
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
halloy5845anyone here working as ubuntu security engineer? 12:03
halloy5845trippeh: hi12:07
ebarrettohalloy5845, how can we help?12:08
AsifHi, I opened bug 2066363 last week. Any chance someone can take a quick look >15:03
leosilvahi Asif, can i make the bug public, so the desktop team can see it?15:24
Asifyeah, go ahead. Nothing secret on there right now15:27
AsifJust saw your comment, its not on the gnome login window. credentials are shown on a console screen before you while the system switches back to the login screen15:28
mdeslaurAsif: those are the credentials you typed into gdm though, right?15:40
Asifyes, the last credentials typed into gdm are what is on the screen15:41
AsifWe are using AD authentication with sssd 15:42

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