=== john is now known as Guest6666 === Guest6666 is now known as JohnJ === JohnJ is now known as Yonyon [00:38] Since upgrading from Kubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 I've been having difficulty with my computer. It'l start to boot, but stop on a black screen. It'll come up and run in recovery mode, and I can then let it continue to the desktop at very low resolution. Twice I've gotten it to come up to a desktop using kernel 6.5.0-35-generic, but usually it won't come up. 6.8.0-31-generic never gets me past the black screen. [00:41] could be this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/2065321 [00:41] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2065321 in sddm (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 24.04 Second boot always black screen" [Undecided, Confirmed] [00:41] depends on what hw i guess [00:45] Yonyon, .. when you boot up.. Hold shift in so you get the grub menu up. then go Edit the grub command , on the linux line remove quiet and splash. [00:45] it should boot without the plymount stuff. [00:46] Yonyon, i guess you have AMD.. Radeon [00:47] nuxil, yes, I'm on and AMD setup. I will try that. [00:47] i had the same issue [00:47] So to edit the grub command, how do I do that? [00:48] when you are in the grub menu.. [00:48] press E on Kubuntu [00:48] it opens a "editor" [00:48] Thanks. I will try it now. [00:48] and [00:49] once you have removed the "quiet and splash". press F10 === john is now known as Yonyon [00:53] so. it booted now or ? === warmana1 is now known as warmana === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === aprompt is now known as Guest3866 === Guest3866 is now known as xrandr [12:47] Hi all === b is now known as Guest6312 [16:22] Just tried to copy a folder which contains a subfolder that begins with a dot (".vscode"), from local to smb-share via dolphin (Kubuntu 24.04). I then get the error that the folder ".../.vscode" does not exist. There are no issues copying folders with subfolders wihout "." at the beginning and also I'm able to copy just the subfolder that begins [16:22] with a "." (".vscode")! [16:27] summary: copying folders from local to smb-share works fine unless there are hidden subfolders! [16:29] Additional info: I setup the smb-share manually on a raspberrypi(4) [16:31] excerpt from smb.conf: [16:31] [exchg] [16:31]    comment = NAS [16:31]    path = /media/exchg [16:31]    read only = no [16:31]    browseable = yes [16:49] O.k., thanks for the hint, will try Tumbleweed! [16:55] hide dot files = no in your config? [16:55] opposite of https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/557906/samba-do-not-show-hidden-dot-files [16:56] Will try, thanks! [17:05] Did not work (added "hide dot files = no" and rebooted the rpi). Do I have to reboot Kubuntu, too? [17:20] smbd version: 4.17.12-Debian [17:33] Regarding the smb issue: Tried it with UBUNTU and it worked. So it seems to be a DOLPHIN-issue! [17:40] good spot [17:57] Oh, now it is working, I just reopened the smb-share-folder in Dolphin! [17:59] So issue "copying folders with hidden subfolders (starting with ".")" is solved by adding "hide dot files = no" to "smb.conf"! [17:59] thanks [18:01] have fun! [18:06] yo [18:06] whaddup [18:06] gang anyone in here [18:40] Super super strange. Did a fresh install, with format, of Kubuntu and media keys wouldn’t work. Did a second fresh install and it works. Didn’t do or change anything. [23:03] So I have Kubuntu 23.10 and it says update is available, but when i click on it a window opens saying upgrade failed with the following output and an empty message box [23:04] what gives? [23:22] happened to me i did it in the commandline (re @IrcsomeBot: So I have Kubuntu 23.10 and it says update is available, but when i click on it a window opens saying upgrade failed with the following output and an empty message box) === root is now known as Guest571 [23:30] Clean installed 24.04 on bare metal. on first boot everything seemed fine so I did the recommended updates. (was online during kubuntu install) and blank screen on reboot. so I did anouther fresh clean install this time not performing the updates and after rebooting, i get a blank screen (screen is getting an output but of black nothing)[AMD [23:30] r5-4600g on A320 chipset] [23:30] what do I do?