[00:00] no idea [00:00] XSendEvent mouse events etc [00:00] try it [00:00] with xdo [00:00] in console [00:00] lemme knwo if it moves ur mouse [00:00] https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=397476 [00:01] xdotool mousemove 200 400 [00:01] mint [00:01] oh [00:01] no, thanks. [00:03] xdotool hooks into X, there are other tools for this [00:03] dotool or ydotool for example [00:06] so you can still warp the mouse on ubuntu with wayland? [00:06] so its not full wayland [00:06] like say fedora is full wayland [00:08] interesting is ydotool faking input hardware or something? [00:08] fake drivers? [00:08] Warp: A modern AI-powered terminal ... 🤣 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest5350 [03:18] Hi, my Updater tool told me I could upgrade to 24.04 (from 23.10). Then I did the upgrade with the updater tool. But it failed with a white screen. There are many posts about this by googling. I did fix this problem by running `sudo dpkg --configure -a` `sudo apt install -f` `sudo apt upgrade` and run Software updater to compelte the partial [03:18] upgrade. (Btw my sudo was broken too because I am using custom password instead of common-auth. It doesn't work in 24.04. I did fix this by using Live system). [03:18] There are currently two issues. 1) systemctl suspend broke the system. It can not enter suspend state. It was fine in 23.10. 2) By searching the suspend issue, I found out 24.04 should use kernel 6.8, but my kernel is 6.5 which was 23.10's kernel. I have no ideas how to update to the latest kernel. apt upgrade doesn't help. [03:22] Guest54: Curiouser and curiouser - is the 6.9 kernel installed - ls -al /boot/- ? [03:23] Bashing-om: Thanks for the reply. It only has 6.5 kernel. [03:24] Bashing-om: https://termbin.com/1u73 [03:25] Guest54: Try - sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade . [03:25] Bashing-om: I tried that before. It doesn't update anything and told me I am up-to-date. [03:28] Guest54: What then does the kernel think is the installed version - cat /etc/lsb-release ? [03:28] Bashing-om: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS   https://termbin.com/gy42 [03:29] I tried many ways. It all returns Ubuntu 24.04 LTS including settings > system > about GUI tool. [03:30] Guest54: what returns ' sudo apt install linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic ' ? [03:31] Bashing-om: I haven't tried that. apt list returns 6.8 kernel. So I guess it should install the latest kernel. I am just not sure if this is what I should do. So I come here and ask in this IRC channel. [03:32] Bashing-om: It returns "linux-headers-6.8.0-31 linux-headers-6.8.0-31-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-6.8.0-31-generic linux-image-generic linux-modules-6.8.0-31-generic [03:32]   linux-modules-extra-6.8.0-31-generic" will be installed. Should I install them this way? Thanks. [03:33] Guest54: Yeah - should pull in the 6.8 kernel and all the dependencies. [03:35] OK. I will do that. Hopefully, I will get a perfect working 24.04 system. By googling, many people have suspend problem in 6.8 kernel and no problem in 6.5 kernel. But I have suspend issue in 6.5 kernel under 24.04 system. [03:37] FYI: After running `apt -f install` and `apt upgrade` to fix the broken installation and Before running Software Updater tool to complete the partial update, even if the system told me I am running 24.04, the apt sources are using 23.10 format. using sources.list, google-chrome.list instead of ubuntu.sources and google-chrome.sources. I found out [03:37] they updated apt sources file extension after running Software Updater tool. [03:41] I too trust ubuntu team and never thought I could run into upgrade failure. 24.04 was released a month ago. I was waiting the official upgrade notification instead of running command line and thought it should be fine with Software Updater. But Very unfortunate. [03:42] Guest54: deb822-sources is going to be a whole new ball game to learn :( [03:43] Bashing-om: yeah, it's very new to me. Thanks a lot for your help. I am currently running the laptop I am updating. So I will reboot this machine and test if suspend issue is fixed or not. I'll go offline now. will come back later. Cheers. [03:45] Guest54: Uh Huh - will have to reboot to see if the 6.8 kermel boots. [03:46] Bashing-om: yeah, I think it should boot. will try that now. brb. Thanks. [03:54] Hello [03:55] Can i deactivate a supervisor password on a