=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [22:35] hey, just wanted if you guys have ever successfully filtered outbound traffic with iptables. I'm struggling to get apt[-get] data in and out while not wholeheartedly permitting 80,443 traffic. +10 points if you've done so using -m owner --uid -_- [22:56] NovaShadow: I wasn't even able to do NAT with iptables :P [22:56] but this is probably the wrong channel. You might try EITHER #ubuntu OR #networking (don't cross-post to both). [23:16] I can probably help you with NAT [23:17] they have an accurate account of what to do for that in arch wiki. "Simple stateful firewall." [23:22] arraybolt3: any ideas on a tool that would let me track the process to figure out process ownership? [23:31] NovaShadow: That's probably also an #ubuntu question. [23:31] This is the Ubuntu Security Team's development and collaboration room, #ubuntu is the user technical support room. [23:31] fair, thank you for your suggestion