[00:07] Thanks again Sarnoid libmail... does the trick. :) [00:11] Soni: that sounds like something browsers would have to implement, not operating systems [00:14] also, from what I can see it's not standardised yet, so at best some browsers would have experimental support [00:16] and apparently for now that means only browsers based on Chromium [00:19] JanC: Which thing should be implemented in Browsers.. ? [00:21] that was a reply to a question before you came in [00:23] oh ok.. Sorry !! [00:32] Tingo: it was about webusb [00:43] JanC: let's say someone uses windows. why should you tell them "here, have this third-party tool to make an usb stick for installing linux" instead of the much more reasonable "open the distro website in edge" [00:44] Soni: if you want windows features you'll probably want to talk to microsoft :) [00:44] well, if you can make a webapp that can do that, I'm sure many distros would love that & use it [00:46] sarnold: it would be a webapp that works in any browser that supports it (but like I said before, said support only exists experimentally in Chromium-based browsers for now) [00:48] JanC: hmm I think I'd be grumpy if a browser could dd to a memory stick [00:48] :) [00:49] it would be supposed to ask access to it first, and the browser would be supposed to ask you first :) [00:50] it's also "worse" than just being able to write on an USB stick but full USB access to that device [00:51] (you better hope the USB device can't update its firmware over USB, I guess...) [00:51] JanC: that's actually the intended use-case for WebUSB [00:52] using it to flash linux is unintended [00:53] Hi, I am having problems with the upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04. Can somebody help me see if this is just my setup or I should log a bug? [00:53] on some USB sticks you can also update the firmware over USB & convert it into an entirely different USB device ;) [00:54] rovac: if you can give the error you get then maybe someone can help (if it's more than a couple lines, put it on a pastebin or so) [00:55] I think it's not too long: [00:55] An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. [00:55]  This was likely caused by: [00:55]  * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu [00:55] Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge [00:55] package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and [00:56] that ppa-purge package is a decent suggestion [00:56] depending upon what was added / replaced, it might be enough to just comment out those lines from your apt config [00:59] Sure, but what do I purge? Also, the main log is full of lines like [00:59] 2024-05-24 02:26:54,500 DEBUG Searching for replacement for tilix [00:59] 2024-05-24 02:26:54,500 DEBUG Failed to find a replacement for tilix [00:59] - hundreds of these [01:00] oh, hah, good question [01:01] Another weird thing - at the previous attempt I got the message that I don't have ubuntu-desktop, which I don't, and that it therefore can't determine my Ubuntu version (?!), after which I installed ubuntu-desktop [01:02] the upgrader depends upon ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-server or ubuntu-minimal etc packages to be installed in order to do what it does [01:02] well, do-release-upgrade or its GUI versions expect that [01:03] How did it upgrade e.g. from 22.10 without one of these packages? [01:03] JanC what are you suggesting? [01:03] the usual problem is trying to remove a package that you don't want, and then apt removes the metapackage too [01:06] is there formatting tools in ubuntu? [01:06] I am in lubuntu, but there is no activity in the support channel [01:06] Needless to say, the tilix example above is not a third party package, nor did I touch it manually, perhaps it got automatically updated and that's it [01:07] dragon_: what would you expect the tools to format? [01:08] a usb drive, with some kind of document protection on it [01:08] rovac: this might help find the things: for p in $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2; }' ) ; do apt-cache policy $p | grep ppa.launchpad && echo $p && apt-cache policy $p ; done [01:08] well, generally external storage drives [01:08] dragon_: fdisk cfdisk gpart [01:08] I have gpart [01:09] no, kde partition manager, sorry [01:09] thanks, I shall search for the package [01:09] that can be used to format too [01:10] if