[00:08] hmm.. [00:09] edrdehttps://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/01/02/the-i-in-llm-stands-for-intelligence/ [00:09] ahem, thanks ct [00:09] *cat [00:10] i think Loop devices used by SnapD.. also seeing issue with Snapd [00:17] chonkin: it also look like that updates/upgrades didnt fully completed.. [00:33] snapd[963]: autorefresh.go:643: Cannot prepare auto-refresh change due to a permanent network error: persistent network error...it also look like that the internet is not connecting during boot and thats why snapd or those packages which didnt fully upgrade is hanging in middle.. [00:40] https://bpa.st/O46A [00:40] Use EthernetCable for internet and Reboot .. === john is now known as Yonyon [00:53] I'm back up! === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:44] I just had my Lenovo X1 Gen 11 motherboard replaced and it used to dual boots Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.04.  With the same NVMe, I can now only see Windows on boot.  How do I fix it? I know I need an Ubuntu live CD but do I just go to a root shell and reinstall grub? [02:16] I have the live CD booted but can't figure out how to run grub-install. [02:30] I just tried boot-repair, but I can still only boot Windows. [02:37] BruceMomjian: Hi.. lets start .. boot with Ubuntu 22.04 live CD.. [02:40] pastebin the results of command $ lsblk and $ sudo fdisk -l [02:42] Okay, please give me 5 minutes. [02:57] Sorry, trying some things.  Also, it is Windows 11. [02:58] so you have been just changed your motherboard.. ? [02:58] Yes [02:58] But the rest is the same, e.g., nvme. [02:59] do you have Ubuntu USB Stick or Live CD of Ubuntu 22.04 ? [03:00] Yes, I have booted that now. [03:00] USB Live [03:00] give these commands .. [03:00] $ lsblk [03:01] and $ fdisk -l [03:01] copy the results of these commands and pastebin it for me.. [03:03] hii [03:04] is there any ubuntu chat channel? [03:04] Hi.. You are right now in Ubuntu chat Channel.. [03:05] https://pastebin.com/GM3fh236 [03:05] Tingo >> oh yes, but more channel ?? [03:06] ubuntu-server [03:06] yuri_boyka: ? [03:06] thanks bro [03:06] why [03:07] https://pastebin.com/yAHU17Qb [03:07] Tingo: :) [03:10] BruceMomjian: $ arch [03:10] hope so it will be x86_64 [03:10] is there any channel where i talk about my personal queries? [03:11] Yes, x86_64 [03:11] $ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /mnt [03:11] When I did the original Ubuntu install, I shrunk Windows then installed Ubuntu.  Somehow that was lost. [03:12] Yes, all files from old Ubuntu are in /mnt. [03:13] Yeah, I guess.  ;-) [03:13] hola [03:13] $ ls -l /mnt/boot [03:13] $ ls -l /mnt/boot/efi [03:15] https://pastebin.com/BhzJj85M [03:15] Seems /mnt/boot/efi is empty [03:15] HELLO [03:16] hola [03:16] $ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi [03:17] set [03:17] BruceMomjian: where it has been lost ? [03:17] $ ls -l /mnt/boot/efi [03:17] hola me podrian ayudar como montar /home archlinux [03:18] Now there are contents:  https://pastebin.com/iEFWwdCP [03:18] d [03:18] como [03:19] HOLA [03:19] takatzu: English..? [03:20] not english [03:20] $ ls -l /mnt/boot/efi/EFI [03:21] Takatzu: why do you want /home ? show me this command $ df -Th [03:21] https://pastebin.com/Hadarv2F [03:23] When I boot I only ever see the Windows boot manager. [03:23] BruceMomjian: did you checked your BIOS Boot menu ? [03:24] Yes, I see Windows and the actual hard drive device as options. [03:24] BruceMomjian: $ sudo umount /dev/nvme0n1p1 [03:25] Done [03:25] $ sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev [03:25] $ sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc [03:25] $ sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys [03:25] Done [03:26] btw.. $ ls -l /mnt/boot/efi is now showing empty ? [03:26] Yes, empty [03:26] $ sudo chroot /mnt [03:26] Done [03:27] I did this kind of thing once before when I switched to EFI from MBR on a Supermicro server where I was moving the OS to a new motherboard. [03:29] after doing chroot /mnt .. did you command promt changed ? [03:29] Yes from ubuntu@ubuntu to root@ubuntu.  You are good.  :-) [03:30] And $ switched to /# [03:30] yea.. i was trying to figure out that current one is EFI or MBR.. but if it is EFI then your BIOS should show Ubuntu name in Menu.. [03:31] Since it is all fresh install and fresh hardware, I assumed EFI. [03:32] On the MBR to EFI switch, I was moving from 11-year-old supermicro to current supermicro, so I was not surprised. [03:32] and the on last motherboard.. it was MBR ? [03:32] Yeah, that old [03:32] hmm.. [03:32] But this is Lenovo Thinkpad, n [03:32] Forget my SuperMicro mention. [03:32] I just recognized the commands from that job. [03:33] Both Lenovo motherboards were EFI, and in fact are the same exactly. [03:33] Even same part numbers. [03:34] $ sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntuOS [03:34] 1 min [03:34] I will hold [03:34] # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntuOS [03:35] I am kind of surprised we are specifying parameters. [03:36] Okay, should I run that now? [03:36] for efi we use this... otherwise on MBR you had this # grub-install /dev/nvme0n1 [03:36] yea ..run it [03:36] Oh, wow [03:36] I was not aware of that [03:37] done ? [03:37] after that command.. [03:37] Yes, but got an error:  https://pastebin.com/4aJEvLAN [03:37] # update-grub [03:38] oh ok.. [03:38] I am checking to see if I typed something wrong. [03:38] # mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi [03:39] Uh, do I use /mnt/boot/efi or /boot/efi? [03:39] # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntuOS [03:39] or do I get out of chroot and then do the mount, and then go back in again? [03:40] oh yes.. good noticed.. sorry i had just pasted from above.. [03:40] I will get out of chroot and then mount [03:40] ok [03:41] # exit [03:41] Okay, I have gotten out of chroot, mounted, and then went back in [03:41] run again, I assume, same command [03:42] # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntuOS [03:42] Okay, that worked [03:42] now.. this command [03:42] # update-grub [03:43] https://pastebin.com/WxDkpE4r [03:43] Does that look good? [03:43] hmm.. 1 min [03:44] # ls -l /boot/efi/ [03:44] # ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/ [03:44] pastebin it [03:45] https://pastebin.com/ynCX3NH9 [03:46] I think the big question is why does efi/EFI have ubuntu and ubuntuOS [03:46] # ls -l /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ [03:47] https://pastebin.com/Xefz8i2W [03:47] give this command.. [03:48] # # grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntu [03:48] and pastebin the output.. [03:48] Worked, same output as ubuntuOS [03:49] pastebin ..? [03:49] https://pastebin.com/pCrGiuQk [03:49] I also gave you the contents of ubuntu and ubuntuOS [03:52] # update-grub [03:52] Done [03:53] # exit [03:53] $ sudo umount /mnt/dev [03:53] $ sudo umount /mnt/proc [03:53] $ sudo umount /mnt/sys [03:53] $ sudo umount /mnt [03:55] any output of # update-grub command ? [03:56] $ sudo reboot [03:56] unplug live usb stick.. [03:56] https://pastebin.com/vAzaWFEF [03:56] Sorry for the pastebin delay [03:57] umount /mnt/boot/efi? [03:57] yes.. [03:57] So we are leaving ubuntu and ubuntuOS both in EFI? [03:58] yea.. just reboot it.. [03:58] Okay [03:58] have to check that either now you see GRUB menu on boot or NOT.. [03:59] Okay bios boot options only show Windows boot manager and the NVme.  Let me boot into the bios and also windows and see if anything is new [04:00] Bios is the same, Windows boot manager and NVme0 [04:00] Let me boot into Windows [04:00] if you dont go to BIOS.. then it goes to Windows still .. ? and yes in BIOS boot also disable speed boot [04:01] I have BIOS boot mode Quick and Diagnostics [04:02] i meant have to disable FAST BOOT option in BIOS boot settings.. [04:02] Quick is Enabled ? [04:02] In the BIOS, I have Boot Mode which was Quick, but I can make it Diagnostics [04:03] normally on UEFI BIOS FAST BOOT option conflict with Grub and Grub dont load [04:03] reboot it.. and dont press any key.. [04:03] Doing that now [04:04] it is booting into Window [04:04] hmm.. [04:08] now again reboot.. and from starting press continuesly down Arrow key [04:08] Do I want to enable Windows UEFI Firmware update?  