[09:24] Is there some documentation for all the dependencies for `make check check-coverage`? We're struggling to find them all, constantly having to re-run it, then `make clean`, install deps, repeat... [09:31] You can see the build dependencies in the debian/control file in the netplan.io package [09:31] https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netplan.io/tree/debian/control#n10 [09:43] Ah, true, forgot about `apt build-dep` ... [09:49] `make check` fails on master: [09:51] 14/20 unit-tests               FAIL             0.35s   exit status 4 [09:51] 09:21:11 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<...> /usr/bin/python3-coverage run -a -m pytest -s -v --cov-append /home/olah_kristof/Projekt/netplan/netplan [09:51] ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- [09:51] stderr: [09:51] ERROR: usage: __main__.py [options] [file_or_dir] [file_or_dir] [...] [09:51] __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --cov-append [09:51]   inifile: None [09:51]   rootdir: /home/olah_kristof/Projekt/netplan/netplan [09:54] (and the same on the 1.0 tag) [09:59] maybe your version of python3-coverage is too old? [10:04] It's 6.2, the latest in Jammy [10:08] we have a workaround in our CI related to check-coverage, I wonder if it's related the same issue https://github.com/canonical/netplan/blob/main/.github/workflows/check-coverage.yml#L36 [10:08] we currently use Jammy in the CI