
=== juan is now known as Guest2091
=== tomg_ is now known as tomg
xu-help49wi use xubuntu 24.04 in french my desktop folder should be called "Bureau" but it's still called in english "Desktop" how to change it ?17:12
xanguaStartup applications, something about folder change name xu-help49w 17:47
xubuntuThe bloody distribution isnt installing18:40
xubuntuit keeps failing18:40
xubuntuthis is the 5th bloody attempt18:40
xubuntuI want to sleep18:40
diogenessxubuntu: calm down18:40
diogenessexplain the issue18:40
xubuntuit gets stuck at acquiring and extracting image from cp:///tmp/tmpyleamdm2/mount18:41
xubuntuit works for a little while18:41
xubuntuit goes haywire and starts unmounting some things18:41
xubuntuthen the whole installation farts out18:41
diogenesswhat ISO are you using?18:41
xubuntuthe one i downloaded 4 hours ago18:42
xubuntupretty new18:42
xubuntuusing ventoy 18:42
xubuntuand UEFI18:42
diogenesstry simply: sudo cp /path/to/xubuntu.iso /dev/sdX18:42
diogenessreplace sdX with your druve18:43
xubuntu1 sec 18:43
xubuntuhow do i find out my drive name18:43
xubuntuI forgor18:43
diogenessafter copying don't forget it's very importand to run: sync18:43
diogenessto find out your drive run: lsblk18:44
xubuntuim supposing sda2 with 166gigs of size is the drive18:44
xubuntuyou mean my installation medium?18:45
diogenessi mean your USB removable drive18:45
diogenesssorry for misleading.18:45
xubuntuno no, youre a godsend18:45
xubuntuso I got sdb with 14.8 gigs size18:46
xubuntuunder it I have sdb1 with again 14.8 size18:46
xubuntuand ventoy with 3.8g18:46
xubuntusdb has 0 disk, sdb1 has 0partition and ventoy has 0dm18:47
diogenessthen you do: sudo cp /path/to/xubuntu.iso /dev/sdb18:47
diogenessbut be careful18:47
diogenessit will destroy everything on that drive.18:47
xubuntuHow worse can it get18:47
xubuntuIm sorry for being a dumbass18:48
diogenessalso tell me when last time you had succesfully installed anything out of this USB drive?18:48
xubuntuwhere's the xubuntu iso18:48
xubuntui know its in my drive18:49
diogenessrun: ls ~/Downloads | grep -i xub18:49
xubuntuI'd say 8 hours ago18:49
diogenessdo you get any output?18:49
xubuntuempty as my head18:49
diogenessthen you should search where you have downloaded the xubuntu iso18:50
diogenessor download it again if it got removed18:50
xubuntuIn my USB?18:50
diogenessor get it from USB18:50
diogenesscopy it over from ventoy folder containing ISOs to your HDD18:51
xubuntuIm livebooting18:52
xubuntucant access the USB18:52
xubuntualso, no OS left on device18:52
xubuntuits an empty slate18:52
xubuntuI've been lurching from one disaster to another18:52
xubuntuI should've added a backup iso. :<18:54
diogenessdo you have another USB drive?18:55
xubuntuI had one but it got farted18:55
xubuntushort answer no18:55
xubuntuIm done aint I18:56
diogenessand what OS is currently instralled on the computer?18:56
xubuntuthe first installation attempt wiped by comp clean18:57
diogenessso it's a blank HDD?18:57
diogenesswhat other OSes you have there on ventory?18:57
xubuntui shouldve added more18:57
xubuntuoh well, I'll just head to the local cybercafe18:58
xubuntuand get an iso for a new distribution18:58
diogenessyep that looks like a problem, we can try to do something but it's a loong process18:58
xubuntumint sounds great18:58
diogenessmaybe would take hours18:59
xubuntunah its fine, you've been great diogenes18:59
xubuntuthank you very much for helping18:59
xubuntuwell, time to hit the sack18:59
xubuntuHi guys21:28

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