you want a GUI there is also GParted and gnome-disks [01:11] rovac: most likely there is something else that conflicts with something that tilix needs [01:12] the actual conflicting package might be mentioned above those lines somewhere [01:13] And hundreds of these? I am running almost a vanilla Ubuntu, installed a dozen of programs mostly through GUI. This time I was really a good boy and stil ran into trouble. [01:15] sometimes 1 badly conflicting package can cause a dependency solver to get very confused... [01:15] and the GUI doesn't make that different really [01:16] GUI in the sense I wasn't doing anything exotic, just installed marketplace apps. But yeah, I see your point. [01:17] there is also this> [01:17] ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'update-manager' is marked for removal but it is in the removal deny list.' [01:17] okay, good thing it figured out that something was wrong there :) [01:17] wow your system went pretty far off the rails :) [01:19] if this were my system, I'd be inclined to run: apt update --- look for anything that's NOT the official ubuntu archive. go find those in /etc/apt/sources* files and comment them out. then apt update again, make sure those lines are gone, apt upgrade to get updates, and then try do-release-upgrade again [01:19] or ppa-purge those [01:20] that should replace the PPA packages with official ones [01:20] *nod* very good idea if the ppa has done silly things :) [01:21] sarnold Does the script you sent depend of whitespace or can I save it and run it like that === tds3 is now known as tds [01:22] for p in $(dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2; }' ) ; do apt-cache policy $p | grep ppa.launchpad && echo $p && apt-cache policy $p ; done [01:24] rovac: it should run just like that [01:24] you can probably make it work with newlines in it but I'm not real good at that. I hate shell scripts so I never got good at them. :( [01:26] I'll try your apt update suggestion in the meantime or anything else you suggest, but before I spend weeks troubleshooting this - can you guys take a look at the logs so I don't follow the wrong clue. I could have picked wrong things from the logs to show here. [01:27] if you put the full log on a pastebin, yes [01:31] the full logs are pretty brutal; the terminal output is usually a lot easier to work with [01:32] Thanks a million! [01:32] I tried pastebin, it wont accept the 10k lines from apt.log sarnold I can see why you say that [01:33] I dont have the terminal output, I did the GUI upgrade [01:33] I don't think I've ever actually solved a problem with those logs ;( I really dislike em :) [01:33] I can try the do release upgrade if it's easier [01:33] open a terminal, run do-release-upgrade, that will give you something that's easier to share around [02:24] Running from the terminal didn't change much, I got the same error as from the UI. Here are the full logs https://1drv.ms/f/s!At_iiWOMX_Y0gbd1QUTfToDHyw9RAw?e=ilAyV1 [02:25] how about the terminal output itself? [02:26] iirc it runs it in screen so it might not be very easy to collect it :/ but i'm really hoping it gives a nice summary :) [02:26] these sources lists are way more usual than I expected. I feared a big pile of weird things. [02:27] rovac: how about sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop ? see what errors that reports? [02:28] Here is the output from the terminal itself https://pastebin.com/R015VML1 [02:29] It is a big pile in apt.log though, weird or not [02:30] rovac: heh, you weren't kidding, there's nothing here to help :( [02:30] I thought for sure I'd seen it give useful errors here in the past. bah. [02:30] I don't think I got any  errors while installing ubuntu-desktop [02:31] if that worked .. give it another try? heh [02:35] https://pastebin.com/fUSDvUXe [02:37] I did try to upgrade the system after the ubuntu-desktop installation, that's how I got here :( Just kidding, I don't what would have happened without that step, maybe the same. [02:40] rovac: sheesh :( I wish I had some better ideas here. maybe ubuntu-bug do-release-upgrade to file a bug report? [02:41] I got disconnected, did anyone write to me after XX:37 [02:41] 2024-05-24 02:40:01 < sarnold> rovac: sheesh :( I wish I had some better ideas here. maybe ubuntu-bug do-release-upgrade to file a bug report? [02:41] Sure, I will, I wanted to check with you