laptop? [04:01] that has nothing to do with ubuntu [04:05] rbox: well noted but can you be of help [04:05] i think you are lost [04:05] Bashing-om: hi, the new kernel 6.8 was booting fine. But I did suspend test two times. It worked at the first time. But it didn't work at the second time. [04:06] i know there are compuper geeks here [04:06] `sudo journalctl -b -1` log: https://termbin.com/9fyr [04:06] this isn't #computergeeks [04:07] Guest54: Can offer little help with suspend issues - no experience there - but is encryption a factor ? [04:08] https://termbin.com/9fyr shows that suspend at 11:51 works, but suspend at 11:53 failed. [04:09] Bashing-om: Sure, no problem. Thanks a lot for your help about latest kernel update. [04:09] Guest54: Yuk - 104 error lines - this may take a long while to look over :( [04:10] :) [04:13] Guest54: "stderr: rm: cannot remove '.config/autostart/ignore-lid-switch-tweak.desktop': No such file or directory" looks like might be relevant. [04:14] Bashing-om: Thanks a lot. I will google this. There is empty under ~/.config/autostart/. [04:16] Guest54: Camera not workin either :( [04:16] Bashing-om: maybe that is not relevant. Because the rm stderr error happened at 11:48. The suspend at 11:51 works. But the second suspend 11:53 failed. [04:17] I haven't checked the camera. [04:17] Guest54: geolocation is not set too. [04:18] Bashing-om: the camera works. I installed cheese and run it. I can see the camera working. [04:20] Bashing-om: I am not sure about the geolocation. Date/Time and time zone setup looks correct. I don't turn on Automatic Devie Location, because I don't need it. [04:28] Btw, I will check messages in this channel later and have to cook now.. [04:33] Guest54: Plenty to keep you busy - most of those 104 error lines are in respect to wireplumber // Might need to see what is not going on (bluez/bluetooth). [04:34] Hello, i'm trying to understand why does `locate` not index my files of my windows drive mounted in /mnt/hdd folder it's neither in the PRUNEFS nor in the PRUNEPATH. What am I missing? [04:35] And yes I did run updatedb() [04:35] s/()// [04:49] well... i re-ran updatedb and all seems to be in order. shrug. [04:50] even though i did it a few mins ago :/ [04:52] Bashing-om: I just tested bluetooth and connected to my bluetooth headphone. There is no problem. [04:54] Guest54: re-read your log :D === test is now known as Vata0 [05:20] im dual booring with windows and grub doesnt show on first boot [05:21] if i tap esc a few times though it will show up [05:22] i tried changing the grub conf and updating it but it didnt help === test is now known as Vata0 [05:43] I have an image and I want to paste it into a program. What program can I do this with? (I dod a screencopy and I want to make sure I have the correct image.) [05:50] Shotwell wont cand do a png [05:51] im going to try gimp but it'slike killing a fly with an elephant gun. [05:57] but it works well and I can understand what I have chosen and it's comments. Whew. I had always heard that gimp was terirble. But maybe that was back in 2010 [06:00] and by the way that answers a previous question, how can i get a preview of AN IMAGE ON MY DESKTOP. [06:00] the gnu image manipulation program is bawesome [06:00] (beyond awesome) [09:42] hi! anyone know the email of spotify helpdesk? i hate these firms and corporations because their contact information is firggin' hard to find!! i could ask the question here, maybe i'll explain it! trying to download spotify podcasts (legal), tried spotdl -tool, strange software and didn't do it. pastedownoad -website hmm doesn't work either. spotify-qt for linux, it doesn't seem to have the option to download podcasts. spotify linux [09:42] official client, it has the option, it does save the podcast files it seems but with mysterious filenames and an unknown format! tried to play the two files i downloaded with it with vlc and the videos application, they didn't recognize the files as audio. if anyone wants i can upload the podcast-output files to some filesharing service if you want to check them. any other ideas about downloading spotify podcasts? and i don't want to [09:42] use an audio recording program. [09:43] babula: contact: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux [09:44] i wonder why does the official spotify client take almost 200 megabytes of space, also the spotify-qt (unofficial) takes more than 100 megabyes of space! [09:44] lotuspsychje: thank you, i'll