[00:04] anyone running 24.04? [00:24] plasma welcome center have software icons on page 4. blender and endless sky have broken links. [00:25] i read somewhere that the problem lies in the AMD Radeon GPU driver (re @IrcsomeBot: anyone running 24.04?) [00:26] running 24.04 since yesterday [00:27] arch linux screwed up big time because of upgrade [00:30] i had a problem with mouse cursor going through right edge. some nvidia issue. fixed by adding an option to grub. [00:31] initcall_blacklist=simpledrm_platform_driver_init [00:37] ? [00:38] ...why is it touching it at all? [00:51] touching what? is that for me? [00:51] if i moved the cursor to right edge it disappeared :) [01:20] user|36, yes for a week+. and ofc they didnt do proper testing before releasing it.. :P a lot of amd rigs dont boot up without messing with grub. [01:25] user|36, remove quiet and splash from the linux line in grub.. when you boot up.. hold shift so you get the grub menu up. press E on Kubuntu. and edit the Linux line. press F10 to boot. [01:29] user|36, once you have booted. you can do perm changes to grub by editing its config. i have not tried it, but you can try and add "amdgpu" to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules then run sudo update-initramfs -u [01:30] remember to run update-grub if you edit the linux line. [01:58] nuxil I'm currently trying a fresh install of 23.10 and upgrading it to 24.04 (near the end now) [01:58] if that works i will try what you have suggested [02:00] you dont need that [02:00] just edit the grub and you can boot. no need to mess about with all that. [02:01] user|36, you probably get a new kernel anyway. so i suspect you get the same problem even if you upgrade. [02:03] user|36, its plymount thats causing the black screen from what i can tell. the graphic driver is not ready,properly inited, and plymount just sits and wait for it, so you just end up with a black screen.. with no fallback. [02:17] yup. just tried "advanced boot options" and then "boot normally" and its fine [02:33] nice [03:01] user|36: we put out the call for testing and lots was done [03:01] if you don't file a bug report it may not get fixed..... [03:03] it takes all of us in the community to make a good release, so please keep filing those BRs! [05:18] Anyone running waydroid in the current version of kubuntu? [06:19] @Nero2070: you'll need to use the Wayland session to run Waydroid, you can install it with `sudo apt install plasma-workspace-wayland`. [06:20] (The alternative would be to install a compositor that can run under the X11 session like Weston, and then run Waydroid inside that - I have done this, but it doesn't work very well.) [07:21] Could you please explain exactly how to create a bug report that is not about "packages", but about problems that cannot be submitted via ubuntu-bug. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know how. (re @IrcsomeBot: it takes all of us in the community to make a good release, so please keep filing those BRs!) [07:24] ah! I would report the problem directly to the kubuntu devel team, either in the #kubuntu-devel channel, or to the Kubuntu-devel mail list [07:24] also you can use ubuntu-bug kubuntu or kubuntu-desktop [07:25] the ML is probably best since that way everyone sees it and you can send logs, etc. if necessary [07:26] since this is an LTS and we're supporting it for 3 years, it's important to fix problems as they arise [07:27] even while the plasma6 packages are being uploaded for the next release it [07:28] in about 5 months [07:28] @Zebraherz thank you for asking [07:32] Ok, where do I find that kubuntu-devel channel and where do I find the Kubuntu-devel mail list?? [07:42] Zebraherz: The kubuntu-devel channel is on IRC, on libera.chat (you can access it via libera.chat's webchat if you don't have an IRC client). [07:42] (You're actually talking to someone on the #kubuntu IRC channel right now, but you're using the Telegram bridge, and I don't know if #kubuntu-devel can be accessed via Telegram or not.) [07:42] oh but we're on matrix too [07:43] but anyway, https://web.libera.chat/, plop "#kubuntu-devel" into the "Channel" box on that page, set your nickname to "Zebraherz" (or whatever else), and click "Start" and that will get you there. [07:43] I used