[01:36] ubuntuonair link needs a minor tweak i think [01:37] I'll also suggest dropping the quote of 24 May 2024 summary one character earlier (ie. drop final ":") [01:40] first item listed in security updates?? date is 16-May-2024 & its also in UWN 840... I suggest dropping first item [01:42] guiverc: working ^ :D [01:43] looks good, that's all I noted (of note.. i stuck at one I didn't mention for some time.. but then moved on) [01:43] looks good [01:48] Saved and out. [01:51] we have more than one ubuntu on air sorry Bashing-om .. (I didn't have more than one on my screen at a time thus didn't note it).. I'm still seeing or <> around link here on screen for 24 May 2024.. [01:54] guiverc: looking. [01:55] we don't <> around link, missing `/` at end?? make a difference? [01:55] we have other URLs though that don't end in `/` so not likely that [02:05] guiverc: <>'s are noy a bother to me ... ending "/" .. so long as the link completes _ I am not stresssed - Youtune links tested and work here. [02:06] yeah it works here too... comment only cause I see "<" before link & ">" afterwards [02:07] (none on first 21may, but there on second 24may) [02:08] guiverc: Best I recall - if the Youtube link is not in brackets then we get a GUI linkage block. [02:08] * guiverc looking for reason on older text file copy of file on discourse.. & not seeing it currently either [02:09] at least on my copy, we have a double-space before 2024 on second [02:09] (heading or "### Ubuntu OnAir: Documentation Office Hours 24th May 2024 ###" but my copy could be outdated) [02:10] guiverc: I can easily miss a double space - checking. [02:11] may have already been corrected... existing only on my older copy of current issue (local copy; will be outdated) [02:12] i'm going to edit (for explore purposes).. [02:14] out .. edit away :D [02:15] double space removed & there is no https:// thus <> isn't hidden.. found it [02:16] guiverc: eagle eyes :D [02:16] saved & out... [02:17] didn't obviously impact our browsers (thus we opened link & didn't see issue).. but impacted discourse parsing... [02:19] aye - that voice of experience :) [02:20] * guiverc smiles, or just blind luck :) (maybe some persistence helps) [06:00] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Faizul "Piju" 9M2PJU: Ubuntu Malaysia Release Party: Celebrating Ubuntu 24.04 LTS @ https://hamradio.my/2024/05/ubuntu-malaysia-release-party-celebrating-ubuntu-24-04-lts/ [06:30] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Alan Pope: The Joy of Code @ https://popey.com/blog/2024/04/the-joy-of-code/ [20:46] UWN: Pulling WIP/Comments/WIKI a bit of cleranup too - add news tag. Will start the push soonest. [21:18] UWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next. [21:28] UWN: Forums posting completed - making up a Mastodon blog next. [21:47] UWN: Mastdon blogged - next up is to start the 842 issue. [22:30] UWN: Issue842 off and running :D [22:31] * guiverc noted... i'm barely starting on 841 my end... :) [22:35] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/05/27/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-841/ [22:36] guiverc: I too had a slow start to UWN'n - almost caughgt up now - almost :P [22:40] tweeted 841, posted telegram, (mewe) [22:51] uwn 841 posted to fb (comments cleared from fridge; spam wiped too) [22:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 841 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/05/27/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-841/ [23:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Day Progress GNOME Shell Extension @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/day-progress-time-tracking-gnome-extension