send a message there! [09:45] babula: the volunteers here, cant advice much on external software, and the spotify snap contact is the link i gave you [09:45] good luck! [09:46] main computer is broken: after powering the machine on I dont get to the regular log in screen, but to a blank screen a terminal-like prompt: it reads: Ubuntu 23.10 marie4 tty1, enter key, marie4 login: what do I have to write now? it's not the password, I get prompted to write it later [09:46] All downloads from stopify are in a proprietary format only for spotify [09:47] It's all closed software [09:48] if you need an open format you'd have to hope it's available elsewhere or record pc audio. [09:48] neoli: didnt you say you installed 24.04 last? [09:48] babula: ^ [09:49] IIRC I said I failed to properly upgrade to 24.04 [09:52] neoli: Im using a 10 year old macbook as hardware for ubuntu 24.04 [09:54] lotuspsychje: the one I'm using now, I have 2 computers [09:55] now, wha should I write after Ubuntu 23.10 marie4 tty1, marie4 login: ? [09:57] neoli: if your system stops at tty instead of a login manager, there's an issue somewhere [09:57] neoli: try get back in your system via recoverymode [10:00] i'll contact spotify helpdesk, but if someone knows an option to download these legal podcasts i'd be happy to hear! i wrote a message to the coder of yt-dlp and he didn't seem to like the idea for the program to download spotify podcasts! too bad! hmm, maybe i'll try youtube-dl then if it had this option (probably doesn't)! [10:01] sixwheeledbeast: huh, that's strange, maybe someone should code a converter! strange as in they say they can be used in portable mp3 players! [10:01] You can download them, they just require spotifys closed clients to play them. [10:03] lotuspsychje: recovery mode, filesystem read only, I'm root now, no network detected, dpkg --configure -a returns error processing package install-info (--configure), installed install-info package post installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127 [10:04] hmm interesting: "Like any other audio file, podcasts can be converted to other file formats, such as mp3. You may do this using a number of software programs, such as iTunes, dbPowerAmp, or a web based converter.". from the google hints and tips... === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3035 [10:39] hey im using cubic to make a custom ubuntu desktop 22.04 image and im wondering if its possible to skip the account creation as part of the ubiquity installer as i already have my users setup. i have ```d-i passwd/root-login boolean true [10:39] d-i passwd/make-user boolean false``` but it still prompts me to create an account [11:10] Im trying to repair a failed upgrade to 24.04: Im now in recovery mode as root, filesystem read only, no network detected, dpkg --configure -a returns error processing package install-info (--configure), installed install-info package post installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127. If any of you feels can help, Im open to ideas [11:16] to fix anything, you'll have to remount it read-write, but there could be any number of things that went wrong :( [11:17] neoli: can you log in with your username / password if you try to boot normally? [11:17] did upgrading succeed and then you rebooted, or did your computer crash during upgrading? [11:19] cbreak: I cannot log in with my username and password. Apparently, the machine did a partial upgrade, but lsb_release -a shows the distro as 23.10 not 24.04, I upgraded via terminal and it stopped upgrading. I thought it was done and rebooted the system. Then this happened [11:19] commands like systemctl reboot and systemctl suspend work as root [11:22] cbreak, I also tried mount -o remount,rw / && mount --all but grub still shows the system as not writable === fossdd_ is now known as fossdd === anma92 is now known as anma [11:28] what does grub have to do with that? [11:29] I accessed root from grub [11:33] I assume you mean "initramfs" instead of "grub"? [11:37] Im currently experiencing this issue with my new Thinkpad: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=165077 Does anyone know how to adjust the input delay on touchpad taps on Ubuntu? [11:38] JanC: unsure: I didnt let the machine boot normally, because that takes me tty1 username log in, but pressed shift , chose recovery mode and accessed a menu. From that menu I chose root to access root. That menu is what I call grub [11:41] peirik_: