
dragondoes anyone know how to check the filesum for the latest distro?00:03
dragonI have dowloaded, but struggle to get the directory corret in terminal00:03
bpromptdragon: the filesum?00:05
dragonsorry, checksum00:05
dragonthere are several tutorials online, but I strugge to made the suggestios work00:07
bpromptdragon: do this work -> https://phoenixnap.com/kb/md5sum-linux ?00:11
bpromptdragon: if you have the hash file, is just a matter of -> md5sum -c HASHFILE00:12
dragonI get no such file or directory00:14
leftyfbdragon: which iso did you download?00:14
dragonhashfile is the name of the iso?00:14
dragonlubuntu 24.0400:15
dragonubuntu too00:15
dragonI am too tired, I have to continue tomorrow00:16
dragon...here in nerdopolis00:16
dragoncity of nerds, hmm00:17
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test925anyone know how upgrades from 23.10 to 24.04 have been going? I guess #ubuntu is more likely to hear about failure than success, so maybe it's a useless question.04:07
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adacGuys I"m on jammy and suddenly my slack stopped working and it seems to be this issue: . https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/issue-starting-slack-snap-cannot-update-snap-namespace/39916 Also my chromium got problems, this I could temporarly resolve with this approach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/206187607:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2061876 in Ubuntu "snap-update-ns failed with code 1 when user home has a trailing /" [Undecided, Confirmed]07:22
adacI tried to apt dist-upgrade but that did"t resolve the issue07:25
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nteodosioadac, what is 'snap info snapd | grep refresh-date'?07:47
adac@nteodosio https://codepad.site/edit/aj9gru4008:35
adacgrep didn"t work was empty08:35
nteodosioOutput seems to be cropped, try 'snap info snapd | nc termbin.com 9999'.08:38
nteodosioadac, the idea is to check whether Snapd was recently updated, and if that matches your percpetion of "suddenly", open a bug against Snapd.08:39
adacnteodosio, https://termbin.com/hw9e08:42
nteodosioadac, hmm that is so weird, it looks like you don't even have snapd installed. I guess it is not listed in 'snap list', right? What if you do 'snap install snapd'?08:44
adacnteodosio, it seems that snapd is installed via apt imo08:54
adacii  snapd                                         2.62+22.04                                  amd64        Daemon and tooling that enable snap packages08:54
nteodosioadac, I'd have thought Snapd were a snap and the snapd deb was only a for setting it up, but I can see it's a "real" package... So idk.09:11
adaccould be yes. But how strange is that that snapd is not even installed09:12
adaci mean now it sems to be installed after executing you command09:12
adacslack is again working09:13
ogra_the snapd deb needs to give you a fully working snap system so "snap install " works09:28
ogra_but it indeed has some limitations09:28
adacanyway. Thanks for the help nteodosio!09:28
nteodosioYou're welcome!09:33
dontyouloveshor-how do i install firefox from a ppa and not from the original ubuntu sources?09:44
dontyouloveshor-i added the ppa, but obviously apt get install looks for the ubuntu lunar sources first09:45
tarzeaudontyouloveshor-: i have these notes: https://github.com/alexmyczko/autoexec.bat/blob/master/config.sys/ubuntu-remove-snap-firefox09:53
tarzeaudontyouloveshor-: don't use ppa anymore, they have their own repository now09:54
khazakarIf you want to replace firefox snap, then I can recommend offical mozilla repository at least09:55
dontyouloveshor-thx will try ina few miutes09:57
ogra_dontyouloveshor-, note that we do not support the deb versions here, you'll need to ask mozilla if you run into any probs with their package10:09
dontyouloveshor-thats fine10:10
ogra_right, just pointing it out ... (the snap gets a ton of testing by our desktop team against all possible targets and release, the debs do not get any of that)10:11
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xvxIs there a setting to expose an app's windows from all workspaces? When clicking an app icon in the dock, it shows the windows only open from one workspace (so to find a particular window, got to manually go through each workspace - even workspaces where the app isn't even in!)11:01
lotuspsychjexvx: see dconf-editor for all sorts of tweaks on your system11:04
