
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|13firefox changes language if i restore my settings to profile folder :S06:06
user|13this hasn't happened before06:06
user|13specifically copying user.js to profile folder messes it up.06:07
user|13resetting profile helps but why that setting file does what it does...06:13
user|13btw i'm using mozilla's repo version :P06:15
user|13but it worked fine yesterday06:15
Guest75i was asking help for firefox language issue07:44
Guest75application menu has different language than preferences etc.07:44
Guest75ugh. frustrating to even explain.07:45
Guest75and everything happened suddenly.07:45
Guest75downfall of empire.07:45
=== mora is now known as darth_tux\
=== darth_tux\ is now known as darth_tux
=== diogeness_ is now known as diogeness
nuxilIs Copy & Paste buggy on kde ?14:05
nuxilexample.. if i open dolphin and press Ctrl + C on the path.. and press Ctrl + V in konsole. it doesnt paste the path..14:06
nuxilhowever. if i open kate and press Ctrl+V it pastes the path.14:06
nuxilif i go back to the konsole and use the mouse and press paste. it pastes the path.14:07
nuxilwhy cant i ctrl-v /c in the konsole ?14:09
=== andreas is now known as Guest7283
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Use control shift c/control shift v in terminals14:26
nuxilalright..that worked. why the change of behavior just cos youre in the konsole app.. ?14:29
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> If you have an application running in terminal, you might want to map Ctrl + something to a command. Let's say you ssh to a server or something14:34
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Shift is used to tell the terminal application that the command happens in the terminal application and not in the application terminal is running.14:35
nuxilhmm. i see. but is konsole really a terminal? isnt it just emulating a terminal.14:37
nuxilanywho. thank for your help.14:38
=== gerges is now known as Gerges
user|87I am on kubuntu 24.04 and discover just stopped working. When I click on it it thinks for a minute and then goes away.22:52
user|87what is the start up term for terminal so I can see if there are any errors?22:53
KarenTheDorfuser | 87: Looks like the default .desktop file just runs `plasma-discover`23:05
KarenTheDorfIf you give it a list of files `a b.doc c.txt` it runs `plasma-discover a b.doc c.txt`23:06

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