there are Touchpad settings in Gnome's Settings GUI; did you try if those help somehow? [11:44] neoli: where you choose "recovery mode", you are in grub (the bootloader); the menu after that is part of the initramfs (Linux is already running at that point) [11:45] and the username login doesn't work? [11:50] also: did you check that your system didn't run out of diskspace? [12:01] username log in: if you mean Ubuntu 23.10 marie4 tty1 > marie4 login: I tried my regular username and password, but those don't work here. df -h shows /dev/mapper/vgxubuntu-root with 4.9G of free space available [12:01] JanC: ^ [12:06] that should be enough to login normally [12:06] neoli: maybe gdm3 not installed? [12:06] did you check for any errors in the logs? [12:06] lotuspsychje: if you can't login on the console that's probably the least of your problems :) [12:07] JanC: i suggested him to try recoverymode earlier [12:07] yes, that's what they have been trying, but apparently even mounting / rw doesn't work? [12:10] lotuspsychje: command gdm3 not installed but can be installed woth apt get gmd3, do you mean that? [12:11] neoli: worth a try neoli [12:11] you won't be able to install anything as long as your filesystem isn't rw... [12:18] lotuspsychje, JanC , sudo apt install gdm3 returns: you might want to run apt --fix broken install to correct these, gdm3 has unmet dependencies. There is another package with unmet dependencies: libfreerdp2-2, try apt --fix broken install with no packages or suggest a solution. After trying apt --fix broken install I get error processing package install-info (--configure), installed install-info package post installation script [12:18] subprocess returned error exit status 127. Does this happen because I cannot write? [12:19] are you connected to that system through that RDP ? [12:21] no, its plugged in as an independently === dw2 is now known as dw1 [13:13] JanC: Do you mean Gnome Tweaks? I've tried that - but it only has settings for mouse click emulation and disabling touchpad while typing :/ [13:14] I meant the main Settings GUI [13:14] I think I need to add some configuration in libinput/xinput or something for this to work on Ubuntu, but I've on idea how to do that :( [13:14] no idea* [13:25] peirik_: also, did you check if you don't need extra drivers for that Thinkpad? What model is it? [13:35] since i moved things to a ubuntu 24.04 server i notice some lines start on the wrong column when doing updates and my irssi looks like this: https://i.ibb.co/kKRKR5F/image.png any ideas? ive tried messing with export TERM= .bashrc but doesnt seem to help [13:36] in irssi, basically it seems the status line isnt properly clearing to the end [13:36] when i change to a shorter channel name [13:36] plus the blue background isnt fullwidth at all [13:37] ah it doesnt happen outside screen [13:37] guess it's a screen issue. [13:58] dw1: tried tmux instead? [14:01] Hi all [14:13] Any idea why I'd be getting static over the speakers once in a while and didn't in Windows? [14:13] All the *buntu problem [14:14] (Xubuntu and Kubuntu too) [14:32] absolute noob question but desperate: Im now on initramfs after ubuntu 23.10 loaded but not to the log in gui where I type my password, but to initramfs. Output reads: Ubuntu 23.10 marie4 tty1, computer1 login: what do I have to write here: my username, the one I see on the gui's log in screen? [14:51] Jim`: maybe something turns on / off the DAC sometimes [14:52] cbreak: DAC? [14:52] neoli: yes, your username and password. or "root" and the root password [14:52] Jim`: the digital-analog-converter part of the sound chipset [14:53] neoli: yes, your username + ; it will ask for your password after that === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest7158 [15:01] do you know of any way to enable wlan from initramfs as root? [15:08] the login screen is not initramfs, and you should be able to use 'nmtui' [15:29] So, I was working with gparted when it softlocked and hung [wasn't doing any operations to a drive with data I want]. I closed the window, and now can't seem to relaunch it. [15:29] The process gpartedbin is already running. [15:29] Only one gpartedbin process is permitted. [15:30] so kill it? [15:30] I can't find anything in process manager, and have no idea what the pid of the offending process is [15:32] Is there a way to kill the process by name/path, or work out the PID of it? [15:33] pkill gparted [15:33] gpartedbin [15:34] gparted is