I assume it doesn't matter [04:10] No change on arrow key [04:11] hmm.. one more thing.. reboot it and press F12 it will show you Boot device List.. [04:12] Okay in device list [04:12] what are showing ? [04:12] Boot menu has Windows Boot Manager and NVMe0. [04:13] select NVME0 [04:13] Okay, that boots Windows [04:17] I am going to try enabling Secure boot in BIOS, boot Windows, then turn if off again [04:18] I know Ubuntu can't boot with secure boot === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest1696 [04:19] again boot it with live usb. stick.. [04:19] Okay, hold [04:21] booting usb [04:22] its your New Motherboard: Lenovo X1 Gen 11 ? [04:22] yes [04:22] Old one was the same. [04:22] Same everything [04:22] Okay booted [04:23] $ sudo efibootmgr -v [04:26] https://pastebin.com/Hq4Vc9jW [04:29] hmm.. dont have any info about Ubuntu... look windows is using that parition and folder for using that file EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi [04:29] Yeah, no sign of Ubuntu. [04:29] Grub2 .. might be do some thing.. [04:30] At least we can _see_ the problem now. [04:30] type $ grub and then press twice TAB key... look is it showing Grub2-install ? [04:30] Uh, grub says no command found [04:30] noo.. [04:31] just type grub and dont press ENTER Key.. type grub and then twice TAB keyx [04:32] grub returns "no command found" [04:32] There is no grub from the command-line, even as root. [04:32] you want me to do the chroot thing? [04:41] This looks interesting:  https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/x5jv2v/cannot_add_boot_entry_to_efibootmgr_with/ [04:51] Any more ideas Tingo? [04:54] back.. was away... [04:54] NP [04:54] hmm that tutorial is also showing same thing which we did.. [04:54] Yeah [04:54] as you said you were also using boot-repair ? [04:54] and this seems similar:  https://bobcares.com/blog/ubuntu-not-found-in-efibootmgr/ [04:55] mount again all things.. [04:55] you mean the chroot thing? [04:56] $ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p5 /mnt [04:56] done [04:56] $ sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi [04:57] done [04:57] $ sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev [04:57] $ sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc [04:57] $ sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys [04:57] $ sudo chroot /mnt [04:58] if we use grub2..lets see [04:58] # grub2-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntu [04:59] grub2-install not found [04:59] hmm.. [04:59] This is ubuntu 22.04 [05:00] # blkid [05:01] # df -Th [05:01] https://pastebin.com/RqHViAga [05:02] https://pastebin.com/G77rag2J [05:03] the /dev/sda is the usb stick [05:04] yes.. [05:04] # grub-install /dev/nvme0n1 [05:04] that worked, no errors [05:04] pastebin [05:05] https://pastebin.com/H46WHMzi [05:05] # update-grub [05:06] https://pastebin.com/Yzr89dCZ [05:07] # efibootmgr -v [05:07] It says command not found [05:08] Should I exit chroot and unmount everything and then run it? [05:08] Sorry [05:08] What i mean it that is doesn't report anything, just says EFI variables not supported [05:08] I do have /boot/efi mounted [05:08] nop.. dont unmount any thing [05:09] ewe, but I only see system volume information in there [05:09] must be something wrong [05:09] # exit [05:09] $ sudo efibootmgr -v [05:09] Same output [05:10] hmm.. aah it will not work.. becausse we have been mounted main folders.. [05:11] I think I need to do that again [05:11] The /mnt/boot/efi didn't look right [05:12] $ sudo chroot /mnt [05:12] # cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg [05:12] pastebin [05:12] Uh, hold [05:13] This looks wrong:  https://pastebin.com/WkCEmcDZ [05:14] Oh, sorry [05:14] I had to look in EFI [05:14] Okay, I am back [05:14] That looks normal [05:14] Okay, so i am setting up chroot again? [05:15] Okay chroot done [05:15] yea.. EFI Folder has windows manager plus old ubuntu folder and then new one which we mistakenly created UbuntuOS [05:16] How do I paste when it is more than one screen? [05:16] --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=ubuntu .. its mean folder /boot/efi and inside of EFI folder ubuntu [05:17] $ sudo chroot /mnt [05:17] # cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg [05:17] I have grub.cfg but how can I paste it? === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3149 [05:19] https://pastebin.com/LsP9yx60 [05:19] That is probably the part you want [05:25] everything is looking kind of fine to me.. have to check BIOS..well first need to reboot it and [05:25] Uh, do we need to enable prober in grub?