to use telegram but have gotten rid of it [07:44] * valorie heads to bed [09:10] Hello [09:12] Is there any ubuntu 24.02 flavour distr. WITHOUT snap installed OR with the capability of purging snap with no problems? [09:12] 24.04* [09:19] user|6: is just not using it no option? [09:19] how would you keep firefox updated? [09:38] so, is there a way to dim the screen to no-blue-light tpe of deal on kubuntu === mallo321123_ is now known as mallo321123 === mallo321123_ is now known as mallo321123 [11:27] Why does it take so long to load during the upgrade in Discover, specifically when waiting for the password input confirmation to perform the upgrade in Kubuntu 24.04 (KDE Plasma 5.27.11)? 🤔 [11:40] VanUnamed- System Settings -> Display -> Night Color [12:17] greetings, mu 23.20 desktop is black and right click does nothing. The panel also i no longer visible. I had to install cairo-desktop be be functional. What could have gone wrong? [13:10] Dragnslcr: thanks [13:51] greetings, mu 23.20 desktop is black and right click does nothing. The panel also is no longer visible. I had to install cairo-desktop be functional. Also sometimes the underlying desktop flashes then goes black again. What could have gone wrong? [13:56] s/22/10 [14:01] Hi all [14:06] iomari891: kubuntu 22.10 is no longer supported, please install a new version [14:23] Any idea why I'd be getting static over the speakers once in a while and didn't in Windows? All *Buntu problem [19:39] Is there a kubuntu version that supports the Mac m2? [19:41] JeffH: dunno, but why not burn an ISO to a thumb drive and check? [19:42] modern kubuntu will work on all but really old machines, in general [19:43] by which I mean 32-bit machines [19:43] I don't see any isos that appear to support arm [19:43] Asahi Linux. But it`s Fedora (ARM) (re @IrcsomeBot: Is there a kubuntu version that supports the Mac m2?) [19:43] JeffH: let me translate valorie , unless your machine is from the Mesozoic Era, then it has a good chance kubuntu will work on it [19:45] for arm, there are ubuntu isos that will work, and I've seen some kde software on arm [19:45] but possibly not plasma as a whole [19:46] you might with an app https://mac.getutm.app/ >> https://medium.com/@shubhjain10102003/install-linux-ubuntu-20-04-on-m1-m2-mac-silicon-de1992d5fa26 [19:46] like, even on puppy linux, some KDE software runs well [19:46] just a VM manager [19:47] but as I say, burning an ISO is the way to check [19:48] * valorie -Spock says live long and experiment [19:49] !tias [19:56] JeffH: to be honest, I don't see one, for Kubuntu that is, I do see one for Ubuntu though [19:57] JeffH: however you can simply install the Ubuntu arm ISO, and then install the kde desktop, and you got Kubuntu in essence [19:57] bprompt: yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Does ubuntu default to wayland? [19:58] JeffH: I think so, but I think you do have a choice of either, however it'd default to wayland === mzoo is now known as JohnHCoyote [19:58] cool beans === JohnHCoyote is now known as HolmesAgain === john is now known as Yonyon [22:34] I'm using kubuntu 24.04. Discover wants to do some 31 updates, mostly LibreOffice, but it needs to remove linux-image-6.5.0-35-generic to do so. It fails with this: [22:34] Package failed to install: [22:34] Error while installing package: installed linux-image-6.5.0-35-generic package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 126 [22:39] Yonyon: you can try dropping to a shell and do a ----> sudo apt autoremove [22:42] bprompt: That gives me: [22:42] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [22:44] Yonyon: give a shot at these -> https://phoenixnap.com/kb/ubuntu-fix-broken-packages [22:48] Ah. This might be useful information if i understiood it: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/0kMcftY2 [22:50] Yonyon: looks ok [22:55] Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub' [22:55] /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 5: /etc/default/grub: /etc/default/grub: Permission denied [22:55] run-parts: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 126 [22:56] Does this mean I have screwed-up file permissions? [22:57] Yonyon: I don't think so, no [22:58] I'll reboot and see if stuff on the recoverey menu helps.