guys first so I don't file a bug for nothing [02:41] the last we saw from you was < rovac> I did try to upgrade the system ... [02:42] I'll stay for a while more just in case JanC gets an idea, but it looks like a bug report it is [03:06] I would hope MS & Google don't put system packages in their repositories [03:09] but we really need the logs from the resolver to see why it can't find a solution [03:09] JanC: https://1drv.ms/f/s!At_iiWOMX_Y0gbd1QUTfToDHyw9RAw?e=ilAyV1 [03:09] I don't have a Microsoft account [03:10] Did I miss anything? [03:15] the MS Drive thing requires a login... [03:17] oh? I set the read access to everyone with a link, but maybe they meant everybody with a link and a MS account :D [03:19] JanC: oh? I saw it without trouble so I assumed it was wide open [03:19] now I wonder if I've got an MS account :) [03:20] MS spies everywhere! [03:20] Can this bpa.st handle 800kB text? [03:21] if not, github gist might [03:21] maybe it's because they aren't allowed to spy without an account in the EU [03:23] Here is the main.log, the smaller one https://bpa.st/5WZA [03:23] ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [03:26] alright, i'm off for the night, good luck [03:27] gist worked https://gist.github.com/nomen-pristinum/0d0e23c064010410a9b6ef5005c3b144 [03:27] Thanks, Arnold! [03:27] Thank you for your help [03:29] JanC let me know if you can see the files now [03:29] I was checking the bpa one [03:30] 2024-05-24 02:26:51,790 INFO No mail-transport-agent installed, marking gpg-wks-server for removal [03:43] rovac: the only thing I can think about to try is to remove all packages from the google/chrome-remote-desktop & microsoft/code repositories and then try again... [03:45] gladly, how do I do it [03:49] there is also one stray package I cant remember any more, some proprietary piece of software I downloaded probably as .deb via FTP, can that be a problem and how do I get rid of it? And another similar to the google remote desktop, also cant remember its name. Can I list them somehow? [03:53] you want to get rid of something you don't know what it is? [03:53] rovac: HI, what is your issue ? after installing Ubuntu-desktop .. can you not see GUI or what ? [03:53] try: apt list --installed|grep -v mantic [03:54] hi [03:56] Thanks, Jan. rbox, I figure I would recognise these [03:56] i your worst nightmare [03:58] Tingo, I got an error while upgrading from 23.10, failed to calculate the upgrade [03:58] This was likely caused by: [03:58]  * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu [03:58] Please use the tool 'ppa-purge' from the ppa-purge [03:58] package to remove software from a Launchpad PPA and [03:58] try the upgrade again. [03:58] huh? [03:58] rovac: just pastebin this command $ history .. it will show which commands you have been given before issue or after issue.. === catties is now known as Catty [03:59] I ran the upgrade from UI, the prompt appeared after I booted [04:00] ai is weird these days. mostve slept for 30 years, correct? [04:01] !ot | Perl_Lang [04:01] Perl_Lang: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [04:01] rovac: I haven't found anything in the apt.log yet, but I'm going to get some sleep (it's actually early morning here by now), hopefully removing the 3rd party packages will solve your issue [04:02] i use chatzilla [04:02] This is the apt.log https://gist.github.com/nomen-pristinum/0d0e23c064010410a9b6ef5005c3b144 and this is the main.log from the upgrade logs one https://bpa.st/5WZA [04:02] Thanks a million Jan, we are probably in the same timezone, this kept me up all night [04:03] thanks a lot for your assistance, I will log a bug if nothing works [04:04] the apt.log is where to find the reasoning of the dependency solving algorithm [04:04] but I need to be more awake for that than I am now :) [04:04] now you have stuck in middle that GUI is not loading because of un-completed upgrade ? [04:04] Of course, please get some rest [04:05] Tingo, thankfully no, just a failed long awaited upgrade [04:06] I wonder if this is something worth reporting, also [04:07] rovac, before reporting, remove everything that didn't come from Ubuntu & try again; but if it still fail then... [04:07] Ay, sir [04:09] rovac: remove Ubuntu-desktop and then reboot it .. [04:09] Tingo: no [04:09] then will see [04:10] I started without it, it complained bc it couldnt get the