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404859/can-not-boot-ubuntu-22-04-dual-boot-installation-no-grub-loader [05:32] # grub-install --version [05:32] 2.06-2 [05:32] # cat /etc/default/grub [05:33] GRUB_DISABLE_PROBER=false [05:33] last line of the file so nothing is overriding it [05:33] its already there.. [05:34] Right [05:34] but why is efibootmgr not even seeing our changes? [05:34] when you. run # update-grub it should show windows after probe OS line.. [05:35] efibootmgr is not sshowing because we have mounted live usb stick folderss /dev /sys / proc [05:35] https://pastebin.com/ucFvSH2e [05:36] doesn't show anything after the warning probe line [05:36] You want me to exit chroot and run efibootmgr -v? [05:36] # exit [05:37] $ sudo umount /mnt/dev ; sudo umount /mnt/proc ; sudo umount /mnt/sys ; sudo umount /mnt [05:38] $ sudo efibootmgr -v [05:39] I don't see ubuntu or grub:  https://pastebin.com/9TzDDsza [05:40] $ sudo efibootmgr --help [05:43] https://text.is/bmomjian1 [05:46] sorry https://controlc.com/42fb36a8 [05:46] I hit my pastebin limit for the day [05:47] btw.. sudo umount /dev/nvme0n1p1 [05:47] $ sudo reboot [05:47] and verify it [05:47] Okay, I did unmount everything [05:47] and also time to go.. [05:47] booting windows [05:47] I did not touch anything [05:48] will see tomorrow.. [05:48] Agreed [05:48] till then verify BIOS options.. regarding it.. [05:49] F12 only shows the two options, Windows and nvme0 [05:49] So no change [05:49] I am on the Eastern USA so will try here in about 9 hours.  You did a lot of work trying to help me, and I think eventually the cause will be found. [05:49] Much thanks. [06:02] My laptop trackpad seems to interpret taps as a click with a certain delay (~50ms). Is there any way to remove or reduce this delay? As it is right now many of my taps are ignored because I seemingly move the cursor too quickly after tapping, not allowing the system enough time to register the tap first. This is very annoying. [06:03] peirik_: all sort of tweaks in your system, you can checkout dconf-editor if a value exists there [06:06] lotuspsychje: thanks, but thats not very helpful [06:33] good night. anyone can help me? [06:34] sudo ./Tibia [06:34] QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' [06:35] i'm trying to run tibia in ubuntu 24.04. [06:35] I receave this error: [06:35]     sudo ./Tibia [06:35]     QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' [06:46] Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms LOL [06:46] that's not how the law works lolol === hexenbane3 is now known as hexenbane === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest8202 [08:08] iptables is the command I need to see incoming and outcoming traffic, right? [09:13] what browsers do you guys recommend? Interested in privacy etc [09:29] tor as tbb === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:28] I changed my Lenovo X1 Gen 11 motherboard yesterday, kept the same NVme.   It used to dual-boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.  Now only have the option to boot Windows via the Windows Boot Manager on startup.  Yesterday I ran boot-repair and @Tingo helped me run grub-install, but no improvement.  Oddly efibootmgr -v doesn't show ubuntu either. [11:28] Any ideas? [11:58] Hi there! I am getting a lot of broken packages trying to update to noble, is there a known fix? https://pastebin.com/AGBmdXLH [12:47] Hi all [13:25] I wonder if I just need to backup the partition and reinstall Ubuntu, and restore. [13:26] BruceMomjian: you can add grub to efi with efibootmgr if you want to [13:27] I like using an efi boot choser like refind though [13:28] apparently, grub-install should do the efibootmgr stuff [13:44] Yeah, why grub-install isn't working is the issue.  efibootmgr doesn't see the changers [13:45] os-prober thingy disabled in grub, i guess [13:45] !grub [13:45] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [13:47] you can manually add entries with efibootmgr. Syntax is horrible though [13:49] but again, I'd use refind [13:49] Hello, can someone help? I upgraded to 24.04 and now no websites are accessible because; apachectl[5661]: apache2: Syntax error on line 146 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8.2.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp8.2.