neoliI need help about dpkg-reconfigure, do I need to append something to reconfigure all packages?11:05
lotuspsychjexvx: i think there's a setting for click behaviour on dock items11:05
xvxlotuspsychje: the Ubuntu Dock settings shows an options for "click action", which is set to "focus or app spread", but I don't see a way to adjust what "app spread" shows11:07
lotuspsychjeyeah dont think you can adjust those click actions11:07
lotuspsychjexvx: whats your endgoal exactly? what do you want be able to do?11:08
xvxIdeally like for Mac, where it exposes all windows of an app when I click on the icon (regardless of what workspace they're in). If not possible, at least don't show blank workspaces that the app isn't open while I swipe through workspaces11:11
lotuspsychjexvx: there's a handy workspace indicator if you like, you can click your workspaces easy, and see your apps on it11:12
lotuspsychjexvx: something like in the right upper corner; https://i.sstatic.net/HoDg0.jpg11:13
xvxI have that already lol, doesn't indicate which app the windows are though. And besides, this is better UX https://techwiser.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Macbook-App-Switcher-toggle-window.jpg11:18
lotuspsychjeisnt that just what the activities button does?11:19
ogra_neoli, i think you nowadays want "dpkg --configure -a" instead of dpkg-reconfigure (which dropped its --all option in 2016)11:20
ogra_else you'd have to script a loop to iterate over all packages, then you can use dpkg-reconfigure ...11:20
xvxlotuspsychje: That's shows all windows in the current workspace. I want to view windows for one app from all workspaces11:21
xvx(without having to manually swipe through each workspace)11:22
lotuspsychjexvx: activities show all apps from all workspaces11:22
lotuspsychjexvx: you got several windows of the same app you spread around different workspaces?11:23
xvxnot for me (I'm on Ubuntu 24.04 in case that's different)11:23
ogra_there is most likely a gnome extension for this ...11:24
lotuspsychjexvx: check gnome settings/multitasking to enable activites left upper corner11:24
lotuspsychjethere are tons of gnome extensions on the ubuntu repos too11:25
xvxmy activities button in Ubuntu 24.04 is a series of dots (indicating each workspace)11:28
ogra_the activities button is in the top left of the screen (in the small top panel)11:29
ogra_not the one bottom left ...11:29
lotuspsychjexvx you can change its behaviour in gnome settings11:30
xvxhave you seen Ubuntu 24.04 ogra_?11:31
ogra_nope ... but i wouldnt expect such an essential gnome feature to vanish11:31
xvxI think just the graphic of it changed, not vanished11:32
xvxbut its functionality is ok, it's just the "app spread" when searching for an app's window I wanted to adjust11:33
ogra_aha ... so it is the old activities button by default *until* you add more than one workspace, then it turns into a row of dots ...11:39
ogra_how "intuitive" 😛11:39
babulalotuspsychje: found a site to download spotify podcasts/episodes! very good. problem solved hmm!12:04
babulai can paste it if it's not against the rules!!12:08
neoliparole media player wont play any sound (vlc does). what package do I need?12:25
genericumwhere do I find partition information in a *.vmdk file ?12:46
neoliis it true that apt is being deprecated in favor of snap?13:19
leftyfbneoli: no13:20
neoliso the best approach to install something is simply to select the highr version number one, right?13:21
leftyfbanything from the ubuntu repo's, yes. Though what are you using to determine version numbers?13:22
neolicli and the application's name13:22
leftyfbwhich cli?13:23
neoliterminal? I dont know how its called13:26
leftyfbneoli: what command are you running?13:26
leftyfbneoli: what command are you running to detemrine version numbers of packages?13:29
neoliopenttd, I opened a terminal and wrote that, I got a snap candidate and an apt candidate13:30
leftyfbneoli: you opened a terminal and wrote "openttd" and it showed you a snap candidate and an apt candidate?13:31
leftyfbneoli: openttd is a "reimplementation of the Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe". It will not tell you anything about package versions of snap nor apt13:32
neolinot on my end13:38
leftyfbno kidding13:38
ogra_leftyfb, command-not-found will offer you snaps and debs13:46
leftyfbogra_: I was trying to determine what they were using to find packages and versions. If they used apt or snap, neither will tell you(clearly) package versions of the other13:47
