
Bashing-omOpening 841 to fix my boo boos - one to add.01:15
Bashing-omEyes off for a spell - Brake light issue to research :(01:37
guivercs/This is our next issue that is currently being generated/This is our next issue being built/  (shorter & fits the construction icons maybe)01:45
Bashing-omguiverc: Yeah - Under Construction is "being built" :D01:55
Bashing-omaway for a spell. 01:55
guivercof no importance though.. that text is too long though thus my ^ thought...01:57
* guiverc has opened mousepad, new doc & typed 'uwn summaries 841'... so moving towards starting....01:57
* Bashing-om done a bit of homework - enough to make forward moves on the brake lights tomorrow.02:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Julian Andres Klode: Observations in Debian dependency solving @ https://blog.jak-linux.org/2024/05/24/observations-in-debsat/03:06
* guiverc going to paste some summaries in 84105:41
* guiverc out05:46
* guiverc will paste two before going out with birbs..06:02
* guiverc out06:03
* guiverc posting to 841 07:28
* guiverc has done this rather quickly.. got other stuff I'm behind on; so summaries could be kinda rough07:30
Bashing-omguiverc: I too am over wrought with other things - but I believe I can hold it together enough to proof read/edit on my morrow's session :)07:32
guivercDon't worry if you don't ... I'll get to review on (my) monday anyway..07:33
guivercI've amended my youtube summary and it includes a link to the agenda (link to discourse) .. as more of a summary would mostly be repeating detail from there (inc. attendees).. said this (sorta) in comments07:34
* guiverc out07:34
* guiverc going in again.. you listed something too later, I'll amend to reflect that formatting..07:35
Bashing-omguiverc: I trust your judgement better them mine in these ^ matters. 07:36
guivercnah, I preferred yours thus the change..07:36
* guiverc out07:38
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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