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp8.2.so: cannot open [13:49] shared object file: No such file or directory [13:49] What should I do about that? :/ [13:51] !info php8.3 noble [13:51] php8.3 (8.3.6-0maysync1, noble): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Built by php8.3. Size 9 kB / 61 kB [13:51] Guest67: purely from the error message I'd expect you to have to change the path to the new .so file [13:51] so you have an older pjp [13:51] c/php [13:53] https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/amd64/libapache2-mod-php8.3/filelist [13:53] as expected the new path is /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp8.3.so [13:54] Guest67, how did you add php8,2 ? [13:54] it seems weird that this is hard-coded in some config file... [13:54] with LTS i would start fresh myself [13:55] fixed with a2dismod php8.2; a2enmod php8.3 [13:55] Seems something isn't handled fully with the upgrade... === oxo_2 is now known as oxox [13:56] cbreak it's not hardcoded, the main conf includes enabled mods conf, which isn't switched to 8.3 correctly [13:56] 8.2 is left enabled [13:57] fresh installs always seem to me like "I givev up, I'll do it the windows way". [13:58] Guest8483, update-manager (do-release-upgrade) should have removed 8.2 proper ... did yur upgrade finish without any errors ? if so, you should file a bug against update-manager ... [14:48] Not the right place tho I hope you can aim me, I'm looking for a group where we discuss about scammers and share what we can find about them. I had one from india yesterday on the phone for 17 minutes, fully recorded and was able to pull out quite a bit of information about who's behind the team. I looked for a channel related to scam and couldn't find any. [14:48] !ot | DonTrackMe [14:48] DonTrackMe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [14:48] DonTrackMe: maybe try #security [14:51] leftyfb, thanks for the advice! [14:56] can anyone help me? [14:57] I'm trying to install tibia on ubuntu 24.04. I've some problems with wayland. [15:01] errors like these ? https://jcastaneda.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/mensaje-de-error-en-tibia.jpeg [15:01] oh [15:37] FYI, my Lenovo X1 boot problem was solved by mounting the evivarfs file system befor grub-install [16:21] Im using a 10 year old macbook as hardware for ubuntu 24.04 and trying to watch a mkv file with vlc installed in an external ssd. VLC keeps saying file cannot be found, stops playing, thunar finds the ssd again, even though I didn't touch the usb 3.0, replays the file again and eventually I get that message again. Does this happen because hardware is 10 years old? [16:22] it's a regular 200 MiB x265 mkv [16:37] neoli: is your graphics driver loaded correctly? [16:39] how do I check that? lotuspsychje [16:39] neoli: sudo lshw -C video [16:39] the only installed driver is for the wifi afaik [16:40] do you want the output lotuspsychje? it's a VGA compatible controller, product: Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller [16:41] this is an aluminum case notebook and gets very hot, don't know if the apply guys wanted it to be like this [16:41] apple* [16:43] maybe that MKV needs the dvd extentions.. [16:44] do you know where to find the vlc logs? [16:45] they appear in journalctl? [16:45] vlc can log, but is not turned on? https://askubuntu.com/questions/910037/where-is-the-vlc-logfile-for-errors [16:46] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/video-dvd-restricted.html.en [16:48] neoli: the driver would come on your output, under driver=....here [16:49] neoli: you also mention thunar, wich ubuntu flavour of 24.04 did you install? [16:50] xubuntu [16:52] does it play when you copy it from that ext ssd? [16:56] im gonna let it fail again and check the log [16:57] another question: is there any way to stop ubuntu 24.04's battery loading after it reaches 80%? ideally there'd be an option to only use ac power instead of battery power, as to spare the embedded battery [16:57] I cannot extract the battery [16:59] maybe tlp can do that, still a weird request i have seen often. [16:59] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+package/tlp [17:00] noble already has improved energy by default [17:00] why weird? I want to spare the battery [17:01] how does not fully charging not damage battery, make it lame? [17:01] I read it's