
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
schopinsudip: re the version number thing, IMHO consistency is well worth the extra keystrokes ;)07:34
sudipschopin: I slept on it and now I can think of another reason why suggested version numbers in the wiki are safe and mine are unsafe, can potentially cause problem. maybe not in this package, but there can be other packages where this can lead to a future problem07:45
sudipwaveform: I will update the debdiff07:45
adriena short status about openssl 3.2: I'm working on it; I was off for a few days and before that I hit a snag due to the way packages had been uploaded to unstable10:44
adriensince I can't merge through git, I'm going in depth through the current delta and it's taking a bit more time but it's probably worth it10:45
schopinadrien: are you saying that the DDs maintaining openssl somehow broke git-ubuntu?11:13
adrieng-u hasn't been broken: all the versions are imported correctly, but the branch tips have sometimes been force-pushed11:24
adrienand the result is some disjointment which makes merging/rebasing meaningless (we "went" on one branch with 3.0.x during noble while unstable went on another branch)11:26
rbasakschopin: the issue is that packaging development for openssl in Debian was apparently non-linear. git-ubuntu created a commit graph according to what debian/changelog said each upload was based on, but that results in some confusion since it means the progression of debian/sid (for example) is non-linear and therefore was "force pushed" along the way.12:03
adriengit-ubuntu did the right things and did that very well, even extracting actual meaning out of the various uploads that all happened in unstable12:20
adrienand overall it's not a big issue; the main aspect were the surprises and needing time to realize that it wasn't a situation I could really use "git" as usual (well, without making weird things)12:21
EickmeyerAny chance I can get a core-dev to look at bug 2067338 and sponsor? It's a nasty MIDI bug in PipeWire only present in noble with an easy fix, debidff all ready to go.14:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2067338 in pipewire (Ubuntu Noble) "Long SysEx messages are skipped by Midi-Bridge" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206733814:15
rbasakCould someone moderate u-d-a@ for me please. Who can still do this? bdmurray maybe?16:27
Eickmeyerrbasak: It probably wouldn't be a horrible idea to post in Discourse under Community as well (thinking that's the only appropriate category since it's an election).16:45
rbasakEickmeyer: good idea - thanks!18:11
Eickmeyerrbasak: yw18:11
arraybolt3not going to be applying for that this year - maybe once I get Core Dev (if that ever happens).18:20
Eickmeyerrbasak: I can't move it to announcements, but I know others who can. Rejected your flag because it requires either a delete or other disciplinary action, for lack of a better term. XD19:05
rbasakEickmeyer: OK thank you for looking. I tried to post it directly in Announcements but it didn't let me.19:05
EickmeyerRight, requires admin or higher. I posted in the Staff category requesting someone with a better pay grade than me move it.19:06
arraybolt3lol @ disciplinary action XD19:06
* rbasak is looking forward to being "disciplined" :-P19:08
rbasakseb128 and athos: scroll up for Eickmeyer's sponsorship escalation request please - bug 2067338 - asking you both because you're scheduled to patch pilot tomorrow? Thanks!19:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2067338 in pipewire (Ubuntu Noble) "Long SysEx messages are skipped by Midi-Bridge" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206733819:08
Eickmeyerrbasak: Aaron Prisk has moved it to announcements and pinned it.19:17
rbasakThanks to both!19:18
Eickmeyerrbasak: You're quite welcome. Glad to help out!19:19
seb128Eickmeyer, rbasak, I can handle that one tomorrow morning if nobody else does it before19:20
Eickmeyerseb128: Thanks!19:33
athosthanks, seb128! rbasak, thanks for the heads-up! I will not be around tomorrow. I forgot to update the schedule. I will push my shift to next week :)20:07

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