
IrcsomeBot<Nero2070> I thought I'm running Wayland? (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Nero2070: you'll need to use the Wayland session to run Waydroid, you can install it with `sudo apt install plasma-workspace-wayland`.)03:57
arraybolt3Nero2070: Kubuntu uses X by default. The Wayland session has to be installed and logged into explcitly. It's nice in my experience, but notas stable or feature-complete as the X session.04:03
=== paul is now known as Guest4393
MennoHi all! Ever since upgrade to 24.04 my shell in Konsole, xterm and on VT has colours that I do not like. Have been looking at ~.bashrc, but that has :13:13
Menno# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned13:13
Menno# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window13:13
Menno# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt13:13
MennoAny idea how I can revert back to boring old monochrome?13:14
user|43I just installed the latest version. 24.04. I am trying to connect to my bluetooth speaker, but I don't know how to find my speaker... It's showing a bunch of devices like 73-EA-CO-FD... etc... is there a way to find i t easier?13:17
user|43(good morning btw, and thank you for helping)13:17
MennoIf you have it connected to your phone, see if 'ts MAC address is listed there. Then look for that address.13:18
user|43THanks:D  that worked. I should have thought of that.13:25
MennoNo worries.13:25
BluesKajHi all14:32
IrcsomeBot<Nero2070> So kubuntu is not on Wayland yet?15:22
nuxilthank good16:17
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Hi, why is Kubuntu 24.04 using swap when I didn't create a partition for it. How do I disable it?22:11
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Looks like disabling it in fstab did the trick22:19
nuxilksenchy cat /proc/swap to get dev swapoff -a  or swapoff dev .. and remove it from /etc/fstab22:19
nuxil*"swapoff -a" ...22:20
LittleBillyBiscu"arecord -l" gives me the following info---> card 1: C200 [Anker PowerConf C200], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]23:58
LittleBillyBiscuhow do I set this card as default input device?23:58
LittleBillyBiscuI am trying to use "ffmpeg -f alsa -i default" and want "default" to route to the correct card23:59

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