
amurraymcphail: fyi I'm expecting this to be resolved in more like 7 days than a couple of weeks - so will keep pushing on things internally and let you know asap - again, apologies for all the delays on this 00:07
amurrayblahdeblah: yeah that is a great idea - it would be really interesting to do the analysis to (hopefully) show that since we rebase our kernels on the various stable trees etc that we do not suffer from this00:12
blahdeblahamurray: Yeah, my feeling after reading it was similar, and I did question their methodology a bit, but not being an expert in the area I couldn't be definitive.00:13
amurrayor perhaps it would be enough just to compare open CVEs in our kernels vs RHEL (but in general I don't think anything good ever comes of doing direct comparisons with our peers, particularly if we do it and then try and say  - "look how much more secure we are") - instead would just be good to show an analysis that reassures users that Ubuntu *is* secure since we do incorporate all the patches and leave out the comparison bit00:15
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
blahdeblahamurray: +107:58
mcphailamurray: thanks again08:17
ahasenackgeorgiag: hi, I just had a bug filed about something I wasn't expecting in apparmor rules,19:30
ahasenackgeorgiag: impact of usr-merge in apparmor profiles, when ugprading from pre-usr-merge distros19:30
ahasenackcase in point was bionic -> focal upgrade19:30
ahasenackin fresh bionic: /bin/uname19:30
ahasenackin fresh focal: /usr/bin/uname19:30
ahasenackin focal upgraded from bionic: /bin/uname19:31
ahasenack(uname is just an example: anything in /bin/ in bionic, if present in an apparmor rule that does not use /{,usr/}, will fail in the upgraded system19:31
ahasenackI had a nice "%if bionic" in the apparmor template, and was accounting for these differences where needed, but always assuming the "fresh" installation case19:32
ahasenackthis upgrade-from-bionic got me19:32
ahasenackdo you remember similar bugs back in 2020 (focal's release), from people upgrading from bionic to focal? Just trying to get some an idea if there is a pattern to addressing this19:33
georgiagahasenack: I will have to dig a little bit to find out if there are/were other cases.19:34
ahasenackno need, if you don't remember, then they were likely not important or relevant19:34
georgiagI had this issue in one of the apparmor tests actually19:35
ahasenackor common19:35
georgiagI joined in 2021 so there might be some cases I haven't looked at yet :)19:36
ahasenackhah :)19:36
sdezielin custom made profile, this usr-merge difference on dist-upgraded machines also bit me, annoying ;)19:42
ahasenackI'm going over every bin invocation19:42
ahasenackso far it's ps and uname19:42
ahasenackah, and systemctl19:42
ahasenackthese live in /bin in bionic19:43

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