
utkarsh2102sorry, I don't have a scrollback, do we have quorum?16:02
rbasakWe need one more I think. And a candidate.16:03
utkarsh2102mitchdz: hey!16:03
utkarsh2102are you around?16:03
* utkarsh2102 no likey no-shows16:04
utkarsh2102could have done Sudip today16:05
rbasakIt's a public holiday here today, so I'll wait until ten minutes past and then go.16:05
utkarsh2102Sudip doesn't seem to be around either.16:05
kanashiroalso for USA people16:05
kanashiroI do not think we will have quorum16:05
utkarsh2102kanashiro: technically, we do ;)16:06
rbasakI think quite a few people are off today? From my calendar it looks that way anyway.16:06
utkarsh2102rbasak: hey! https://launchpad.net/~developer-membership-board/+members -> when do we plan to hold elections, in no time the seats will expire.16:06
kanashirodo we have quorum with 3 people out of 7?16:07
utkarsh2102do we _plan_ to hold elections, though?16:07
utkarsh2102kanashiro: "technically" there's only 4 members in the board atm, hehe. 3/4 are here, so technically we have quorum, hehe.16:07
kanashiroam I a member? :P16:08
kanashiroI shouldn't b here haha16:08
utkarsh2102yeah, go away, kanashiro, tch tch16:09
* kanashiro runs away16:09
utkarsh2102alright, I'll email Mitch about the no-show & will ask him to reschedule to a month from now16:09
utkarsh2102anyway, I'll go as well.16:10
utkarsh2102rbasak: let us know your election plans, please. :)16:10
utkarsh2102okeydoke, see you both in the next meeting, have fuuuuun!16:11
utkarsh2102kanashiro: have a drink on my behalf in Ibiza, please16:11
utkarsh2102if you're still there :)16:11
kanashiroutkarsh2102 I am back home now :(16:12
utkarsh2102oh no16:12
utkarsh2102okay, let's chat soon16:12
rbasakutkarsh2102: sorry I was ill last week. If all's well then I hope to kick off the election process this week.16:12
utkarsh2102thank you v much16:12
rbasak(it got delayed due to the Noble release rush, etc)16:12
utkarsh2102let me know if you need help16:12
rbasakack thanks16:12
utkarsh2102see y'all!16:13
kanashiroutkarsh2102 we can grab a drink during debcamp/debconf :)16:13
utkarsh2102YES! <316:13
kanashirocya o/16:13
* utkarsh2102 waves and hugs kanashiro and rbasak16:13
utkarsh2102bye bye16:13
mitchdzHi everyone, sorry about the no-show. I calculated the wrong time from Ubuntu Fridge :(17:37
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