
JanCit might not be a major or easy to exploit issue...00:19
JanC(so not "critical")00:20
sarnoldexpat gets linked into a lot of things though00:31
sarnoldso it might be limited only by creativity, heh00:31
amurraymcphail: no need to apologise here - we are the ones dragging the chain - fyi there seems to be some confusion internally around this issue so I am continuing to liase with the development team to get to a conclusion01:00
brittlunaamurray: listening to this weeks Ubuntu Security Podcast now, while applying security updates on the Ubuntu servers at work in Sweden from the partner in England atm :p05:56
ricotzmdeslaur, hi :), please retry https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/2848648407:10
amurrayricotz: done07:12
mcphailamurray: thanks. I'll check in again in a couple of weeks if I haven't heard anything in the meantime07:42
ricotzanother retry needed for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/2848648210:31
ebarrettoricotz, done 11:36
ricotzebarretto, thx, launchpad builders are quite unhappy today, the build failed again https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/2848648211:54
ebarrettoricotz, yeah :/ I re-trigger it again, let me know if it fails again 11:58
ricotzebarretto, thank you, I will try to keep an eye on them12:16
mdeslauranybody here use unbound? I have some packages that I appreciate getting some testing on... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages14:20
mdeslauramavisd-new also in the same repo14:20
sdezielmdeslaur: happy to test amavisd-new (sad that I'm still using that piece of software) on Jammy14:33
mdeslaursdeziel: awesome! that would be great14:36
sdezielmdeslaur: amavisd-new on Jammy (`1:2.12.2-1ubuntu1.1`) has no problem doing DKIM verification/signing and otherwise inspecting mails for spam. I did not specifically test this new `CC_UNCHECKED,3` bit though14:40
mdeslaursdeziel: great, thanks for the test!14:44
mdeslaurIOU $BEER14:45
sdezielhuh, so I'd get a free security fix and $BEER, that's a way to make people happy :P14:51

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