[05:40] Hey, I've gotten a few bugs in Kubuntu but not sure how to report them as they are either Kubuntu specific or not matching any package. [05:42] Specifically: CPU being overused ending up in Kubuntu stuck forever, Updater doesn't show why update failed, If using the Mozc Input the user is unable to type in the password in the login screen (since 24) [06:03] I would like to know that too, but so far nobody has been able to tell me clearly. You can't believe how difficult this is being made, which should actually be in the interests of the developers. 24.04 seems to have a lot of bugs so far. (re @IrcsomeBot: Hey, I've gotten a few bugs in Kubuntu but not sure how to report them as they are either Kubuntu specific or not matching any package.) === adam_ is now known as jadaml === name is now known as name__ [11:32] Hy [11:33] How i can send image in this group? [11:35] Upload it to a hosting service? [11:36] And share the link [11:37] Can you please provide me the website link. So. I can generate like by uploading image [11:39] Detect GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE being set and Wayland Input method frontend is working. It is recommended to unset GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE and use Wayland input method frontend instead. For more details see https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Using_Fcitx_5_on_Wayland#KDE_Plasma i am getting this any solution [11:40] Use imgur [11:40] how i can use it (re @nspeaks: Use imgur) [11:41] Try to run them from console, then you will find what is missing. In my case I downloaded again and it worked for some of them (re @arangaran: im sure i might not get an answer but anyways i will ask, i just upgraded to kubuntu 24.04 from 23.10 and my appimage apps wont work i keep getting an error about sandbox, and the only answer i found out online is to allow unprivileged ns cloning which is dangerous so anyone knows what is going on?) [11:44] Detect GTK_IM_MODULE and QT_IM_MODULE being set and Wayland Input method frontend is working. [11:44] [11:44] https://imgur.com/a/wO9QEfn [11:44] i am getting this any solution [13:36] I moved from Debian to Kubuntu. KDE Neon recommends using Discovery to install apps instead of apt. Does Kubuntu have any such recommendation? Is it okay to use apt or should I use discovery? [13:37] Also, are there sources I should add after a fresh install? I looked through the docs and it looks like the installer includes everything but I want to be sure. Like Debian had non free and firmware. [13:47] (K)Ubuntu includes Restricted and Multiverse by default, which are the non-free repositories (the difference being Restricted has first-class support by Canonical I believe) [13:51] it seems its a problem with ubuntu 24.04, since the new kernel and apparmor it requires that there's a profile for every app, its basically related to namespaces, it reaches the point that everything needs one of these, and they are starting to ship some profiles but its impossible they could create for everything, also, the problem is that those apps frtom AppImage like balena etcher are downloaded and run from different places and then cr [13:54] https://github.com/lima-vm/lima/issues/2319 [13:54] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Issue 2319 in lima-vm/lima "Ubuntu 24.04 now restricts user namespaces by default, which breaks some setups" [Closed] [13:55] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/39890 [13:55] this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d26225d9/file_75390.jpg [13:56] this disables the new apparmor thing with this kernel and allows it to work as before, but as they say it's insecure, they still dont know what to do exactly to make this scalable, because the way they are doing it requires the user to write a profile for EACH app they use, and the standard common profile they suggest work for some apps but there are others that require more permissions. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/b1f91496/file_75391 [14:05] Hiall [14:22] Hi, I asked in here a while ago about a bug where the display is corrupted after resuming from sleep or switching vterm, and was told it was a known issue. Does anyone know a bug report number so I can track it? [16:12] KarenTheDorf: Thanks. And love the name. [17:01] Good afternoon all, kindly advise me on which ports to permit for a Bluetooth to work. When my firewall is on its not discoverable. I have to turn it of to connect Bluetooth headphones😃 [17:44] hi [18:04] Doh! Moved from Debian to Kubuntu. Everything worked but media keys on keyboard. Still pretty impressed with how snappy this is. [18:04] :) [18:04] i'm currently running kubuntu in a vm and i'm enjoying it as well [18:04] kde is so snappy [18:35] IMTheNachoMan, everything is better than debian if you want to use linux as a workstation.. debian is ok for servers. but due to its outdated programs. its shit as a workstation [18:37] debian and it's old apps have knocked it back as a usable desktop OS [18:37] In today's times it seems insufficient as a desktop workstation because of changing application versions and features that get updated in them so frequently [18:40] Yah. I was debating between neon or Kubuntu. Happy so far. Just gotta get keyboard working. [18:41] kubuntu also lags behind [18:41] bleeding edge is neon which isn't really a OS [18:42] just the KDE is rolling with a ubuntu base [18:42] best KDE distros out there are endeavourOS, Arch and suse [18:49] lets get back to Kubuntu support, thanks [18:50] hoping for backports with 6.1 soon === ddc is now known as dddc [19:22] Hello, I just installed Kubuntu and for some reasons, I can't find a way to force my screen to be on 144Hz. I tried editing my kwinrc config with MaxFPS but nothing changed.. Does someone knows how I could fix that? Thanks :) [20:03] Okay. I’m at a complete loss. Media keys seem to work right after I reboot. But then stop working. It’s almost like something is taking it over. Any ideas?