just a script that starts gpartedbin [15:34] oh oke [15:34] sudo pkill gpartedbin did it, thanks [15:35] also, I assume the process manager you use is only showing processes for your user [15:35] it probably has an option to change that [15:36] 'task manager' [15:37] yeah, didn't even think that, as gparted is always ran as root [15:37] I'll have to remember pkill, need to use the terminal more.. [16:07] JanC: what do I call it then? non gui log in screen? [16:58] what was that app you can use to edit a .txt file as root? [16:59] vim, nano === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest382 [17:35] oerheks: have you been paying attention to my saga? [17:50] Real linux users only edit files with ed [17:50] real linux users dont say stupid stuff like that [17:51] rbox I guess you're not a real linux user [17:52] nm [17:53] what's the app called to access internet from initramfs? nmti? [17:55] access internet? [18:15] Vaugely related to my earlier issues with gparted, I've been trying to make an MS-DOS or equivlent bootable USB for a while, from my xununtu system, and been getting nowhere on it [18:15] Can anybody recommend a tool to help with this or point me in a better direction? [18:16] what is an "MS-DOS or equivalent bootable USB" [18:17] dd'ing an iso to the usb stick doesn't seem to work, and tired with a .img of freedos. the drive with the freedos img dd'd to it is what hung gparted [18:18] rbox: insert flash drive, turn computer on, be presented with a DOS shell [18:18] not sure what dos has to do with ubuntu [18:19] I only asked here cause I'm trying to make it from xubuntu [and the 'point me in the right direction' bit] [18:19] Toneth: just wondering, why do you need a DOS shell and a bootable usb for it? [18:20] bprompt: bios maintenance [18:20] Toneth: I mean, Xubuntu won't have much use for it I'd think [18:20] "make it from ubuntu" [18:20] rofl [18:20] Toneth: what do you mean? [18:21] the motherboard I want to put in here needs a bios update [18:22] just put the bios update on a fat32 usb, i know no bios which cannot read from that? [18:23] Does samba still use port 139? [18:23] FKAShinobi: depends on hwo you configure it [18:24] Toneth: hmmm what cpu speed do you have? I mean, just wondering, windows does motherboard updates from windows [18:24] Toneth: I mean, asking on the cpu speed, as in meaning, how old is your machine, 20 years? [18:24] oerheks: the motherboard can be force to load a new bios image headless, but that's meant for recovery only [18:25] bprompt: no access to a windows box; cpu in the motherboard right now is a Xeon E5-1620 v3 [18:26] Toneth: are you certain you need a DOS shell native for that? [18:27] From Supermicro's instructions: "3. Boot to a DOS prompt and type FLASH.BAT BIOSname.### to start the BIOS update." [18:28] Toneth: a native DOS shell has to be in fat16, as DOS doesn't do fat32 natively IIRC [18:28] Toneth: that is, natively, as opposed to a terminal in windows [18:29] I've seen unetbootin suggested for doing this from linux, but it's not in the repos and the website seems to be gone- so likely quite out of date software if I tracked it down [18:36] Toneth: well, for a machine like the one you have, I'd find it unusual if those instructions aren't for a "MSDOS terminal in windows", namely in a cmd.exe shell, as opposed to a native shell running on fat16 [18:37] prior step is "2. extract the files from the BIOS package to a DOS bootable device (such as a bootable USB stick, or CD)." and a latter step mentions it may reboot during the procedure [18:37] Toneth: that said, making a bootable DOS is fairly simple, once the disk/cd/dvd/usb is formatted, is just a matter of placing a few files, msdos.sys, io.sys and mainly command.com( the interpreter ) [18:38] There is a tool to update from within windows, but not keen on sticking a optical drive and ssd in there just for something I thought would be simple [18:39] Toneth: IIRC is io.sys, msdos.sys and command.com, "in that order", and the disk boots, however you may be barking at the wrong tree, I don't think the instructions are asking for a native fat16 shell [18:41] iirc I can update it over IPMI, if I can get it talking to this box, that may be the ticket (but I also recall it being a massive headache to setup last time I tried) [18:47] shame they didn't provide a way to do it in linux, as there's a CentOS shell already on it's DOM [18:49] Toneth: I'd like to remind you, that you can run windows