
=== ch0ps3y is now known as Guest2690
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MTecknologysarnold: interesting ... my config tells the installer to not update, but I seem to be having some new installation issues with 20.04, so maybe it's updating regardless of my setting.01:45
MTecknologyI wonder how many issues might be hiding in this giant mess?  https://0x0.st/XZM0.txt01:45
sarnoldMTecknology: just a headsup this includes the root password hash01:47
sarnoldMTecknology: hah, the docs give the schema but not how to use it https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/reference/autoinstall-schema.html01:50
sarnoldI wonder if jsonschema would do the trick. probably.01:51
MTecknologysarnold: It's actually an "invalid" hash created by re-arranging the old hash, and the password was "ThisDeviceHasNotBeenDeployed", since configuration management replaces it.01:54
MTecknologycheck out the printf lines ;)01:56
patdk-lapnot deadbeef?01:56
patdk-lapor does that date me really really old01:57
MTecknologyIs that actually a reference to something? I thought it was just a fun thing you could spell with ipv601:58
sarnoldMTecknology: hah I missed that bluntly overwrite netplan stuff01:58
patdk-lapit's what we used to initialize ram with way back in the cp/m days01:58
MTecknologyI attempted to use a chatbot -> https://dpaste.com/BQPYSQHT702:06
sarnoldit attempted to help02:10
sarnoldthough I do sort of wonder about the autoinstall vs cloud-init kind of thing .. as I understand it the cloud-init thing is just one key in the autoinstall .. I wonder if it's got a point?02:11
MTecknologyThat disk layout section was made from copy/pasting after a manual installation02:29
MTecknologyooooh ... I wonder if I made the disk smaller so that the created size is only as large as it needs to be, or if the total required size is larger than the disk I just created.02:30
=== ch0ps3y is now known as Guest1101

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