
blackboxswcommunity notice: today was the estimated cutoff for the quarterly upstream release of cloud-init version 24.2. The cutoff date we would like for features or bugfixes to make it into this release will be Friday May 31st. We have created a 24.2 milestone in github to represent Pull requests and issues we would like to resolve before cutting our upstream release. If you have a PR or issue that needs review. Please let us know.03:06
aniI am seeing this issue when I run `tox -e mypy` https://pastebin.com/uXtQnjsZ any ideas how to get past it?06:21
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acibaani: does this help? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8B2fkYqF8Y/06:32
aniaciba you are amazing! It does indeed solve it. Can you patch the upstream please? That way I do not have to maintain it downstream06:39
aniI am also getting this error in the end after running tox https://pastebin.com/GU2gDk3L06:39
acibaani: I can porpose an upstream PR to fix the jinja2 one. about the pylint one, that one looks more strange. Not sure I can reproduce it06:46
acibabut beaware the the dependencies for linters in tox.ini are pinned targeting the python version in Ubuntu focal which is py3.8. And you are running python3.1206:48
acibathat's probably what's breaking you06:49
ani3.12.2 yes. Thats what comes in fedora 4006:49
acibaani: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/533706:54
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 5337 in canonical/cloud-init "ci(mypy): add type-jinja2 stubs" [Open]06:54
acibaani: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/533706:55

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