version without it, so I installed it (I forgot about that step, sorry) [04:11] you should first upgrade Ubuntu with out GUI and then should install ubuntu-desktop.. [04:11] Tingo: stop [04:12] The package 'update-manager' is marked for removal but it's in the removal deny list [04:12] Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package 'update-manager' is marked for removal but it is in the removal deny list.' [04:13] WARNING Can't mark 'ubuntu-desktop' for upgrade (E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.) [04:20] JanC: $ sudo apt update .. what is it showing right now ? [04:22] https://pastebin.com/mpJHneKz [04:22] btw, I have just removed ubuntu-desktop [04:23] haven't rebooted bc I will go offline here [04:24] so you want to upgrade from mantic 23.10 to 24.04 (Noble).. ? [04:24] that's right [04:25] and it seems that the upgrade progressed more now that I have removed ubuntu-desktop [04:26] and tried again via command line === peacefulman2 is now known as peacefulman [04:26] $ sudo cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [04:27] and also need to clean up apt ... $ sudo apt clean all [04:28] normal [04:28] shall I cancel the cmd line upgrade (hit N) and clean up first? [04:30] cancel it.. dont upgrade now.. until i say.. [04:30] clean up first === wdb7 is now known as wdb [04:31] cancelled and attempted clean, unable to get a lock on var/lib/apt/lists [04:32] $ ls -l /etc/apt/sourcelist.d/ [04:33] unable to get a lock on var/lib/apt/lists menans ? [04:34]  Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 27642 (noble) [04:34] output from cleaning [04:34] Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ [04:35] hmm... [04:36] $ sudo ps -aux | grep 27642 [04:37] root       27642  1.2  0.5 401044 82548 pts/4    Tl+  06:23   0:09 /usr/bin/python3 -s /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-f5bs48zv/noble --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText [04:37] nikola     29992  0.0  0.0  12316  2304 pts/0    S+   06:36   0:00 grep --color=auto 27642 [04:38] $ sudo kill -9 27642 [04:38] $ sudo apt clean all [04:39] killed the process and ran the clean all [04:39] no output from apt this time [04:40] ok.. $ uname -a [04:41] actually wanted to see which kernel are you running right now.. [04:41] Linux Cheetah 6.5.0-35-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Apr 26 11:23:57 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [04:42] I had switched to OEM before to try and fix a sleep issue with Lenovo/AMD, bu that bork the brightness and other keyboard keys [04:42] but that broke* [04:43] ok now .. $ sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade [04:43] and pastebin the output [04:44] https://bpa.st/ZB5Q [04:46] in last pastebin.. your $ sudo apt update was showing mantic .. now its showing noble .. in $ sudo apt update ? [04:47] what in the world [04:47] yes [04:47] actually I dont remeber what was before [04:47] https://pastebin.com/mpJHneKz [04:48] this one was the last one.. [04:49] https://bpa.st/ZB5Q this one was now [04:49] well, $ sudo apt install update-manager-core .. havev to check this manager-core version [04:49] I did run do-release-upgrade but chose N when prompted to go fro the upgrade [04:50] $ sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list [04:50] the apt upgrade is still running [04:50] shall I runn in parllel or wait [04:52] press Y to $sudo apt upgrade.. [04:52] sources list https://bpa.st/QR5Q [04:54] ok, its upgrading packages .. after $ sudo apt upgrade ? [04:54] yes, it prompted me to allow to restart services at will, I said Yes [04:55] YES.. [04:55] and did it said about NEW KERNEL message ? [04:55] during upgrading packages ? [04:56] I don't know, there is A LOT of output coming [04:56] always press YES during this current upgrading.. [04:58] It's unpacking everyting on earth, I  will save the output from the console and upload it somewhere if you need it, to much for clipboard and pastebins [04:59] nop, i meant like it had prompted you for restart service .. it might be show you same pop-up message about NEW Kernel.. [05:00] Ah, I see. There iis a new prompt: new version (/usr/share/unattended-upgrades/20auto-upgrades-disabled)  of configuration file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades is available,  but the version installed currently has been locally modified. [05:00] What