[01:56] I'm going to see if I can use my glimpse of free time to figure out what's wrong with Calibre. [01:56] Also Rik Mills Thank you *so much* for picking up the slack with Qt6, I've been slammed with work. [02:41] RikMills[m]: OK so it's *much* worse than Calibre being dead. QtWebEngine6 is dead in its entirety. [02:42] I just got QuteBrowser installed in a VM with the Qt6 from oracular-proposed installed, and it is totally unable to render anything. [02:42] I get the same "Error loading V8 startup snapshot file" errors as the Calibre autopkgtest, and a bunch of "Renderer process exited (status 1002)" errors. And of course web pages are blank. [02:43] So. That answers that question. [04:54] nice to have an answer, alas not a great answer... [07:38] After much painful fighting, I reproduced the bug on Debian as well, and svuorela on #debian-qt-kde appears to have identified the issue: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt6/qt6-webengine/-/blob/experimental/debian/not-installed?ref_type=heads#L14 [07:38] The "v8_context_snapshot.bin" file isn't installed at all XD [07:39] so once that's taken care of, we'll probably need to syncpackage another qtwebengine (oh joy) and then that should get Calibre to pass hopefully. [07:52] :) [11:20] "Also Rik Mills Thank you *so..." <- You are welcome. I also can't find huge amounts of time, but will do what I can when I have the channce [11:22] Working out the correct test triggers for transitions is something that I have learned over the years [11:32] I'll try to keep an eye out for a webengine upload, and will sync if I see it first [16:05] awesome [17:13] -Ubottu[m]:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.4] has been updated (20240526)