
zxmpimoral of the story; never underestimate british press's ability to manufacture outrage to sell a few papers04:47
brittlunahttps://i.imgur.com/wnVHdg4.jpeg found Swedish sweets imported from Germany :p10:08
zxmpia little taste of home is always nice10:26
brittlunazxmpi: idd10:26
brittlunaatleast bought british cider now and not the Swedish cider the boyfriend usually buys :p10:27
brittlunabut today it was my time to go shopping10:27
zxmpiyou were in asda yesterday, that wasn't shopping? :-P10:36
brittlunazxmpi: was not yesterday but 2-3 days ago and that was mostly getting some snacks, but guess thats technical shopping10:37
brittlunabut today i got to buy some actual food10:37
zxmpias opposed to snacks which are fake food... :-P10:42
zxmpiyou'll be trying to say that jaffa cakes aren't real food next :-P10:43
* zxmpi gets smelling jaffa cakes to revive davef when he reads that :-P10:47
brittlunazxmpi: but are they a biscuit or a cake?10:48
zxmpithat was decided in a famous court case. https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/cake-or-biscuit-case-of-the-jaffa-cakes-shows-the-many-layers-of-vat-law-1.2808910:58
davefThat’s how awesome Jaffa cakes are, you don’t pay any tax on them! One way of sticking it to the government 😆12:13
zxmpisnack for freedom! (( ))12:15
brittlunadavef: heh14:57
* zxmpi checks wind direction and very silently opens a pack of jaffa cakes17:26

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