do you want to do about modified configuration file 20auto-upgrades? [05:01] its asking about YES and NO ? [05:01] multiple choice> [05:01] which ? [05:03]  │           install the package maintainer's version │ keep the local version currently installed │ show the differences between the versions  │ show a side-by-side difference between the versions │ [05:03]  │           show a 3-way difference between available versions │   do a 3-way merge between available versions  │  start a new shell to examine the situation  │ [05:03] keep the local version was highlighted already ? [05:04] If you dont remember doing any of those modifications yourself I would recommend installing the packagers version  [05:04] Tingo, I think so< but I cant be sure, I possibleyclicked [05:05] select keep the local version currently installed.. [05:05] ravage, I think I didnt [05:06] btw.. later on you can change/configure it later on by $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades [05:07] so package maintainers' or local? [05:07] oh, okay [05:07] well, how many upgrades has been done yet ? out of 1593 ? [05:08] more than half [05:09] almost done [05:10] any kind of Errors at the end ? [05:11] well, after this.. for more verification. $ sudo apt dist-upgrade [05:12] a warning, interrupted before it could finish, probably pertaining to the last step [05:12] pastebins ..? [05:12] you want the whole thing or just the last several lines [05:12] last several lines [05:14] https://bpa.st/5XOQ [05:15] $ sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade [05:16] re-run again for verification [05:16] dist upgrade or upgrade [05:16] both.. [05:17] first update and then upgrade [05:17] and then dist-upgrade? [05:17] will see dist-upgrade after that.. [05:18] pastebin first that $ sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgradate [05:18] *upgrade [05:19] https://bpa.st/4XFA update [05:20] how can I best give you the upgrade output? It's going to be big and ask for input [05:21] nop leave upgrade.. let it upgrade.. [05:21] if it shows errror again then pastebin... its now 677 packages.. [05:22] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 677 not upgraded. [05:22] the UI also jumped in now to offer a partial upgrade, skipping 677 packages [05:23] k [05:23] $ sudo apt disk-upgrade [05:23] $ sudo apt dist-upgrade [05:24] https://bpa.st/TVKA [05:26] hmm... thats why i had suggest that first upgrade Ubuntu and then install ubuntu-desktop [05:26] btw.. as you said you have been removed ubuntu-desktop ..? [05:26] what do you figure happened? [05:27] yes, but didn't restart, in order to stay online [05:27] well.. hmm.. $ lsb_release -a [05:28] and $ uname -a [05:29] No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:    Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Release:    24.04 [05:29] Linux Cheetah 6.5.0-35-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Apr 26 11:23:57 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [05:30] hmm.. its stil 6.5.0-35 Kernel [05:31] yes, I havent restarted the machine, should it which live?! [05:31] well, sudo apt install update-manager-core [05:31] yea, need to reboot it.. but first tell me update-manager-core version.... [05:32] https://bpa.st/IC5A [05:33] $ sudo apt autoremove [05:34] https://bpa.st/VWNA [05:35] Y [05:35] and after this.. $ sudo reboot [05:36] removed a ot, processed trigers, no errors or warnings [05:36] a lot* [05:36] ok.. reboot it.. [05:36] if I reboot I will go offline [05:37] will I be able to boot? [05:38] hope so... btw again $ sudo apt update ; $ sudo apt --list-upgradable [05:39] after the reboot or now [05:39] now [05:39] $ sudo apt --listupgradable [05:39] 660 packages can be up. [05:40] $ sudo apt upgrade [05:40] but also pastebin $ sudo apt --listupgradable [05:40] copy its list.. [05:47] apt upgrade shown same errors or ? [05:48] No, it's me who got stuck :D [05:49] and gedit [05:49] this time apt-upgrade command didnt gave any error ? [05:49] had to > to a file, Tilix doesnt let me save [05:50] https://bpa.st/HNNQ [05:50] havent run upgrade yet [05:50] btw.. also give this comand $ sudo ldconfig [05:50] this is apt list --upgradable [05:51] ldconfig done, no output. Tell me when to proceed with upgrade. [05:52] 90% packages are related to ubuntu-desktop group.. [05:53] Y [05:55] done, nicee and clean [05:56] Good.. [05:57] you