or even DOS in a virtual machine session [18:49] download a fresh freedos? [18:50] I think it needs pretty low level access [18:50] what command do I need to format an read only external memory stick to ext4 recursively? [18:50] I tried gparted, but it doesn't work. I tried sudo thunar to change permission, didn't work either [18:50] neoli: you can't format anything that's read-only [18:51] as for the CentOS, there's basically just a captive GUI that do so RAID, netowrk, and IMPI config stuff, with an option to drop me to a shell [18:51] also, format recursively? [18:51] perhaps that ext4 is not accessible by your user, use sudo? [18:51] or chown that thing [18:51] what in t ef are those guys from samsung doing? [18:51] ... [18:52] who is samsung? [18:52] Toneth: for what is worth, if you get a windows ISO, microsoft.com has them anyway, and burn it to a fat32 formatted usb stick, you can boot with it, while at the installation screen in the windows bootable session, pressing Shift-F10 drops you to an cmd.exe or namely MSDOS session, from where you can run material [18:53] neoli: samsung is just a company [18:53] bprompt: oh, I have OEM install discs for 7 and 10 handy- 7 is likely the safer bet [18:54] Toneth: Shift-F10, and you can alt-tab between MSDOS windows and the installer [18:54] in that case, I can try retrieving a dvd drive to stick in it, and drop the files on a usb [18:58] greetings, ubuntu 23.10: how can I uninstall nvidia drives so I can use nouveau drivers instead? [19:01] if you used the ubuntu-drivers tool, ubuntu-drivers devices # shows xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ? [19:04] oerheks: I see the nouveau drivers listed so what's the safest way to remove the nvidia drivers? [19:05] just switch; ubuntu-drivers install x [19:07] oerheks: I don't understand. running "ubuntu-drivers install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" just states that he driver is already installed. It doesn't switch drivers [19:08] reboot maybe? [19:09] done that.No change [19:09] iomari891: how did you install the nvidia drivers anyway? [19:09] this one is strictly xubuntu: how do I change which category in programs menu a program displays in? [19:10] using apt [19:10] A couple things are in places that make no sense to me [19:11] using apt without a special PPA? [19:12] oerheks: it's been so long I can't really remember. [19:13] Toneth: dunno, I use kubuntu, however I think is the same on all, managed specifically by I think is called an "xdg menu" at /etc/xdg/ it contains the "catagories" and uses a type of Apache configuration structure for the xml, where it has a few IFs and so on, however, in short, from the categories provided by those xml files in the xdg menus, you can simply "add" that category or "remove" it to the .desktop file you want, yes, each .desktop file has [19:13] a Categories = ; section [19:14] i started with; if you used the ubuntu-drivers tool .. find out in your software center if you added a ppa [19:15] standard packages and using ubuntu-drivers should have reversed [19:15] Toneth: the icons you see in the menus, are from the .desktop files at /usr/share/applications, however if you want to override that "global" .desktop, simply make a copy of it to $HOME/.local/share/applications and the .desktop at the "local" directory will override the global [19:17] oerheks: no nvidia ppa [19:17] Toneth: so if I want say GIMP moved from graphics to office, I simply copy the gimp.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications, and then change or just add Categories = Office; it can have many categories btw, so it shows in several spots in the menu [19:18] iomari891: well, hmmm I was thinking you download some .bin file from nvidia.com :| [19:21] bprompt: I found NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-470.141.03.run in my utilites folder but I cant find it's use in my history. [19:21] oh dear [19:21] iomari891: well, it usually comes with an "uninstall" script as well [19:22] jups, download again. [20:25] I'm installing jammy-desktop via UTM.. It came up fine, I went through the install and told it to reboot.. now it's just sitting here with a blank black screen and pixelated circle looking cursor that appears to be animated somehow.. Is that what I should be seeing? [20:27] JeffH: yes and no, press ESC, to see the boot progress [20:28] bprompt: no change when I press ESC [20:29] JeffH: in essence, is using a "splash" setting, which