
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== ch0ps3y is now known as Guest6477
kinghatwhen i installed my server i also setup the wifi and it made the config in: /etc/netplan/00-installer-config-wifi.yaml. is there a way to make it forget the wifi its connected to but not disable the interface so i can use it for something else, like pass into a container?15:26
patdk-laphow are those two options different?15:31
patdk-lapif you pass it to a container matters not if it is disabled or not15:32
patdk-lapbut normally containers have no rights over modifing the network stack, so you would need it configured before hand15:32
patdk-lapif you give the container permissions to do so though, it doesn't matter15:32
kinghatoh ok. i figured disabling the interface would be it unusable to containers.15:35
kinghatis there a proper way to disable it?15:35
patdk-lapnot sure how to disable it back to boot time state with netplan15:41
patdk-lapif you remove it from the config, it will just leave it alone15:41
kinghatlooks like there is a tlp package which lets you do "wifi on/off".15:41
patdk-lapbut I'm not really understand what the goal is you want15:41
kinghati want it to disconnect or forget my wifi credentials because im trying to use the wifi in a container which needs to make an ap to jailbreak an iot device. i wasnt able to get it working(the jailbreak) and some have said the interface needs to be disconnected from wifi first.15:43
kinghatno idea if it makes an actual difference but wanted to test to make sure before i move on to other options.15:43
kinghatalso, i wasnt using the wifi interface as its using the eth interface.15:44
kinghatjust used `ip link set dev wlp2s0 down` for now16:13

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