can now reboot it ..if you want to .. [05:57] time to go .. :) [05:57] sure! [05:57] Thanks a lot, Tingo, you are a magician [05:58] Where are you from, btw [05:58] Most welcome !! [06:00] 99% of paid products and services don't have support this good and dedicated, even people who couldn't solve it tried their best. Thanks! [06:30] hi, my camera isn't working on 24.04 [06:32] Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0408:4033 Quanta Computer, Inc. ACER HD User Facing [09:02] In fractional scaling 100% makes everything looks small and when I change it to 125% everything is too big. is there something in between? [10:14] scaling is not a good idea, better change the DPI. === PasiZ1 is now known as PasiZ [10:40] Hello [10:41] im here [11:16] \o [12:04] what do you use to burn installable iso image on a usb stick? [12:04] usb creator, standard in ubuntu [12:05] !usb [12:05] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [12:16] @dragon_ I use Ventoy. [12:18] I see [12:18] there are suppose to be a iso burning tool in lubuntu, but I can`t find it [12:18] neither the checksum tool, [12:18] It`s been a while since I did it, and I am such an amateur [12:19] I have had upgrades from within a running buntu for too long [12:20] j_w_t, is ventoy preinstalled? [12:21] No. [12:21] .. sure you can find usb creator. [12:23] I have a startup disk creator [12:24] the same [12:26] ...I have to check md5 sum I think [12:26] is it a must? [12:27] ...oh, in terminal... === gschanuel5377 is now known as gschanuel537 [13:52] Hi, I just upgraded Ubuntu to 24.04 and my lxde panel is now broken - cut in half, systray not showing, see screenshot and logs: [13:52] https://mariuszkoniarz.pl/lxde_systray_not_showing.png https://mariuszkoniarz.pl/run.log    how to fix this? [13:52] on new account made for test this issue is this same [13:57] mckanty32: hmmm nie dobrze wyglonda [14:05] Hiall [14:06] I have a small 11'' keyboard with no del key. I wanted to create a shortcut to delete, but what command do I need? [14:07] !info input-remapper | carter [14:07] carter: input-remapper (2.0.1-1, noble): Input device button mapping tool (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by input-remapper. Size 2 kB / 9 kB [14:24] Ubuntu 24.04, upgraded from 23.10. I try to install the new ppa for Kicad 8, but even after adding it, apt still insists on installing the outdated 7.6 version. There is also a snap, but that package is not from the Kicad devs and it breaks showing components in 3D viewer. [14:24] Nitrigaur: the volunteers cant advice much on external ppa's [14:25] Nitrigaur: usualy we advice to keep the ubuntu repos vanilla on your system, to avoid conflicts or dependency errors [14:26] ppa:kicad/kicad-8.0-releases from https://www.kicad.org/download/details/ubuntu/ [14:27] https://launchpad.net/~kicad/+archive/ubuntu/kicad-8.0-releases [14:31] oerheks, thank you for the link, but I've found both links already. That's how I added the ppa. apt policy kicad shows both versions, but even though I explicitly state the version I want with kicad=8.0.2-0 apt still offers to install version 7.6 without telling me why it does not comply with my stated version [14:32] from what ppa does that 7.6 come from? delete it? [14:32] oerheks, the previous ppa was from 23.10, but I have removed it from the sources list. [14:33] sure? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [14:34] oerheks,only kicad-ubuntu-kicad-8_0-releases-noble.sources is listed [14:36] then did you install something manuall? [14:36] oerheks, no, I only used apt [14:37] then the apt version is 7.6, remove that one? [14:38] !info kicad noble [14:38] kicad (7.0.11+dfsg-1build4, noble): Electronic schematic and PCB design software. In component universe, is optional. Built by kicad. Size 35,272 kB / 146,189 kB. (Only available for any-amd64, any-i386, arm64, armhf, mips64el, powerpc, ppc64, ppc64el, riscv64.) [14:43] Nitrigaur, have you tried the testing build ? ppa:kicad/kicad-8.0-nightly [14:43] oerheks, this situation has probably to do something with the upgrade from 23.10 yesterday. It did not go smoothly at all. I had to go into rescue mode to complete the upgrade. [14:43] ioria. no, I stuck to the release build mentioned on the Kicad website. [14:45] ioria, ppa:kicad/kicad-8.0-releases to be precise. [14:45] so your issue is upgrade stuff. maybe time for a