ogra_leftyfb, right. they obviously used command-not-found in this case 😉13:48
ogra_(try it)13:48
leftyfbogra_: command_not_found only finds installed binaries. Nothing to do with package names or versions13:48
leftyfbI prefer type -a13:48
ogra_type in "openttd" and hit enter13:49
leftyfboh, interesting13:49
ogra_it gives you the versions of the available packages13:49
ogra_and the install command needed13:49
leftyfbI would NOT recommend that being the way people determine packages and version numbers13:49
leftyfbit assumes a lot13:50
leftyfbuseful if you get the binary name right, it matches what's in c-n-f's database and the package isn't installed13:50
ogra_well, it just scrpes databases13:50
ogra_the snap doesnt seem well maintained though ... while there seem to be auto-builds of newer versions (13.x), the last release to the stable channel was 2y ago13:52
ogra_(yet it is still a minor revision newer than the deb)13:52
meustationhaving been gifted a second laptop, I now have two machines running the 22.04.4 LTS. strange funny thing is that with my usb b&w printer, one manages to get the job done, while the other acts like everything went fine, but the printer remains still as if nobody asked it to do anything. machine that prints being an Asus, while the one that does not was made by Lenovo. no idea why such a thing would happen.14:07
BluesKajHi all14:32
neoliwhere do I change how fast the cursor moves after pressing left or right?14:51
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easymeIs there any problem if I do not use sudo? Any problem if I use root password instead?17:03
kk1234!root | easyme17:09
ubottueasyme: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:09
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chonkinI have  a machine with 22.04-1 ,   kern 6.5.0-35-generic .  Stlil freezing during boot.    Here is the journalctl   up to when I pressed the power key19:49
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neolican tlp be configured to charge a battery up to 50% and use the power cord afterwards, not charging the battery?20:00
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neoliif tlp-stap -b returns20:36
neolisys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_start_threshold = (not available)20:37
neolisys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold   = (not available)20:37
neoliit means I cannot set charging thresholds, right?20:37
oerhekstlp-stap needs sudo, AFAIK21:03
neoliit was with sudo21:03
oerheksyes, then it is not available i guess https://linrunner.de/tlp/#commands21:04
oerheks"you have to enter them into the configuration file, for example /etc/tlp.conf:"21:05
oerheksthen  tlp-stat -b shows them21:06
oerheksand then hardware specific stuff21:06
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neolioerheks: im very confused, does tlp only work with lenovo computers?21:15
chonkinAlright I'm on a work computer with  Ubuntu.  It has been freezing on boot. Problem unresolved since Friday of last week.   Dell XPS Desktop tower.  Core i9.  32 GB RAM.    Nvidia RTX 3090.    Ubuntu 22.04-1   kern 6.5.0-35-generic.  KDE Plasma 5.15 (?).     I have boot logs and journalctrl logs.21:16
chonkinI'm in support with a perosn outside IRC.   What we have discovered so far is this machine is not technically "frozen".  The cursor is blinking meaning it  waiting for something to happen.21:17
LuckyManchonkin, check out your nvidia drivers21:22
LuckyManpress CTRL+ALT+F1 or F2, login and check the drivers21:23
chonkinOkay so if I try CTRL+ALT+F4  or such the cursor will freeze.21:23
chonkin(at this exact moment, we are letting the process sit for like 40 minutes. because the boot seems to be doing something prior to a power button press and we wnt ot log that)21:24
neolithanks oerheks21:24
devslashIs the upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04 stable yet ?21:24
LuckyMandevslash, nope21:24
discordian93I changed my cursor theme in gnome-tweaks and now I can't log in, the desktop crashes immediately upon log-in21:27
discordian93is there a way to change it back from the terminal, or logged in as another user?21:28
aldcorhey hackers! PS4 controller is working with a wire perfectly but I want it to work wirelessly too. Shouldn't it be visible in Bluetooth devices when holding ps4 button ?21:29
neolioerheks: do you know if tlp is developed by a german? iirc I saw a gmx.de address, dont recall where21:40