means, it should be showing some image with a progress bar, whilst the boot progress listing is on the background, however ESC will remove the "splash" screen and shows the boot progress list [20:30] I assumed it was something like that. How long does the install take (more or less)? [20:31] hmmm [20:32] JeffH: rats!, misread you, I thought you meant you already rebooted heheh, well, no, it usually says press any key to reboot, however is expecting you to remove the usb stick, thus the prompt in essence waiting on you :) [20:32] JeffH: so, remove the stick, and press say [20:33] hm.. nothing seems to change no matter what I press. Going to go ahead and reboot the VM and if I have to re-install. [20:34] ok [20:36] Seems to have installed, or at least progressed to the next step of installation. [20:48] bprompt: thanks for all your help! [20:48] JeffH: np [20:48] Been a LONG time since I installed a Linux desktop. [20:49] I remember the first time I installed Linux it took 14 3.5" disks. haha [20:50] Linux desktop has come along way.. maybe THIS will be the year of the Linux desktop. haha [20:50] JeffH: well, Kate has improved lots [20:50] bprompt: that's an editor, right? [20:51] JeffH: ohhh right, I guess back then it used to be called "kwrite", but yes, the new version of kwrite, kde editor, is Kate [20:52] Kde Advaced Text Editor, kate [20:52] I used to vnc into a linux server at work and use the desktop.. but now that we use vscode, I never do that either. [20:53] JeffH: vscode runs on win64, macOSX and Linux [20:53] bprompt: I now. :D [20:57] JeffH: a long long time ago, I used to log from a windows3.1 to a Solaris box with a shell account, to have Netscape 1.0 running [20:57] also used to run Mosaic btw [20:57] haha [20:58] I still remember opening up Mosaic for the first time and thinking "What am I supposed to do now?" Wasn't much on the web then. [20:59] JeffH: what to do? dude! just go to a gopher:// site, is Da Bomb baby!! well, yahoo.com was around back then too [21:01] haha.. that's a protocol I haven't heard about in a while. I don't think I ever really used gopher. I used some other command line mechanism to get files from other places.. wasn't ftp.. but something like it.. don't remember the name. [21:03] JeffH: I did use gopher, it was just a sitemap listing with links, is all pretty much, you go to the gopher url and you're presented with like a sitemap with many links [21:04] this is going to drive me crazy until I remmeber the name of it. [21:06] JeffH: I think Telnet could get files, that may have been it [21:07] I don't think that's it.. but I don't remember. [21:07] what's the difference between snap and apt? [21:10] JeffH: "apt" is just a "dpkg" wrapper for .deb package management, "snap" is a new packaging type [21:10] yeah.. dpkg is what I'm used to [21:14] JeffH: apt is just a wrapper for dpkg, so if you want to install hmmm ohh say kde-desktop, which may have 100 .deb files to install, then in "apt" you simply say "sudo apt install kde-desktop", apt keeps a package list cached with who has what, and does the "dpkg -i *deb" for all the files for that package [21:15] JeffH: you can always use "synaptic", which is a sorta "apt" GUI [21:23] JeffH: you can get files with "curl" or "wget" as well [22:02] hey im using cubic to make a custom ubuntu desktop 22.04 image. i have all my users setup already and i dont need to set a new user up as part of the ubiquity install process. im wondering if its possible to skip this step somehow. im trying to use the preseed step with `d-i passwd/root-login boolean false` and `d-i passwd/make-user boolean false` [22:02] however i still get prompted to make a new user. can i just fill in the credentials of a user that already exists? or is there some other way i can skip this part altogether? [22:09] Gambit: I'd like to point out this is a "cubic" issue :) [22:09] Gambit: and I don't see a cubic channel in the network [22:35] I'm using kubuntu 24.04. Discover wants to do some 31 updates, mostly LibreOffice, but it needs to remove linux-image-6.5.0-35-generic to do so. It fails with this [22:35] Error while installing package: installed linux-image-6.5.0-35-generic package post-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 126 [22:57] Yonyon: do you have any other kernels installed? [23:08] imagine using ubuntu skull: [23:09] noobmaster this is a support channel. What can we help you with? [23:35] google === root is now known as Guest4498