fresh install? [14:47] oerheks, maybe so, but that would cost a lot of time, since I have a lot of programs installed and all my volumes are encrypted [14:48] Nitrigaur, apt-cache policy kicad [14:50] ioria, I'll make a pastebin of the output, but only two versions are mentioned, 8.0.2-0 and 7.0.11., not any version starting with 7.6 [14:50] https://dpaste.com/CH2L2W7U3 [14:51] Nitrigaur, and if you apt install kicad it will give you 7 , right ? [14:53] ioria, right [14:53] Nitrigaur, can you paste the /etc/apt/spurces.list.d/kicad-ubuntu-kicad-8_0-releases-noble.sources ? [14:53] Nitrigaur, can you paste the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kicad-ubuntu-kicad-8_0-releases-noble.sources ? [14:53] ioria, sure :-) [14:56] maybe you need the full name, kicad=8.0.2-0~ubuntu24.04.1 [14:58] ioria, https://dpaste.com/4VT8LCQ7N [14:59] Nitrigaur, change 'Suites: noble' with 'Suites: devel' [15:00] Nitrigaur, sudo apt update ; apt -s install kicad [15:00] oerheks, ioria, it works now, just with a normal apt install kicad and without changing the Suites to devel. [15:01] Nitrigaur, ah, ok [15:02] ioria, I'd like to understand more *why* it failed before, but for that I have to refer to the apt install logs. Anyhow, ioria, oerheks, thanks once again, you are treasures within this community. [15:02] time [15:03] Nitrigaur, no problem === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest1101 [16:00] Good morning! [17:06] hallo [17:14] How do you pronounce sexp? [17:15] not a topic for here junyx [17:15] Wrong channel sorry [17:36] mckanty32: hmmm nie dobrze wyglonda [17:54] do you guys also have network drives not showing in the dock? [17:57] better ask your real question? [17:57] grolongo, where are mounted ? [17:57] ubuntu version, how did you mount that drive [17:59] Ubuntu 24.04, using fstab [17:59] grolongo, the mountpoints ? [18:00] like this: // /​media/grolongo/share cifs vers=3.0,credentials=/home/grolongo/.smbcredentials [18:00] I also have my .smbcredentials made and triple checked the login/password [18:01] folders created as well [18:02] I also checked the fstab line with my other Ubuntu machine running 22.04, which is identical, and it works fine on the older LTS. [18:02] grolongo: are they enabled in gnomes settings>/dock behaviour? [18:02] yes [18:02] network drives, external drives are enabled [18:02] i actualy had issues adding an internal 2nd ssd in noble too [18:02] gsettings get org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock show-mounts-network [18:02] is .smbcredentials owner root, permissions 0600 ? [18:02] returns true [18:02] from disk-tools automount didnt want to add the lines in fstab [18:03] oerheks: that as well. correct permissions. === zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz [18:55] hello: I have a dell 4 core machine that I put 22.04 on maybe 7-8 months ago. It keeps wanting to run a broken install of - ubuntu restricted extras - and says to let terminal fix it - when i try to do so - it keeps asking. thanks.. no , om not on that machine at this time - i will copy any text for later fixes - thanks. [18:57] I tried uninstalling and re-installing - through the resident installer - to no avail. [18:57] I looked into logs - nothing. === Alpha is now known as Azul === Azul is now known as Allpha- === Allpha- is now known as Alpha_ === Alpha_ is now known as Alpha` [20:11] I need help: Partial upgrade to ubuntu 24.04 from 23.10, FS only accessible in recovery mode as root + wifi may be down. [20:12] I can log in to recovery mode, filesystem is read and write, unsure that ‘network’ enables it. [20:13] the whole problem can be read here: https://privatebin.at/?daf7838c931e9b89#6HtPcpT8wJ2ykjjPtT8xc81aVdLPWrXyrKwwo87ACxWk [20:19] what a weird paste [20:36] if you mark the text, you can read it [21:22] ciao [21:32] I have a workstation with 22.04-1 kernel 6.5.0-35-generic . It is freezing on boot and does not even reach the GUI. [21:32] here is my journalctl https://bpa.st/5YIA [21:44] I'm getting "Failed to start Service for snap application kclock.kclockd". Several timeouts occur waiting for a reply from ntp.ubuntu.com. The computer then freezes dead until I reset it with the power button. This freeze occurs during boot. [21:52] wonder what kclock is [21:53] boot in safe mode, remove that snap? [21:54] that's what I'd also suggest. