in what order, etc, your commends may or may not be there [22:44] sarnold: happy to hear more suggestions [22:45] carter: alas, i don't really have the time to do a full learning how privoxy works and how it was configured, etc :( maybe you don't actually need network access to get this thing sorted out, but "lets install any updates that are available" is usually a worthwhile troubleshooting step, maybe someone fixed a bug that you tripped on :) [22:46] carter: if apt install -f and dpkg --configure -a look happy now, then maybe it's worth a reboot and see how it goes? [22:46] no, forget privoxy, im now trying to restore wifi [22:47] I usually use nmcli to bring my networking up and down, it's all configured through network manager [22:47] if you need temporary networking maybe wpa_supplicant is the thing to use directly [22:54] sarnold: could you write that command for a wpa supplicant? [22:57] carter: on my 20.04 laptop I've got this process: /sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s -O /run/wpa_supplicant [23:03] sarnold: how can I see a tree structure of my ssd as root? [23:06] carter: tree ? [23:06] carter: if tree doesn't work, what would you like it to show differently? [23:46] when is ubuntu gonna embrace WebUSB? [23:48] Hi. How can I implement DKIM using software sourced from the 'main' repository? [23:56] YeahMate: Hi, its include little bit more extra configuration related to Postfix.. [23:56] YeahMate: libmail-dkim-perl is in main [23:56] YeahMate: Normally, it will install opendkim with its toolss.. sudo apt install opendkim opendkim-tools [23:58] Tingo thanks, opendkim is in the universe repository which I can't use. I will checkout that libmail-dkim-perl package. Thanks [23:58] sarnold thanks