advisable to load a battery up to 80%, never discharge less than 20%, for long term storage, 50% [17:02] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/ubuntu-24-04-battery-life-improvements [17:02] good luck. [17:05] Hello [17:05] oerheks: should I then let the power cable plugged in even if the battery is 100% and won't this reduce its overall capacity? [17:06] [19:04] Please enter your handle. [17:06] - [17:06] [19:04] You don't have access. [17:06] ? [17:06] Sorry [17:07] :( [17:07] never noticed any difference, plugged in standard. [17:07] batteries decay over time, anyway. [17:07] save battery, turn off your laptop :p [17:07] while it's true that fully charging and fully discharging a battery destroys it, those 20% & 80% numbers are arbitrary, and in reality it also differs on how much the charge indication lies [17:07] 0% is always more than fully discharged, and 100% is always less than fully charged, but how much more/less differs per battery === Alpha is now known as Botnet === Botnet is now known as Alpha === Alpha is now known as Botnet === Botnet is now known as Guest1392 === Guest1392 is now known as Botnet === Botnet is now known as Alpha === Alpha is now known as Guest3205 === Guest3205 is now known as Alpha === thib_ is now known as thib [18:18] if any of you wants to help with a broken upgrade> https://lemmy.ml/post/16069770 === JanC is now known as Guest6483 === JanC is now known as Guest9440 === JanC is now known as Guest6253 === JanC is now known as Guest8945 === Alpha is now known as Alpha` [20:03] ciao [20:04] [20:12] ciao [20:17] Hi. I tried to upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 today and it failed. It ran out of disk space on /usr midway through the install, leaving things in a weird state. I was able to run `apt upgrade` and install a bunch of them, but several 100 more were still in a state where they were being held. I tried doing another do-dist-upgrade, but it thought it was already on 24.04. I tried rebooting to see if that would [20:17] clear things up, but that was a mistake. Not it's not booting up. [20:18] The messages scroll off the screen. The last one says "Failed to start svscan.service - Daemontools service scanner. See 'systemctl status svscan.service' for details." [20:18] There are also lots of failed dependencies. And I see dbus.service also failed to start. [20:19] I'd appreciate any tips on getting in there and cleaning up whatever's broken. [20:21] hopefully you backed up before entering into that state waltman [20:21] Of course! [20:22] I do nightly backups. Worst case I'll lose one file I was working on. [20:22] I'm looking to host a public mirror of Ubuntu using ftpsync and rsync. While I found some guides, like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror, they seem more for local mirrors (that's i've been told). Are there step-by-step tutorials for setting up public mirrors? Thanks in advance! [20:22] I also met all the requirements to host a public mirror. [20:23] Anybody around? QQ: when I grep a list of IPs, if I do something like it's giving me 1.1 and everything that starts with a 1 in the fourth octet. How can I just get the 1? [20:24] NVM I got it. Used \<\> [20:25] So escape chars? [20:28] is kubuntu made by ubuntu or is it seperate? [20:28] what do you mean "made by ubuntu" [20:36] i mean canonical [20:37] like fedora spins official kde [20:50] I added some more details on my 24.04 upgrade failure at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2024-May/312424.html === Alpha is now known as Alpha` === Alpha` is now known as Alpha [21:55] pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows [22:02] Poor knoppix, now they're going to have to change their password. [22:05] ran out of disk space on /usr ... sounds like a serious issue === uf2 is now known as uf [23:58] yo [23:58] ubuntu gnome uses wayland now right [23:58] and thats the default de [23:58] and has been since 17.x [23:58] sommy question is [23:58] yes, but xorg is installed too [23:58] on wayland you cant warp the mouse position [23:58] 'ah ok [23:59] so thats why i can still warp the mouse on Ubuntu with wayland? [23:59] warp? [23:59] the more secure distros use just wayland with no xorg? [23:59] warp aka mouse the mouse [23:59] to arbitary positions [23:59] wayland doesnt let you do this