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [21:55] publisher is KDE, https://snapcraft.io/kclock [21:56] oh, and a changelog in snapstore before downloading would be great [21:56] weird, you don't need snap to get a clock in kde... ah well, what ever, probably nothing lost removing it [21:57] me hope this one gets fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fail2ban/+bug/2055114 [21:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2055114 in fail2ban (Ubuntu Noble) "fail2ban is broken in 24.04 Noble" [High, Confirmed] [21:59] oerheks: I use deadsnakes ppa python for a ton of things that don't work on 3.12 yet, or are too annoying to update [22:05] I found kclock 23.08.3 Rev 21 on this machine. How can I remove that snap pkg without it sneaking back into the system? [22:06] chonkin: with snap remove? [22:06] it's not something ubuntu installs on its own [22:07] cbreak I think i just need to stop it from loading a service at boot. This kclock is the most likely cause of a freeze during boot [22:07] it won't start if it's not there :) [22:07] otherwise, snap disable might do it ... [22:07] safe mode prevents those starting [22:08] a/k/a/ single user mode [22:24] I am having issues getting docker compose to work. When I run docker-compose up --build -d on a compose file I get "docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: HTTPConnection.request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'chunked'" [22:30] rawrmonster: sounds like a question to send to #docker or a channel. Also... would help if you post a link to a paste of your docker compose file. [22:46] cbreak okay the kclock was successfully removed. The machine still freezes on boot. [22:46] I can't see anything wrong in the journalctl https://bpa.st/4KXQ [22:47] You can see me wait for 20 seconds for the machine to respond at 18:28:02 "Power key pressed." [22:49] I am stumped. My best guess is this event logged at [22:49] May 24 18:27:06 my.netw.com systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 487 (plymouthd). [22:50] can you switch to an other tty and log in there on the text console? [22:50] and look around with systemctl status or so? [22:51] cbreak me? [22:52] yes [22:56] cbreak https://bpa.st/B5HA [23:15] no failed units [23:15] but doesn't look like everyone's there [23:15] you're still in recovery mode [23:17] yep. The machine is freezing on boot during normal boots [23:20] then journalctrl -b -1 gives previous boot logs [23:20] yes. I went back to find the boot that involved pressing the power button [23:26] you can't switch to an other tty when the boot process hangs? [23:26] alright it is hanging right now. What should I try? [23:27] press ctrl-alt-f4 or so, to try to switch to tty4 [23:28] ctrl-alt-f4 has no effect. ( Well. it made the blinking cursor freeze. No other signs. ) [23:31] I'd probably try to install / setup sshd in the recovery env and check if it works during the "frozen" boot [23:31] but this looks very weird [23:33] cbreak: Which Ubuntu Version are you running ? and With GUI or Without ? [23:34] cbreak: Where is it get Hang.. on Login Prompt/Window or During booting? [23:38] it hangs before any GUI appears. 22.04-1 , 6.5.0-35-generic [23:40] Tingo: it's chonkin's problem, not mine [23:41] cbreak : oh Sorry... [23:42] chonkin: during Boot.. do you see any Error or Red Color message Regarding Services etc ? [23:45] What was the last configuration you did and it start happening ? [23:46] This time i waited 1min8sec before pressing the power button. https://bpa.st/BIRA [23:46] May 24 19:35:02 my.netw.com systemd-logind[999]: Power key pressed. [23:49] This is the only part that seems off to me , but this was neither an error, failure, nor warning [23:49] May 24 19:23:24 my.netw.com systemd[1]: Started crash report submission. [23:49] May 24 19:23:24 my.netw.com systemd[1]: kerneloops.service: Found left-over process 1235 (kerneloops) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring. [23:54] "left-over process." "unclean termination" "service implementaiton deficiencies" [23:56] alright. I am at work and I need to leave the premises and get to stores before the close for the evening. [23:56] I am on a latop, so I wlil be closing IRC and wlil not see your messages to me [23:56] I wll not be able to work on this tomorrow, as my car is getting repaired [23:56] I will (maybe) be back to work on this on Sunday