chonkinhere is a full 24-minute long boot of this machine  https://bpa.st/ACSQ21:50
chonkin* LuckyMan has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:05
chonkinwonderful.  anyone else want to try this?   I have enabled networking and pings are good.22:05
chonkinAlright I'm on a work computer with  Ubuntu.  It has been freezing on boot. Problem unresolved since Friday of last week.   Dell XPS Desktop tower.  Core i9.  32 GB RAM.    Nvidia RTX 3090.    Ubuntu 22.04-1   kern 6.5.0-35-generic.  KDE Plasma 5.15 (?).     I have boot logs and journalctrl logs.   I have full network up on a command line.    Here is a 24-minute long  journalctl boot log.    https://bpa.st/ACSQ22:08
chonkin(technically machine is not frozen. It is blinking a cursor and waiting on something)22:09
cbreakchonkin: don't know if that helps you, but I read that adding "nosplash" to the kernel commandline helps.22:46
chonkincbreak lets see22:47
cbreakI've also read people suspect there's an nvidia driver problem with these symptoms22:49
cbreakI had something similar when upgrading to 24.04, but it showed itself as not showing any boot output at all (even though I normally boot with verbose=4)22:50
cbreakchonkin: ah, have you tried to switch to an other TTY with ctrl-alt-f4 or something?22:57
chonkinctrl-alt-f4  turns a blinking cursor into a frozen cursor22:58
chonkinnosplash mod is working as intened.  The machine is currently blinking after the  following lines22:59
cbreakunsatisfactory :(... it's supposed to switch to a tty with text login23:00
chonkin[ OK ] Started CPUS Scheduler.23:00
chonkin[ OK ] Started Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon.23:00
cbreakyou should see a whole lot of output from systemd23:00
chonkinbluh...  *CPUS-->CUPS23:00
cbreakand ideally, then your display manager23:00
chonkin(this is scpeculation on my part but)   This computer was working perfectl until a compile of a weird hw model  reported that   "Vivado has run out of memory".  What I did next was close Vivado, close matlab, close similunk and close geany as programs.     However, instead of rebooting the computer like a sane person, I rebooted using a qdbus command.  After that I have never been able to get back in.23:02
LittleBillyBiscuHow can I set the default alsa capture device? I know how to set default output in alsa.conf, but can't figure out how to specify default input. I am trying to use "ffmpeg -f alsa -i default" and want it to route to the correct card23:06
LittleBillyBiscu"arecord -l" gives me the following info for the card I want to use ---> card 1: C200 [Anker PowerConf C200], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]23:07
LittleBillyBiscu... but I can't figure out what to do to set this as default alsa input23:07
cbreakchonkin: you can log in via ssh, right?23:10
chonkincbreak  this has been blinking a cursor stuck at this stage for 15 min or more  https://i.imgur.com/LMRLHoL.jpeg23:12
chonkinDid You want me to ssh into the broken machine from a working machine, or the other way around?23:15
Guest5TonyStone: hello23:23
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cbreakchonkin: into the broken one, to poke around attempting to see what's wrong.23:28
chonkincbreak I assume what you mean is that I first boot it normally, then let it get to the place where it pauses. Then ssh into it.  yes?23:31
chonkinokay update.   I have performed  apt update and apt upgrade on the machine.    Now the boot progresses to these lines ,23:32
chonkin[ OK ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally.23:33
chonkinStarting Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures...23:33
chonkin[ OK ] Started crash report submission.23:33
chonkin[ OK ] Started Tool to automatically collect and submit kernel crash signatures.23:34
chonkin_  blinking cursor and no progress past this.23:34
LittleBillyBiscu"arecord -l" gives me the following info---> card 1: C200 [Anker PowerConf C200], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]23:37
LittleBillyBiscuhow do I set this as default alsa capture device23:37
chonkinbreak ,  update.  broken machine is not responding to pings.   I can still nose around locally with recovery mode23:37
chonkincbreak update   here is the current state of the machine after booting normally.  It has been sitting like this with a blinking cursor for over 20 min   https://i.imgur.com/5CywRIs.jpeg23:56

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